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Tool Description - Usage
ZSH .zshrc, .zshenv, .zsh_plugins.txt
ASDF elixir, erlang, rust, golang, postgres, rabbitmq etc.
macOS Brewfile, setup-macos, more coming soon.
Config Kitty, global yarn packages
Git .gitignore(global gitignore), gitconfig
Hammerspoon For contro-esc key binding. It occasionally stops working. But restarting(i.e. open-quit-open) hammersoon seems to be fixing it.
Code Contains all User settings related to vscode. rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User <br />ln -s ~/.config/vscode/User` ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User
Language Servers Lua, Elixir, Efm

  • This files currently assumes username as arpit. i.e. whoami returns arpit. # Update: Most of the hard-coded things have been removed now.

    • At few places we have used $HOME and at some place we have used /Users/arpit in settings.

    • All macos related files are in $HOME/macos folder.

      • Brewfile contains all the homebrew package.
      • setup-macos contains sane settings for macos. It's currently WIP.
    • For ZSH we track .zshenv, .zshrc, .zsh_plugins.txt file.

      • We use Antigen for managing Zsh Packages
    • We use asdf as our primary language version manager.: We manage elixir, erlang, rust, golang and other languages with asdf

    • For node we used to use volta for managing node versions and installing global executables of node libraries. But now we use asdf for node as well. And it's working well.

  • Note: For vscode we have ran the following commands.

    • rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/Userln -s ~/.config/vscode/User
    • ln -s ~/.config/vscode/User ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User
    • And just for the first time we needed to create ~/.config/vscode/User folder by running mkdir -p ~/.config/vscode/User

    There is only init.lua file to configure the whole Neovim.

    It contains all the configurations, key-mappings, LSP-related stuff, treesitter etc.

    We make the following assumption:

    1. Language servers are installed at ~/language-servers path

    Language Servers (@ ~/language-servers path)

    Lua Language Server

    Elixir Language Server

    We use JetbrainsMono Nerd Font font.

    We use gruvbox theme.

    All keymappings and config can be found here.

    We use anitbody to install and update zsh plugins.

    Our zshrc file have PATH config and some really nice functions like fancy-ctrl-z, almostontop, dot commands for dotfiles management, aliases etc.