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505 lines (364 loc) · 25.3 KB

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505 lines (364 loc) · 25.3 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Note that CoMorMent containers are organized using several GitHub repositories:

All of the above repositories are covered by this CHANGELOG. They will have the same version tags on github. In addition, we have repositories containing specific tools, e.g., which will be covered by their own file.

To identify the version of a .sif file, run md5sum <container>.sif command and find the MD5 checksum in the list below. If MD5 sum is not listed for a certain release then it means that the container hasn't been changed from the previous release.



  • Add container build and push actions for all containers:
    • Action should trigger builds on pushes and pull requests targeting the main branch.
    • Should build and push Docker and Singularity images for new tags with v*.*.* pattern in main branch.
    • Revise installation and usage documentation for images.
    • Buttons added to for Docker build status.
  • Added options --extract, --extract-step1, --extract-step2, --exclude, --exclude-step1, and --exclude-step2 to the script to enable inclusion and exclusion of SNPs
  • Added support for additional customization through config.yaml file for association analyses
  • Added Rstudio-server and R packages info to r.sif container documentation


  • Rebuilt gwas.sif container with md5sum checksum:

    4e295149f3a5e25588cc4a1f1d39876c  singularity/gwas.sif
  • Compile regenie with HAS_BOOST_IOSTREAM=1 and HTSLIB_PATH options

  • Change LDpred2 usage example to use the OpenSNP based datasets

  • Bundle of sphinx documentation build updates/restructures

  • Refer to the project as "COSGAP-containers"

  • Minor changes to documentation + suggestion of TOC

  • migrate online documentation to

  • updated documentation to reflect the new project name

  • added references/urls to software tables in the documentation for singularity containers

  • update citation info


  • Fixed brittle tests if TMPDIR is not /tmp


  • Removed Saige support and Saige-related files


  • Miscellaneous goes here

[1.8.1] - 2024-03-05


  • Fixed parsing of IID field in pheno.dict
  • Fixed issue with files with different suffixes produced by plink2 for binary phenotypes in

[1.8.0] - 2024-02-22


  • Added scripts to analyze and filter bigSNPR LD matrixes (scripts/pgs/LDpred2/analyzeLD.R, scripts/pgs/LDpred2/splitLD.R).

[1.7.2] - 2024-02-14


  • Rebuilt r.sif container with md5sum checksum:

    3d69fc2168ef98d1eda3da05391cd6e4  singularity/r.sif


  • added CC-GWAS R package to r.sif container

[1.7.1] - 2024-02-06


  • Fixed parsing of --genomic-build hg18/hg38 in ldpred2.R

[1.7.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Added samtools 1.19.2, bedtools 2.31.1, liftOver (latest) to gwas.sif container
  • Added corresponding unit tests


  • Updated the following binaries (not listing apt package updates) in gwas.sif built

    • bcftools to 1.19
    • bolt to 2.4.1
    • gcta to 1.94.1
    • gctb to 2.04.3
    • htslib to 1.19.1
    • king to 2.3.2
    • minimac4 to 4.1.6
    • plink to v1.90b7.2 64-bit (11 Dec 2023)
    • plink2 to v2.00a5.10LM 64-bit Intel (5 Jan 2024)
    • plink2_avx2 to v2.00a5.10LM AVX2 Intel (5 Jan 2024)
    • PRSice_linux to 2.3.5
    • regenie to 3.4.1
    • vcftools to git SHA: d511f469e87c2ac9779bcdc3670b2b51667935fe (0.1.17dev)
  • Rebuilt gwas.sif w. md5sum checksum:

    a775f4216b15b731471821d0c2a0da43  singularity/gwas.sif
  • updated installer scripts


  • Broken docker/scripts/ script

[1.6.0] - 2023-12-12


  • Added gdb debugger, ldak and snptest binaries to gwas.sif container
  • Added tests for ldak and snptest binaries in gwas.sif container


