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Cognition & Emotion Lab edited this page Sep 3, 2018 · 1 revision


Compliance with all TTU Human Subjects policies and procedures is critical. All lab members must complete OSU's IRB training. Failure to comply with these policies can cause serious harm to our participants. Compliance failures might also result in our research privileges being revoked. Studies cannot begin without IRB approval, and study protocols must strictly follow what was approved by IRB.

You are expected to take the training seriously, understand your responsibilities as a researcher, and comply with TTU policies and the Lab Manual.

How to get started

This takes a considerable amount of time (several hours) so don't put it off. Also, the training is graded, and you need to make a minimum score to pass. So please take it seriously. That said, you can do it in chunks, so if you finish one module, you can take a break before starting the next. I can't add you to the IRB until you've finished your training, so it is important that you take care of this soon.

You'll need to complete the CITI training, full details are found here:

Once on the site, click the "Access CITI" link. The link will redirect you to a TTU login page.

Once logged in, select “Add a course” and from the course options choose:

  • Social and Behavioral Research - basic course and Social and Behavioral
  • Responsible Conduct of Research

Conflict of Interest

You'll likely need to complete a Conflict of Interest form at some point. Justin will let you know when that is needed.

When You are Done

Message Justin to let him know you have finished. You will need to email your CITI certificate. He stores that on the Lab's Dropbox folder so that each cert can be uploaded to IRB applications as needed.