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Datasets and tables for the publication "Profiling SARS-CoV-2 mutation fingerprints that range from the viral pangenome to individual infection quasispecies" by Billy T. Lau, Dmitri S. Pavlichin, Anna C. Hooker, Alison Almeda, Giwon Shin, Jiamin Chen, Malaya K. Sahoo, ChunHong Huang, Benjamin A. Pinsky, HoJoon Lee, and Hanlee P. Ji.

All of the materials were generated and written by Dmitri S. Palichin.

This repository hosts some of the smaller objects, result tables, and a primer-pair-finding script (cloning it takes about 65MB), while the larger objects are stored in an AWS S3 bucket, with download links provided below. Please see the draft for a description of the datasets involved and the results computed.


Clone this repository, and cd into it. The provided script is written in the Julia language. If you don't have Julia, then use to set up a local copy inside this repository:

# if you don't have julia

If you already have Julia, then instead of running you can do:

# if you have julia
julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add(path="."); using sarscov2primers;'

Disk usage: cloning this repository uses about 65MB. If you don't use Julia, then running downloads a 100MB Julia tarball, which uses 500MB total when unpacked.


The executable is primerpairs. Running ./primerpairs without any arguments uses default parameter values and prints 88,612 candidate primer pairs (a copy of this file is already included in this repository) to out.csv.

For help and to see the default parameter values:

./primerpairs --help # also prints default parameter values

For example, you can get all primer pairs whose amplicon overlaps any part of the region 20001-21000 in the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome, with max amplicon length 2500, min amplicon length 25, max GC content difference of 2 between the forward and reverse primers, and with output written to out.csv:

./primerpairs --coordinates 20001 21000 \
              --max-amplicon-length 2500 \
              --min-amplicon-length 25 \
              --max-gc-diff 2 \
              -o out.csv

The first few output primer pairs in out.csv are (see below for an explanation of the output fields):

forward (5' to 3'),reverse (5' to 3'),forward strand,reverse strand,forward start,forward stop,reverse start,reverse stop,amplicon length,forward GC content (%),reverse GC content (%),forward specific,reverse specific

Note: coordinates are 1-based (i.e. the first position has coordinate 1).

Data sources

A set of 3,968 ("4K") genomes was downloaded from GISAID on April 9th, 2020 -- the most recent available at the time we constructed candidate primer pairs. A larger set of 75,681 genomes ("75K") downloaded from GISAID on September 23rd, 2020, was later used for computational analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 mutation landscape. These datasets are available as FASTA files with one line per sequence, and where each non-ACGT character was replaced by 'N'. Some GISAID sequences included multiple white space characters within one line, which were removed to produce this file.

SARS-CoV-2 genomes

Reference genome from GISAID

The SARS-CoV-2 reference genome id is EPI_ISL_402124.

4K dataset

Sequence id's of the 3,968 genomes downloaded from GISAID on April 9th, 2020

genomes/sars-cov-2/genome-ids_sars-cov-2_4K.txt.gz (37KB gzipped, 194KB uncompressed)

75K dataset

Sequence id's of 75,681 genomes from GISAID as of September 23rd, 2020

genomes/sars-cov-2/genome-ids_sars-cov-2_4K.txt.gz (617KB gzipped, 4.3MB uncompressed)

Non-SARS-CoV-2 genomes

These genomes are used as the off-target dataset: a primer (25-mer) is "not specific" to SARS-CoV-2 if it occurs in any of the below viral or bacterial genomes with up to 4 basepair mismatches, or in the human reference genome GRCh38 with up to 2 basepair mismatches. At most one member of a candidate primer pair may be non-specific to SARS-CoV-2.

All FASTA files (except GRCh38) have

Reference human genome GRCh38

Hosted by UCSC: link.

89 bacterial genomes

Listed by the FDA.

genomes/non-sars-cov-2/fda-bacteria.fa.gz (14MB gzipped, 49MB uncompressed)

42 influenza genomes

genomes/non-sars-cov-2/influenza.fa.gz (22KB gzipped, 75KB uncompressed)

447 other human coronavirus genomes

genomes/non-sars-cov-2/other-human-coronavirus.fa.gz (2.2MB gzipped, 13MB uncompressed)

321 other human virus genomes

genomes/non-sars-cov-2/other-human-virus.fa.gz (1.1MB gzipped, 3.7MB uncompressed)


Below we describe the tables we generated and used in our publication.

Candidate primer pairs

primer_pairs/candidate-primer-pairs_2020-4-9.csv.gz (1.3MB gzipped, 9.4MB uncompressed)

A csv file of the 88,612 candidate primer pairs we generated based on the 4K GISAID SARS-CoV-2 genome dataset. All coordinates are 1-based and given with respect to the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome.

