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Snapshot 1

Bikram Chatterjee edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

Dates Covered: 6 Feb 2022 - 27 Feb 2022

Completed Activities

  • Created Gantt Chart


Excel Spreadsheet File download: AutoPath Gantt Chart.xlsx

  • Created the Readme file for the Repository in GitHub (Link)

  • Added Project Artifacts in the Repository (Link)

  • Web Application

    • Designed the login/registration page
    • Added dynamic content to login/registration
    • Implemented checks to authenticate the user and accept valid email and passwords during registration
    • Created dynamic 2D grid
    • Added support for A* pathfinding algorithm
    • Implemented animations for the visualization
  • VR Application

    • Created initial space for the user to walk around
    • Added a sample maze for the user

Activities behind schedule

  • Web Application Follow Up

    • Everything is up to date
  • VR Application Follow Up

    • Code and Display Random Maze Generation is in progress

Tasks to be completed for next snapshot

  • VR Application

    • A* algorithm implementation
    • Random Maze Generation
  • Web Application

    • Add ability for the user to dynamically add and remove maze blocks
    • Save user maze data in the database and load when maze from database when specified
    • Random maze generation based on recursive division

Challenges and Concerns

  • Web Application Follow Up

    • Dynamic content resizing
    • Implementing MySQL database to store user data
    • Deploying the web application to AWS
  • VR Application Follow Up

    • Understanding XR library
    • Displaying the algorithms into the mazes