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Backer UI

Backer UI is using RollupJS to build the bundle and React Storybook to preview the components.

We also use [Chromatic] to test the components and preview them in the browser with Storybook

Backer UI Storybook

Storybook —

Chromatic app —

Ask for permission to use the storybook UI to preview the components. If you're memmber of the Backer team you should have permission automatically.

🛠 How to use


Add the line below to your package.json dependencies file. You can use the npm or yarn package manager. Do not forget to add the actual version of the library as a tag. View all tags here.

"@collegebacker/backer-ui": "git://"


After installing the library, you can use it by importing it in your application.

import global styles:


import the components:

import { Button } from "@collegebacker/backer-ui/ui";

Development process

Run the project locally:

  1. copy repo to your local machine
  2. run yarn to install dependencies
  3. run yarn storybook to view the UI or if you want to develop the components.

Deploy pipeline

  1. Create new branch.
  2. Make changes.
  3. Change the version number in package.json. Use semantic versioning..

  1. Run yarn chromatic to deploy Storybook to Chromatic server. If you are part of the Backer team on Github you should have access to the Chromatic automatically.
  2. Create a MR and describe the changes.
  3. Notify the team about the MR and designers about the new stories build.

  1. Wait for code review. If approved, go next.
  2. Run yarn rollup to build the bundle.
  3. Commit and push.
  4. Merge the PR
  5. Delete merged branch.

  1. Checkout the main branch.
  2. Run yarn chromatic again to deploy Storybook to the main branch on Chromatic.

  1. Create tag.
  2. Gongratulations! You have successfully released a new version of the project. 🎉

Style guide

  1. Use @media, pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements etc. only inside classes — no in the end of the file
.dot {
  opacity: 0.3;
  margin-right: 12px;
  transition: all 0.1s ease;
  &:last-child {
    margin-right: 0;
  @media only screen and (max-width: $grid-tablet-breakpoint) {
    opacity: 0.4;
  1. Use @media from desktop to mobile
.dot {
  // default desktop

  @media only screen and (max-width: $grid-tablet-breakpoint) {
    // tablet
  @media only screen and (max-width: $grid-mobile-breakpoint) {
    // mobile
  1. There are no cases where we use unproportional paddings or margins like padding: 23px 0 35px 29px;. If you see sizes like this — write to a designer