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Recover and publish documentation managed by the shfbproj projects #9
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mpostol committed Apr 26, 2020
1 parent 1a55e2a commit 796fdff
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Showing 355 changed files with 6,648 additions and 59 deletions.
90 changes: 31 additions & 59 deletions PR26-DataPorter_Help.shfbproj
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="3.5">
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<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="14.0">
<!-- The configuration and platform will be used to determine which
assemblies to include from solution and project documentation
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<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
<!-- AssemblyName, Name, and RootNamespace are not used by SHFB but Visual
Studio adds them anyway -->
<!-- SHFB properties -->
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<!-- Code colorizer files (required).
Stylesheet file (required)
Script file (required)
"Copy" image file (required) -->
<colorizer stylesheet="{@SHFBFolder}Colorizer\highlight.css" scriptFile="{@SHFBFolder}Colorizer\highlight.js" copyImage="{@SHFBFolder}Colorizer\CopyCode.gif" />
<!-- Base output path for the files (required). This should match
the parent folder of the output path of the HTML files (see
SaveComponent). -->
<!-- Logo image file (optional). Filename is required. The height,
width, altText, placement, and alignment attributes are
optional. -->
<logoFile filename="\\CAS_002\cas_dfs\cas\Projekty\Produkty\PR21-CommServer\PR2103-Rysunki\commsrerver_logo_z_napisem_z_boku_small.gif" height="0" width="0" altText="" placement="right" alignment="left" />
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<configuration />
<CopyrightText>Copyright \xA9 2008-2011, CAS, All rights reserved</CopyrightText>
<CopyrightText>Copyright \xA9 2008-2020, CAS, All rights reserved</CopyrightText>
<FooterText>This documentation is designed to be used with CAS DataPorter %28this software is available at &amp;lt%3bA href=&amp;quot%3b;quot%3b title=&amp;quot%3bDataPorter - ports data between most popular standards %28OPC, XML, SQL%29 – software installation.&amp;quot%3b&amp;gt%3b;lt%3b/A&amp;gt%3b%29.</FooterText>
<HeaderText>&amp;lt%3bA href=&amp;quot%3b;quot%3b title=&amp;quot%3bDataPorter online help&amp;quot%3b target=&amp;quot%3b_blank&amp;quot%3b&amp;gt%3bHome&amp;lt%3b/A&amp;gt%3b</HeaderText>
<HelpTitle>DataPorter - ports data between most popular standards %28OPC, XML, SQL%29</HelpTitle>
<FrameworkVersion>.NET Framework 4.5</FrameworkVersion>
<!-- There are no properties for these two groups but they need to appear in
order for Visual Studio to perform the build. -->
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233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions docs/DataPorter/SearchHelp.aspx
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@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
<%@ Page Language="C#" EnableViewState="False" %>

<script runat="server">
// System : Sandcastle Help File Builder
// File : SearchHelp.aspx
// Author : Eric Woodruff (
// Updated : 05/15/2014
// Note : Copyright 2007-2015, Eric Woodruff, All rights reserved
// Compiler: Microsoft C#
// This file contains the code used to search for keywords within the help topics using the full-text index
// files created by the help file builder.
// This code is published under the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL). A copy of the license should be
// distributed with the code. It can also be found at the project website: This
// notice, the author's name, and all copyright notices must remain intact in all applications, documentation,
// and source files.
// Date Who Comments
// ==============================================================================================================
// 06/24/2007 EFW Created the code
// 02/17/2012 EFW Switched to JSON serialization to support websites that use something other than ASP.NET
// such as PHP.