  • updated metal to version 2020-05-05 in gwas.sif
  • updated qctool to v2.2.2 and added related binaries inthinnerator, hptest, ldbird and selfmap to gwas.sif
  • rebuilt gwas.sif (md5 checksum b6104b58d21f862f9d61a86d9d4802a6)

[1.5.1] - 2023-10-20


  • Fixed broken ReadTheDocs documentation build

[1.5.0] - 2023-10-17


  • Added <containers>/scripts/pgs/pgs_toolkit, a Python toolkit for computing PGS using LDpred2, PRSice2 or PLINK
  • Added <containers>docker/scripts/ script replacing corresponding build statement in Makefile
  • Added test for gcta


  • Updated r.sif build with many additional R packages, with corresponding updates to build recipes and tests

  • Use as main R package repo

  • r.sif md5 checksum:

    1280ba24d99664d450b2e4c4a9c00587  singularity/r.sif
  • Updated GitHub workflow versions to current versions


  • removed logging of docker build ... in docker/Makefile (issues with piping to tee in case of build errors)

[1.4.0] - 2023-10-17


  • Added phasing/imputation tools beagle, duohmm, eagle, shapeit5, switchError, to gwas.sif container + updated tests


  • Fix issue that shell script wouldn't capture failing statements


  • Updated gwas.sif Dockerfile and installed shell scripts (misc. dependencies updates, installing gcta version 1.93.3beta2)

  • Rebuilt gwas.sif using Docker --no-cache option to fix missing minimac4 binary, w. md5 checksum:

    a1dd235221902741bf5773945a584e47  singularity/gwas.sif


  • Removed unused script from src/scripts folder

[1.3.9] - 2023-10-17


  • User-set directory option for temporary files during LDpred2 runs, by default base::tempdir()

[1.3.8] - 2023-10-17


  • Added --genomic-build hg18/hg19/hg38 option to ldpred2.R to use correct LD reference meta file pos column name

[1.3.7] - 2023-10-17


  • Added a feature to read and convert BGEN (.bgen) files to scripts/pgs/LDpred2/createBackingFile.R

[1.3.7] - 2023-10-12

  • User-set directory for temporary files during LDpred2 runs, by default base::tempdir()

[1.3.6] - 2023-08-17


  • Ignore LDpred2 --col-bp <column> arg in case --merge-by-rsid is used

[1.3.5] - 2023-08-17


  • Updated LDpred2 README file

[1.3.4] - 2023-06-22


  • Update regenie to v3.2.8


  • #187 - Regression in in handling of info, maf, hwe and geno filters

[1.3.3] - 2023-06-14


  • Removed time consuming genotype missingness check from ldpred2.R.

[1.3.2] - 2023-06-12


  • Fixed misc. issues with cross references in online documentation

[1.3.1] - 2023-06-07


  • Added unittest for uppercase chromosome column name in sumstats files, that may also contain chromosomes encoded as character(s)


  • Fixed issue with character encoding in sumstats files, in case chromosome column name is uppercase.

[1.3.0] - 2023-05-19


  • Added to ldpred2.R: Multi-threading of snp_ldsc, arguments for parameters to snp_ldpred2_auto, and alternative effective sample-size calculation through --n-cases and n-controls.


  • Solved error due to case-sensitive handling of --col-chr in ldpred2.R and naming of diagnostic plot when using --name-score.

[1.2] - 2023-05-11


  • Added file explaining steps needed to make releases.
  • Added PRSice_linux to r.sif
  • Added tests for
  • Added package GWASTools to r.sif.
  • Added confidence intervals to qq plots created by using GWASTools R package.
  • Added status badges and citation.cff file


  • Updated file and folder layout, fixing minor documentation issues. Moving from m2r2 to Myst-parser for Sphinx-generated online docs.

