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List of Kata not editable anymore due to rank inconsistencies

farhan443 edited this page Dec 12, 2021 · 10 revisions

Here are listed the known kata that aren't editable anymore without a trick, due to rank inconsistencies


Ranking has been changed to a value not provided by the front-end, causing the rank select to become unset by default. When trying to re-publish, this cases an empty value to be passed to the server, which is treated as setting kata to beta, which is blocked by back-end as this requires additional privileges.
(note: unknown behaviour about translations approval, for now).


if you see something like this in the edit panel of an approved kata:

(no rank set despite being approved)

Then this kata needs to be added to the current list.

Work around

If you need to update one of those kata, contact a mod, giving him this link (note: private repo, you cannot access it).

Alternatively, you can check the current rank of the kata, and change the <option> elements in the Rank <select> element so the current rank is available for selection; then the kata rank will be correctly set during re-publish.

Known affected kata

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