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commercetools logo Merchant Center Custom Application
Deploy to AWS


This repository assists in deploying a Merchant Center Custom Application to AWS using Terraform.

High-level Architecture Diagram



Make sure you have the latest version of the following before deploying. (Or Your CI Platform is ready)

  • node.js
  • npm
  • yarn
  • aws cli - installed and configured
  • terraform
  • git
  • The DNS Domain of Your Site (With edit rights to DNS Records)

You should already have a Merchant Center Custom Application built. Follow the getting started guide to install the starter template. You should have already completed the following steps:

Adjust the cloud identifier

The custom-application-config.json is configured to use the HTTP APIs in the GCP-EU region. If you plan to run the Custom Application in another environment, change the cloud identifier accordingly.

Adjust the configuration for production

The custom-application-config.json has a env.production configuration object. When you're ready to deploy the application to production, make sure to provide the URL where the Custom Application is hosted.

Build the production bundles

Run the following command to build the production bundles with webpack:

$ yarn build

Steps to Deploy

Copy files

  • Copy the terraform folder from this repository into your application.
  • Copy the config folder from this repository into your application.

Set Terraform Variables

  • Edit and edit the necessary variables
  • Edit and set the region and aws profile

Verify Route53

If you don't already have a route53 hosted zone for your domain, create one now. Ensure that the DNS is configured properly.

Obtain Certificate

  1. Login to AWS Console
  2. Select US East (N. Virginia) region (Need to obtain Global Cert for CloudFront)
  3. Request or Import SSL Certificate to your domain, wildcard at that domain level is acceptable
  4. Select Any suitable validation method (DNS or E Mail)
  5. Note down the issued certificate . (It can take few minutes to get it issued)

* Note: This step can be automated using Terraform, but AWS can take up to 30 mins to issue a new cert and validation could take even longer. The delay can create problems for the terraform module deployment.

Build the Resources

Build the Custom Application

$ yarn build
$ yarn compile-html

Generate the Lambda Function

You can compile manually with the command:

$ npx mc-scripts compile-html --transformer  config/transformer-aws.js

Or add it to your package.json for future use:

  "scripts": {
    "compile-html:aws": "NODE_ENV=production dotenv -- mc-scripts compile-html --transformer  $(pwd)/config/transformer-aws.js",
$ yarn compile-html:aws

Deploy the Infrastructure

$ cd terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform validate
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Copy the complied application to the newly created bucket.

aws s3 cp --recursive --acl public-read public/ s3://<spa-app-bucket-name>/

* Tip: aws s3 sync can be used for updating the application


Register the custom application within the Merchant Center.


Guide to deploying a Custom Application to AWS with Terraform.







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