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Meeting Notes March 5, 2024

Ka Hung Lee edited this page Mar 6, 2024 · 6 revisions

PASS Developers Meeting

Meeting Date

  • 2024-03-05


  • Ka Hung


  • Andy
  • Dion
  • Faddah
  • Flo
  • Ian
  • Jared
  • Ka Hung
  • Tim


  • Getting Started With PASS Demo - Tim
  • Editing the Wiki Demo - Tim
  • PR Requirements Document - Tim
  • Project Roadmap - Tim
  • Add any other topics you'd like to cover - add your name to the topic you're leading




  • Going through the agenda for the PASS development workflow
  • Starting with the new workflow with the new workflow with CSS v7 ( and Inrupt Solid Client JS library v2 (
  • Discussion on Issue/PR workflow
    • Faddah: Issue-focused, get things ironed out on the branch before pushing out a PR, PR should be close to finalized
    • existing workflow: PR-focused, get ideas and issues out there and have the branch reflected in a PR as soon as possible for tracking changes and updates)
  • PR standards: the overall idea is to "Not Harm the Code" (
    • Faddah: Could expand wiki with regards to project standards and unit tests
    • Ian: Smaller PRs are easier to manage and maintain
    • Ian: How to discuss relevant topics to a PR that's not the main focus?
      • Ka Hung: If the topic gets too deep, we could diverge the topic from the PR
    • Jared: How to resolve comments in PRs (use as a guide to resolve things that need to be addressed in the codebase)
    • Faddah: How to assign issues/PRs
      • Tim: Self-assigning would do for our purposes
  • PASS Roadmap 2024 (
    • Part 1: Things that could be finished in the near feature
      • Update document sharing
      • Manage how we utilize user's webId and podUrls without exposing users too much
      • Notifications for when certain actions are done, e.g. when a document is shared
    • Part 2: Things that could be done within the year
      • Revamp inbox/outbox system into a live chat like text message chain (related to notification system mentioned in Part 1)
      • Include tracking feature
      • Allow users to share contact lists like they do with documents
      • Expand Civic profile to include most common fields from HMIS Data Ontology
    • Stretch goals
      • PDF generation
  • Project Direction
    • Given the situation with the Solid specification, we can use Community Solid Server as a basis for our features
      • Ka Hung: If it can build on CSS, think we can ship the feature
    • De-emphasize the focus on case-workers, simply make an app that anyone can use for storing/sharing documents
    • Faddah: location tracking could be a touchy topic especially with the homeless community
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