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Update Linked List Sequence

Sar Champagne Bielert edited this page Apr 20, 2024 · 1 revision

Unit 5 Session 2 (Click for link to problem statements)


Understand what the interviewer is asking for by using test cases and questions about the problem.

  • How do the additions of the new nodes affect the overall structure of the linked list?
    • The new nodes orange and green are inserted between the existing nodes, extending the list while maintaining the original order for the remaining nodes.


Plan the solution with appropriate visualizations and pseudocode.

General Idea: Insert two new nodes (orange and green) into specific positions in the existing linked list to form the sequence red -> orange -> yellow -> green -> blue.

1) Create two new nodes, `orange` and `green`, for insertion.
2) Adjust the `next` pointers to incorporate the new nodes into the list:
   - Set `` to `orange`.
   - Set `` to `yellow`.
   - Set `` to `green`.
   - Set `` to `blue`.
3) Ensure the list now follows the order of `red`, `orange`, `yellow`, `green`, `blue`.

⚠️ Common Mistakes

  • Incorrectly linking the nodes which could disrupt the sequence or leave some nodes unlinked.
  • Not updating the next pointers in the correct order, which might result in losing track of some parts of the list.


# Existing code
red = Node('red')
yellow = Node('yellow')
blue = Node('blue') = yellow = blue

# New Code
orange = Node('orange')
green = Node('green') = orange = yellow = green = blue
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