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Tutorial: How to translate a kata

Jake Hoffner edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 3 revisions

Simple text tutorial

Writing a translation

Now you found a kata in JavaScript. You liked it, and want to translate it into Python. There should be a "+" sign next to the language icons after you solved it. Click on it and you'll land on the list of current translations. After you've checked that there isn't a pending translation in Python, you click on "Translate this kata".

This will open translation kumite editor. Choose the language in the drop-down menu before you write any code. Then fill the (initial) solution and (example) tests. Save your progress often to prevent data loss. Whenever you're ready, publish your translation.

——The conjured Codewars codex - 4.11.3

Step-By-Step Photo Tutorial

When you finished a kata, you can translate it to other languages.

You may check whether the author is still active or not at first. An author of the kata is most likely to approve or decline the translation. However any high level Code Warrior on the site who has completed the kata and has 4000+ honor will be able to approve translation, so if the author is not around you may want to add a comment letting other users know there is a translation that can be approved. Only the author will get a notification email about the translation.


Select Add New to see the current list of translations:

add new

Check the pending translations list

At this example, you could see that there is already a unapproved python translation

py ver

Translate the kata to other language

other lang

Choose a language

choose lang

Save your unfinished kata whenever you like.


You can find the draft at you Profile page

draft tab


When you finished all the translation(include the test example and solution setup), you could save and run the code to check if there is any bug.

test example run



Edit the published Kumite

edit draft


At last, leave a comment at the original kata link edit comment comment


When your translation is approved it will be marked as closed. Don't worry about it. The new languages will appear in the languages list.

approved closed new lang

Clone this wiki locally