  • Rebuilt the R container

  • 5ecbfc50f96bc6b25f61858927283e2d  singularity/r.sif
  • Rebuilt the R container

    23d195a10b84603b15d0e8c42df40fbd  singularity/r.sif


  • Set version file info to (was 0.1.1dev)
  • Fixed bad parsing of arbitrary length list of args in usecases/LDpred2/complementSumstats.R
  • Made usecases/LDpred2/complementSumstats.R write output file by default, not stdout.
  • Fixed print statement in usecases/LDpred2/complementSumstats.R causing crash w. --file-output arg.
  • Fixed ldpred2.R script in case --file-pheno/--col-pheno/--col-pheno-from-fam args were used, by removing these options altogether.
  • Use as main R package repo
  • --variance-standardize option now throws an error when applied to columns with no variance


  • Removed redundant usecases/LDpred2_tutorial files


  • Python code max line length of 120 chars, ignore number of newlines between functions


  • Python code max line length of 120 chars, ignore number of newlines between functions

[1.1] - 2022-12-01

Maintenance/feature release with the following main software incorporated into each container:

container OS/tool version license
hello.sif ubuntu 20.04 Creative Commons CC-BY-SA version 3.0 UK licence
hello.sif plink v1.90b6.18 64-bit (16 Jun 2020) GPLv3
gwas.sif ubuntu 20.04 Creative Commons CC-BY-SA version 3.0 UK licence
gwas.sif plink v1.90b6.18 64-bit (16 Jun 2020) GPLv3
gwas.sif plink2 v2.00a3.6LM 64-bit Intel (14 Aug 2022) GPLv3
gwas.sif plink2_avx2 v2.00a3.6LM AVX2 Intel (24 Jan 2020) GPLv3
gwas.sif PRSice_linux 2.3.3 (2020-08-05) GPLv3
gwas.sif simu_linux v0.9.4 GPLv3
gwas.sif bolt v2.4 July 22, 2022 GPLv3
gwas.sif gcta64 version 1.93.2 beta Linux GPLv3
gwas.sif gctb 2.02 MIT
gwas.sif qctool 2.0.6, revision 18b8f17 Boost
gwas.sif king 2.2.9 - (c) permissive
gwas.sif metal version released on 2011-03-25 -
gwas.sif vcftools 0.1.17 GPLv3
gwas.sif bcftools 1.12 (using htslib 1.12) MIT/Expat/GPLv3
gwas.sif flashpca_x86-64 2.0 GPLv3
gwas.sif regenie v2.0.2.gz MIT/Boost
gwas.sif GWAMA 2.2.2 BSD-3-Clause
gwas.sif minimac4 v4.1.0 GPLv3
gwas.sif bgenix 1.1.7 Boost
gwas.sif cat-bgen same version as bgenix Boost
gwas.sif edit-bgen same version as bgenix Boost
gwas.sif HTSlib 1.12 MIT/Expat/Modified-BSD
gwas.sif shapeit4.2 v4.2.2 MIT
python3.sif ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) Creative Commons CC-BY-SA version 3.0 UK licence
python3.sif python3 python 3.10.6 + numpy, pandas, etc. PSF
python3.sif LDpred 1.0.11 MIT
python3.sif python_convert github commit bcde562 GPLv3
python3.sif plink v1.90b6.18 64-bit (16 Jun 2020) GPLv3
r.sif ubuntu 20.04 Creative Commons CC-BY-SA version 3.0 UK licence
r.sif R 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) + data.table, ggplot, etc. misc
r.sif gcta64 version 1.93.2 beta Linux GPLv3
r.sif PRSice_linux 2.3.3 (2020-08-05) GPLv3
r.sif rareGWAMA dajiangliu/rareGWAMA@72e962d -
r.sif GenomicSEM GenomicSEM/GenomicSEM@bcbbaff GPLv3
r.sif TwoSampleMR MRCIEU/TwoSampleMR@c174107 unknown/MIT
r.sif GSMR v1.0.9 GPL>=v2
r.sif snpStats v1.40.0 GPLv3
saige.sif ubuntu 16.04 Creative Commons CC-BY-SA version 3.0 UK licence
saige.sif SAIGE version 0.43 GPLv3

Main changes since release version 1.0.0:


