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The unofficial Ruby wrapper library for the Kit digital social API.


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KickIt is the unofficial Ruby wrapper for the Kitdigital social API. This API gives access to their ‘white-label social media publishing system’ which provides a hosted platform for implementing socials features for your site. Think something like DISQUS but with a more robust feature set and a full backend API.


This library is currently geared toward facilitating administrative functions; things like creating new badges, data mining, and managing user accounts. However, this library also attempts to provide a sensible API for users to integrate it into their own applications.

The Kit social API consists of multiple API formats such as RSS, REST, and SOAP. The KickIt library provides a way to access all of these (though the SOAP integration is a work in progress at this time). Each kind of API call that can be made is embodied by a specific ApiMethod within the code. Although not all of the Kit social API methods are accounted for, they can be easily added.

Rake Tasks

Each of the implemented API methods can have a corresponding Rake task you can execute. To see a complete list, simply do:

$ rake -T
rake kickit:add_action[name]                                     # Adds a new badge action to the system
rake kickit:add_badge[url,verbosename,name,location]             # Add a badge
rake kickit:add_external_media[pathToMedia,name]                 # add external media url
rake kickit:add_or_remove_favorite[url,mediaType,operation]      # adds or removes a media as a favorite
rake kickit:add_or_remove_friend[friendId,operation]             # Add or remove friend.
rake kickit:add_points[addToOffset,userId]                       # Add to memeber offset
rake kickit:add_tag[url,tags,mediaType,mediaId]                  # Add tags to media, members, and gr...
rake kickit:add_user_action[actionId,quantity,user_id,location]  # Add user actions to aid in the awa...
rake kickit:approve_media[mediaType,mediaId]                     # approve member media
rake kickit:create_token[username,idType,developerKey]           # Obtains a token used when calling ...
rake kickit:delete_media[url,mediaType,mediaId]                  # delete a media
rake kickit:edit_badge[badgeId,published,name]                   # Edit a badge from the available se...
rake kickit:favorite_media[mediaType,userid]                     # retrieves user's favorite media
rake kickit:favorite_media_check[url,mediaType,mediaId]          # check if a member has favorited a ...
rake kickit:flag_media[mediaType,mediaId,operation]              # add or remove flag from media
rake kickit:get_tag_count[url,mediaType,mediaId]                 # Retrieves tag count for media
rake kickit:list_badge_requirements[badgeId]                     # Returns a list of all Badge Requir...
rake kickit:list_badges[published,location]                      # This is an admin method that will ...
rake kickit:list_member_media[mediaType,userid]                  # retrieve a users media
rake kickit:photos_feed[query]                                   # list photos for a specific user
rake kickit:retrieve_external_media[url]                         # Retrieve media metadata
rake kickit:retrieve_media_meta[mediaType,mediaId]               # Retrieve media metadata
rake kickit:set_profile_photo[photoId]                           # Set user profile
rake kickit:upload_media[isProfileImage,mediaType,name,media]    # upload memeber media
rake kickit:user_associations[operation,userId]                  # Get a list of a member’s friends...
rake kickit:user_badge_status[user_id,location]                  # Returns progress information on ba...
rake kickit:user_badges[pgNum,pageSize,user_id]                  # Retrieves badges belonging to a sp...
rake kickit:user_feed[query]                                     # list users from feed
rake kickit:user_profile[include,userid]                         # Retrievs a specific user profile.

To see more of what is possible, take a look at the API docs for REST, RSS, and SOAP.

Note that you may need to require ‘kickit/tasks’ if you’re including this in your aplication.


Adding a badge

rake kickit:add_badge[, 'You Rock Badge', you_rock, global]

Getting User Profile Data (including photos)

rake kickit:user_profile[photos,1234567]

Programatic Usage


The Kit social REST API requires user credentials in the form of a token. This token is obtained from the create_token method and should be used for all subsequent calls.

The KickIt library provides some basic session managment and convenience methods for interacting with the remote API. Here are some examples:

require 'kickit'
require 'kickit_config''ssayles') do |ka|
  response = ka.api(:delete_media).execute(:url => '',
                                           :mediaType => 'emedia',
                                           :mediaId => 1)
  ap response


  • You’ll need an account with Kit digital. A trial account can be created for free.

  • Ruby ~> 1.8.7

  • Bundler if you’re just working from a git clone.


As a gem:

gem install kickit

As a git clone:

$ git clone git://
$ bundle install


Access credentials and additional information must be provided in order to use this library. You can provide this configuration in Ruby like so:

require 'kickit' do |config|

  config.developerKey = 'xdxdxdxd' = 123456
  config.admin_username = 'siteadmin'

  config.rest_base_uri = ''
  config.feed_url = ''
  config.soap_config = {
      :endpoint => {
          :uri => '',
          :version => 1
      :affiliate => {
        :username => 'SiteTeam',
        :email => '',
        :sitename => 'MyApp'

By default, the command line scripts under bin/ automatically require a kickit_config.rb file. There is a sample bin/kickit_config.rb file already. Simply update that one when using the bin/ scripts or require your own.


* Add installer for Rails.
* Fix remaining issues with SOAP calls.


KickIt is written and maintained by Scott Sayles.


Copyright © 2011 Scott Sayles. See LICENSE for details.


The unofficial Ruby wrapper library for the Kit digital social API.







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