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Snapshot 5

Bikram Chatterjee edited this page May 7, 2022 · 9 revisions

Dates Covered: 20 Mar 2022 - 3 April 2022

Completed Activities

  • Created Gantt Chart


AutoPath.Gantt.Chart (1).xlsx

  • Updated the Readme file for the Repository in GitHub (Link)

  • Added Project Artifacts in the Repository (Link)

  • Web Application

    • Secured website using Certbot SSL certificate to enable HTTPS
    • Conducted extensive testing to ensure that all parts of the website are functional
    • Modified colors of algorithm visualization
    • Modified color of wall
  • Poster

  • VR Application

    • Line displays shortest path

    • User able to see line appear after 10 seconds

      ezgif com-gif-maker (1)

All activities have been completed and there are no challenges or concerns blocking the project.