  • add option to append usecases/LDpred2/ldpred.R score output to an existing file
  • add script usecases/LDpred2/complementSumstats.R to append chromosome and position to summary statistics
  • add polygenic score output tests for usecases/LDpred2/ldpred.R
  • add usecases/LDpred2/imputeGenotypes.R for imputing genotypes using R-package bigSNPR
  • add usecases/LDpred2/calculateLD.R for calculation LD using R-package bigSNPR.
  • add autobuilt online documentation from repository sources at
  • add R libraries for LDpred2 analysis to r.sif + corresponding example.
  • add tests for metal and qctool in gwas.sif build
  • add basic GitHub actions from
  • add FaST-LMM (version 0.6.3) to future python3.sif, and corresponding test
  • add shapeit4.2 binary (shapeit4 v.4.2.2) and HTSlib (1.11) to future gwas.sif builds, and corresponding test
  • added additional tests for software in gwas.sif, python3.sif builds
  • add versions identifiers for all explicitly installed software across hello.sif, gwas.sif, python3.sif, r.sif, listed in docker/
  • replaced Ubuntu 18.04 with 20.04 (LTS) as base image for hello.sif, gwas.sif, python3.sif
  • replaced src/scripts/ by scr/scripts/ which is now used in future python3.sif builds
  • add tests for bgenix and Minimac4 software in gwas.sif, removing build-time dependencies for these from container
  • add basic test that KING software runs in gwas.sif
  • add Dockerfiles and install scripts for gwas.sif, hello.sif, python3.sif, r.sif, saige.sif from gwas.
  • add (this file)
  • add --analysis saige option, allowing to run SAIGE analysis
  • add --analysis figures option, using R qqman for QQ and manhattan plots
  • add --pheno-sep and --dict-sep options to specify delimiter for the phenotype file and phenotype dictionary file
  • add package qqman to r.sif
  • add package yaml to python3.sif
  • add reference files under reference/examples/gctb_2.0_tutorial
  • add config.yaml file with configuration options, which can be specified via --config option
  • add --chunk-size-bp and --bim option, allowing to run SAIGE analysis in smaller chunks
  • add --keep and --remove options to, allowing to keep and remove subsets of individuals from analysis; the functions work similarly to plink2 as described here.


  • rebuilt the following containers following version pinning in Dockerfiles, install scripts, etc. (see above additions):

    bb7a8e0b977e29e03067d75d19803913  singularity/gwas.sif
    11ac9e8fe69df07d650bd5e1e7cdeee5  singularity/hello.sif
    c78d57397471ee802d37837ca5f8b797  singularity/python3.sif
    e8f26b23a8b44f15f3dfff2b02623780  singularity/r.sif
    a3f1d8411e1e3cf8670551b7f334a58d  singularity/saige.sif


  • usecases/LDpred2/ldpred2.R error when sumstats contain characters in chromosome column.
  • use afterok spec instead of afterany in SLURM dependencies so that next steps of the pipeline don't run if a previous step has failed (fix #26)
  • use SLURM's cpus_per_task=1 for SAIGE step2, because it doesn't support --nThreads (see saigegit/SAIGE#9)


  • removed --geno-impute from usecases/LDpred2/ldpred2.R. Functionality replaced by --geno-impute-zero and usecases/LDpred2/imputeGenotypes.R
  • removed misc. source/data files in /tools/* from container builds
  • removed unused libquadmath0 library from builds (affecting future gwas.sif, hello.sif, and python3.sif builds)
  • the following command-line options are removed; instead, they can be specified via config.yaml file: --slurm-job-name, --slurm-account, --slurm-time, --slurm-cpus-per-task, --slurm-mem-per-cpu, --module-load, --comorment-folder, --singularity-bind. Note that config.yaml file is now required.
  • --analysis loci manh qq options as removed (fix #22)
  • --bed-fit, --bed-test, --bgen-fit, --bgen-test options of are removed; use new options --geno-fit-file and --geno-file instead
  • remove regenie.sif and regenie3.sif, because regenie software is also included in gwas.sif
  • remove MiXeR package from python3.sif container, because MiXeR is now available as a separate container ( This is also where you will find MiXeR's use-cases.
  • MAGMA, LAVA and ldblock software is moved to MAGMA reference files are also moved to this repository.
  • enigma-cnv.sif and enigma-cnv.sif is moved to enigma-cnv.sif is also available here: in
  • tryggve_query.sif is moved to
  • matlabruntime.sif container is moved to pleioFDR reference files are also moved to this repository.