// 05/15/2014 EFW Updated for use with the lightweight website presentation styles
/// <summary>
/// This class is used to track the results and their rankings
/// </summary>
private class Ranking
public string Filename, PageTitle;
public int Rank;
public Ranking(string file, string title, int rank)
Filename = file;
PageTitle = title;
Rank = rank;
/// <summary>
/// Render the search results
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer">The writer to which the results are written</param>
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string searchText, ftiFile;
char letter;
bool sortByTitle = false;
jss.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
// The keywords for which to search should be passed in the query string
searchText = this.Request.QueryString["Keywords"];
writer.Write("<strong>Nothing found</strong>");
// An optional SortByTitle option can also be specified
if(this.Request.QueryString["SortByTitle"] != null)
sortByTitle = Convert.ToBoolean(this.Request.QueryString["SortByTitle"]);
List<string> keywords = this.ParseKeywords(searchText);
List<char> letters = new List<char>();
List<string> fileList;
Dictionary<string, List<long>> ftiWords, wordDictionary = new Dictionary<string,List<long>>();
// Load the file index
using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("fti/FTI_Files.json")))
fileList = jss.Deserialize<List<string>>(sr.ReadToEnd());
// Load the required word index files
foreach(string word in keywords)
letter = word[0];
ftiFile = Server.MapPath(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "fti/FTI_{0}.json", (int)letter));
using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ftiFile))
ftiWords = jss.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, List<long>>>(sr.ReadToEnd());
foreach(string ftiWord in ftiWords.Keys)
wordDictionary.Add(ftiWord, ftiWords[ftiWord]);
// Perform the search and return the results as a block of HTML
writer.Write(this.Search(keywords, fileList, wordDictionary, sortByTitle));
/// <summary>
/// Split the search text up into keywords
/// </summary>
/// <param name="keywords">The keywords to parse</param>
/// <returns>A list containing the words for which to search</returns>
private List<string> ParseKeywords(string keywords)
List<string> keywordList = new List<string>();
string checkWord;
string[] words = Regex.Split(keywords, @"\W+");
foreach(string word in words)
checkWord = word.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if(checkWord.Length > 2 && !Char.IsDigit(checkWord[0]) && !keywordList.Contains(checkWord))
return keywordList;
/// <summary>
/// Search for the specified keywords and return the results as a block of HTML
/// </summary>
/// <param name="keywords">The keywords for which to search</param>
/// <param name="fileInfo">The file list</param>
/// <param name="wordDictionary">The dictionary used to find the words</param>
/// <param name="sortByTitle">True to sort by title, false to sort by ranking</param>
/// <returns>A block of HTML representing the search results</returns>
private string Search(List<string> keywords, List<string> fileInfo,
Dictionary<string, List<long>> wordDictionary, bool sortByTitle)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10240);
Dictionary<string, List<long>> matches = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();
List<long> occurrences;
List<int> matchingFileIndices = new List<int>(), occurrenceIndices = new List<int>();
List<Ranking> rankings = new List<Ranking>();
string filename, title;
string[] fileIndex;
bool isFirst = true;
int idx, wordCount, matchCount;
foreach(string word in keywords)
if(!wordDictionary.TryGetValue(word, out occurrences))
return "<strong>Nothing found</strong>";
matches.Add(word, occurrences);
// Get a list of the file indices for this match
foreach(long entry in occurrences)
occurrenceIndices.Add((int)(entry >> 16));
isFirst = false;
// After the first match, remove files that do not appear for
// all found keywords.
for(idx = 0; idx < matchingFileIndices.Count; idx++)
if(matchingFileIndices.Count == 0)
return "<strong>Nothing found</strong>";
// Rank the files based on the number of times the words occurs
foreach(int index in matchingFileIndices)
// Split out the title, filename, and word count
fileIndex = fileInfo[index].Split('\x0');
title = fileIndex[0];
filename = fileIndex[1];
wordCount = Convert.ToInt32(fileIndex[2]);
matchCount = 0;
foreach(string word in keywords)
occurrences = matches[word];
foreach(long entry in occurrences)
if((int)(entry >> 16) == index)
matchCount += (int)(entry & 0xFFFF);
rankings.Add(new Ranking(filename, title, matchCount * 1000 / wordCount));
if(rankings.Count > 99)
// Sort by rank in descending order or by page title in ascending order
rankings.Sort(delegate (Ranking x, Ranking y)
return y.Rank - x.Rank;
return x.PageTitle.CompareTo(y.PageTitle);
// Format the file list and return the results
foreach(Ranking r in rankings)
sb.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">{1}</a></li>", r.Filename, r.PageTitle);
if(rankings.Count < matchingFileIndices.Count)
sb.AppendFormat("<p>Omitted {0} more results</p>", matchingFileIndices.Count - rankings.Count);
return sb.ToString();

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