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demo director.yaml file
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colinta committed Apr 16, 2012
1 parent 5a8d731 commit c3d9bf1
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 0 deletions.
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions director.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
- clear
- write: "Now I have just activated ScreenDirector using"
- nl
- write_inside: "`ctrl+pagedown`. Let the demo begin!"
- nl

- clear
- write: ['First, printing multiple lines',
'using "write" and an array.', 'line one',
'line two', 'line three']

- write: ['Next, emulating quote matching',
'using "write_inside".']
- write_inside: "'string in single quotes'"
- nl
- write_inside: ["'", "again, using array", "'"]
- nl
- write_inside:
- "'"
- write: "you can nest commands,"
- nl
- write: " too!"
- "'"
- nl

- write: 'Moving around using "go"'
- nl
- delay: 1500 # pause for 1.5 secs
- go: -10 # go back ten
- write: HI!
- delay: 1500 # pause for 1.5 secs
- go: 10 # return to previous position

- select_all
- delay: 1500 # pause for 1.5 secs
- delete
- delay: 500 # pause for .5 secs
- write: |
I'm gonna do the same thing, but using
clear instead of select_all + delete
- delay: 1500 # pause for 1.5 secs
- clear

- set_mark # same as set_mark: __tmp__
- write: '<-- Mark set at __tmp__.'
- nl
- set_mark: my_mark_name
- write: '<-- Mark set at my_mark_name'
- nl
- goto_mark # same as goto_mark: __tmp__
- write: 'Back at __tmp__'
- goto_mark: my_mark_name
- write: 'Back at my_mark_name'

- set_mark
- write: "this will be deleted in one second"
- delay: 1000
- select_from_mark
- delete

- write: "I will fix this mitsake."
- delay: 500
- go: -5
- delay: 500
- run_command: [transpose_character]

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