[1.0.0] - 2020-10-20


  • initial release of the following containers:

    70502c11d662218181ac79a846a0937a  enigma-cnv.sif
    1ddd2831fcab99371a0ff61a8b2b0970  gwas.sif
    b02fe60c087ea83aaf1b5f8c14e71bdf  hello.sif
    1ab5d82cf9d03ee770b4539bda44a5ba  ipsychcnv.sif
    6d024aed591d8612e1cc628f97d889cc  ldsc.sif
    2e638d1acb584b42c6bab569676a92f8  matlabruntime.sif
    331688fb4fb386aadaee90f443b50f8c  python3.sif
    cdbfbddc9e5827ad9ef2ad8d346e6b82  r.sif
    b8c1727227dc07e3006c0c8070f4e22e  regenie.sif
    97f75a45a39f0a2b3d728f0b8e85a401  regenie3.sif
    20e01618bfb4b0825ef8246c5a63aec5  saige.sif
    5de579f750fb5633753bfda549822a32  tryggve_query.sif

    Here is the list of tools available in prebuilt containers:

    container tool version
    hello.sif demo example
    gwas.sif plink v1.90b6.18 64-bit (16 Jun 2020)
    gwas.sif plink2 v2.00a2.3LM 64-bit Intel (24 Jan 2020)
    gwas.sif plink2_avx2 v2.00a2.3LM AVX2 Intel (24 Jan 2020)
    gwas.sif PRSice_linux 2.3.3 (2020-08-05)
    gwas.sif simu_linux Version v0.9.4
    gwas.sif bolt v2.3.5 March 20, 2021
    gwas.sif gcta64 version 1.93.2 beta Linux
    gwas.sif gctb GCTB 2.02
    gwas.sif qctool version: 2.0.6, revision 18b8f17
    gwas.sif king KING 2.2.6 - (c)
    gwas.sif metal version released on 2011-03-25
    gwas.sif vcftools VCFtools (0.1.17)
    gwas.sif bcftools Version: 1.12 (using htslib 1.12)
    gwas.sif flashpca_x86-64 flashpca 2.0
    gwas.sif regenie REGENIE v2.0.2.gz
    gwas.sif GWAMA
    gwas.sif magma
    gwas.sif shapeit2 Version : v2.r904
    gwas.sif impute4 impute4.1.2_r300.3
    gwas.sif minimac4 Version: 1.0.2; Built: Fri Sep 3 13:25:51
    gwas.sif bgenix version: 1.1.7, revision
    gwas.sif cat-bgen same version as bgenix
    gwas.sif edit-bgen same version as bgenix
    python3.sif python3 python 3.10 + standard packages (numpy, pandas, etc)
    python3.sif ldpred ?
    python3.sif mixer mixer v1.3
    python3.sif python_convert github commit bcde562f0286f3ff271dbb54d486d4ca1d40ae36
    r.sif R version 4.0.3 + standard packages (data.table, ggplot, etc)
    r.sif seqminer ?
    r.sif rareGWAMA ?
    r.sif GenomicSEM ?
    r.sif TwoSampleMR ?
    r.sif GSMR v1.0.9
    r.sif LAVA ?
    r.sif LAVA partitioning ?
    saige.sif SAIGE version 0.43
    enigma-cnv.sif PennCNV version 1.0.5
    ldsc.sif LDSC version 1.0.1
    ipsychcnv.sif ???? missing Dockerfile
    matlabruntime.sif ???? work in progress
    regenie.sif ???? ?
    regenie3.sif ???? ?