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Cohub UI

Sharable UI components for react web apps


Get the app running locally

  1. Clone and cd into the repo
> git clone && cd cohub-ui
  1. Install the dependencies
> yarn install
  1. Start the build process

watches for changes in the ./src directory and builds the app bundle into ./dist

> yarn watch

Adding new components or updating existing ones

There are two options for developing components. You can use the Storybook server or the development-playground server to see what your working on in the browser

Components live in ./src/components/

Starting the dev playground server

  1. Move into the development-playground directory and get those dependencies
> cd development-playground
> yarn install
  1. If you haven't already create this file ./development-playgroud/DevSandbox.tsx and export a component. This is what will be rendered to the screen when you start the app.
import * as React from "react";

import { Buttons } from "../dist";

export default function DevSandbox() {
  return <Buttons.FloatingAction icon="arrowDown" />;
  1. Start the playground server
> yarn start
  1. Add your new component then import and use it in development-playground/index.tsx

  2. Save the file and after the build completes the browser should update automatically

Adding a Storybook story

Story's are written in MDX and should generally be co-located in the root of the component dir

  1. Add a __stories__ dir to the root of the components folder

  2. Create the *.stories.mdx file. For example: > touch src/components/Avatar/__stories__/Avatar.stories.mdx

  3. Reference the already created stories for examples on how these should be written

  4. Start the build process > yarn watch:stories. (the regular yarn watch will not work)

  5. From the project root start the Storybook server and open the stories in your browser @ http://localhost:6007

    Make sure yarn watch is still running

> yarn storybook