# field name description
1 forward (5' to 3') forward primer (printed from left to right)
2 reverse (5' to 3') reverse primer (printed from right to left with reverse complement)
3 forward strand always +
4 reverse strand always -
5 forward start start of forward primer (in reference genome, 1-based)
6 forward stop stop of forward primer (in reference genome, 1-based)
7 reverse start start of reverse primer (in reference genome, 1-based)
8 reverse stop stop of reverse primer (in reference genome, 1-based)
9 amplicon length number of basepairs between last position of forward primer and first position of reverse primer
10 forward GC content number of GC base pairs in forward primer
11 reverse GC content number of GC base pairs in reverse primer
12 forward specific Boolean (true or false) indicating whether forward primer is specific to SARS-CoV-2 (i.e. excludes off-target datasets; see definition above)
13 reverse specific Boolean (true or false) indicating whether reverse primer is specific to SARS-CoV-2 (i.e. excludes off-target datasets; see definition above)

The plot below shows the coverage by candidate amplicons at each position in the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome. This coverage at a position is the number of amplicons overlapping that position.

k-mer counts for all SARS-CoV-2 genomes

Alphabetical list of all distinct 25-mers in the 4K genome dataset

kmer_counts/25-mers_sars-cov-2_4K.txt.gz (445KB gzipped, 2.4MB uncompressed)

There are 94,402 lines in this file, one for each distinct 25-mer. First few lines:


List of all genome ids in the 4K genome dataset

kmer_counts/genome-ids_sars-cov-2_4K.txt.gz (27KB gzipped, 121KB uncompressed)

There are 3,968 lines in this file, one for each genome in the 4K dataset. First few lines:


Note: the reference genome, with id Wuhan/WIV04/EPI_ISL_402124 is on line 847.

Matrix of 25-mer counts in each genome in the 4K genome dataset

kmer_counts/counts_25-mers_sars-cov-2_4K.bin.gz (2.3MB gzipped, 358MB uncompressed)

This is a binary file storing a matrix with 3,968 rows (one for each genome in the 4K dataset) and 94,402 columns (one for each distinct 25-mer in the 4K dataset). Let A be this matrix, then A[i,j] is the number of times the j-th k-mer appears in the i-th genome, where genomes are ordered in order of appearance in the 4K dataset (same order as the list of genome ids file, see above), and 25-mers are ordered alphabetically. Each count is stored with an 8-bit unsigned integer (the max count is 52, which is below the maximum value of 255 representable by an 8-bit integer).

To load this matrix into memory, first unzip the file, and then use the following commands in Julia, where below kmer_counts[i,j] is the count of the j-th k-mer in the i-th genome:

# in Julia
kmer_counts = zeros(UInt8, (3968, 94402));
read!("counts_25-mers_sars-cov-2_4K.bin", kmer_counts);

or in Python, where below kmer_counts[j,i] is the count of the j-th k-mer in the i-th genome (Note: the shape of kmer_counts in Python is (94402, 3968), while in Julia it is (3968, 94402)).

# in Python
import numpy as np
kmer_counts = np.fromfile('counts_25-mers_sars-cov-2_4K.bin', dtype=np.uint8).reshape((94402, 3968))

List of 25-mers in the reference genome

kmer_counts/25-mers_sars-cov-2_reference_EPI_ISL_402124.bed.gz (1.5MB gzipped, 224KB uncompressed)

This is a BED file listing the 25-mers in the reference genome (id Wuhan/WIV04/EPI_ISL_402124, 847-th genome in the 4K dataset) and their coordinates (the second column is the start coordinate (0-based, inclusive), and the third column is the stop coordinate (0-based, non-inclusive), so coordinates 0, 25 correspond to the first 25 nucleotides). Firest few lines:


List of unique, conserved 25-mers

kmer_counts/unique_conserved_25-mers_sars-cov-2_4K.bed.gz (17KB gzipped, 83KB uncompressed)

This is a BED file listing the 1,977 unique and conserved 25-mers in the reference genome. This file is a subset of all 25-mers in the reference genome (BED file). Each 25-mer occurs exactly once in each genome in the 4K SARS-CoV-2 genome dataset (unique and conserved).

First few lines:


List of unique, conserved, specific 25-mers

kmer_counts/unique_conserved_specific_25-mers_sars-cov-2_4K.bed.gz (4.1KB gzipped, 18KB uncompressed)

This is a BED file listing the 433 unique, conserved, and specific 25-mers in the reference genome. This file is a subset of the unique and conserved 25-mers in the reference genome (BED file). Each 25-mer is unique and conserved and moreover does not occur in any of the non-SARS-CoV-2 genomes, even allowing up to 4 mismatching basepairs for all genomes other than GRCh38, and up to 2 mismatching basepairs for GRCh38 (is specific to SARS-CoV-2).

First few lines: