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PCHR-3221: Migrate BackstopJS test suite to headless Chrome + Puppeteer #2535

merged 94 commits into from
May 9, 2018


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@AkA84 AkA84 commented Mar 16, 2018


With #2565 now merged in this branch, any information related to Chromy in the PR documentation should be considered obsolete


Our current BackstopJS setup uses PhantomJS as headless browser and CasperJS as library to control the browser.

Given that Google released a year ago headless Chrome, that development and support for PhantomJS had been halted, and that BackstopJS had been supporting Chromy since v3.0, it only made sense to migrate our setup to headless Chrome + Chromy.

Couple of notes:

  1. Although BackstopJS supports parallel capturing with Chromy, the results are unfortunately not reliable (see Not really reliable results using engine Chromy garris/BackstopJS#696), so we're still stuck for the time being with capturing only one screenshot at a time

  2. This Chromy set up is temporary, because BackstopJS's support for Puppeteer is underway. Given that this is Google's official control library for Chrome, given that the API is much more powerful and comprehensive, that the documentation is in a much better state, and that the performance is better, we will switch to Puppeteer as soon as its integration in BackstopJS is released in a stable version.

    I've actually spent a couple of days to perform the migration from Chromy to Puppeteer in a separate branch, but the integration is still not stable and leads to unreliable results (see here, but I also got problems with random timeouts and inconsistent screenshots, even with one capture at a time), so I've parked it for now and will resume it once things are more stable.

Technical Details

Migrating from CasperJS to Chromy

CasperJS's api is, from what I could see, more comprehensive and well documented than Chromy's api (make sense, given the former has been around for much longer), so it took a while and a bit of trial and error to perform the migration from one to another.

Things worth mentioning:

  1. When I started the migration, there were no equivalents of waitUntilVisible(), waitWhileVisible() in Chromy. After a bit of back-and-forth with the library's author here, he gently gifted me with v5.11.0 which does offer a waitUntilVisible() method.

    Unfortunately the library is still lacking a waitWhileVisible() method (I tried to implement it myself but got stuck), so I had to resort to writing a manual version for it, which is basically doing the opposite check of what chromy.visible does under the hood

    this.chromy.wait(function () {
      // = waitWhileVisible
      var dom = document.querySelector('.thing-that-should-disappear');
      return dom === null || (dom.offsetWidth <= 0 && dom.offsetHeight <= 0);
  2. There is no clickLabel() in Chromy, so I wrote a manual version

    this.chromy.evaluate(function (tabTitle) {
      // = clickLabel
      var xPath = './/a[text()="' + tabTitle + '"]';
      var link = document.evaluate(xPath, document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
    }, [tabTitle]);

    also note that in Chromy you pass arguments to the evaluate() function in an array, not as a list of individual arguments as in CasperJS (or Puppeteer)

  3. I didn't polish any workaround that i've implemented (like the ones above), given that we will soon switch to Puppeteer anyway

Using shrinkwrap to make BackstopJS use latest version of Chromy

As mention above, the Chromy library had been bumped to v0.5.11 to include a waitUntilVisible() method, but BackstopJS still defines (at the time of this writing) v0.5.7 in its dependencies, meaning the new method would be unaccessible from the engine scripts.

Defining Chromy v.0.5.11 in our package.json file would not solve the issue (when backstop does require('chromy') it gets it from its own node_modules/ folder), so I had resorted to use the shrinkwrap command, which converts the package-lock.json file to a npm-shrinkwrap.json file that can be edited, allowing to override any package's dependency with our own.

What I did was then simply to add chromy@0.5.11 in our package.json and remove any chromy reference to the BackstopJS dependencies, so that when backstop requires chromy, it will find it in hrcore's node_modules/ folder, and not in its own

Log in via cookies

In the PhantomJS+CasperJS setup, BackstopJS would log via a script that would go to the /welcome-page url (after eventually logging out) and "manually" enter the login credentials for the given user, stored in a site-config.json file.

This approach had two major drawbacks:

  1. It is slow, as CasperJS has to perform the "[logout] -> fill in form -> login" procedure every time the user for a given scenario is different from the user of the previous scenario
  2. It makes impossible to use parallel capturing as it requires every scenario to be run sequentially, to allow BackstopJS to properly logout + login before starting capturing the next scenario

So an alternative approach that involves cookies had been developed:

  1. When backstopjs task is called, for each of the 4 major users (admin, civihr_admin, civihr_manager, civihr_staff), run drush uli.
     drush uli --name=${userName} --uri=${siteUrl} --browser=0
    This command will output a one-time login link, that upon being visited will immediately login as the user specified in the --name parameter
  2. Make Chromy spawn a headless Chrome session
    chromy = new Chromy({ port: port++ }); // port starts at 9222
  3. Navigate to the one-time login url
  4. Now the browser is logged in, get the cookies and store them in a cookies/${userName}.json file
      // go to url
      .result(function (cookies) {
        // cookieFilePath -> cookies/civihr_admin.json, cookies/civihr_staff.json, etc
        fs.writeFileSync(cookieFilePath, JSON.stringify(cookies));
  5. In each scenario file, define the user that should be used in a user property. If no user is defined, it will be assumed that the user is civihr_admin
      "label": "SSP / Manager Leave / Current month",
      "url": "{{siteUrl}}/manager-leave#/manager-leave/calendar",
      "onReadyScript": "ssp/manager-leave/calendar-current-month-visible.js",
      "user": "civihr_manager"
  6. In the backstopjs gulp task, for each scenario define the cookiePath property based on the user associated to the scenario
    function buildScenariosList (contactIdsByRoles) { (scenario, index, scenarios) {
        var user = scenario.user || DEFAULT_USER;
        return _.assign(scenario, {
          cookiePath: path.join(BACKSTOP_DIR, 'cookies', user + '.json'),
  7. The cookiePath is used by the loadCookies.js script, called by onBefore.js (both provided by default by BackstopJS), which is going to set the cookies via Chromy
    module.exports = function (chromy, scenario) {
      var cookies = [];
      var cookiePath = scenario.cookiePath;
      cookies = => {
        cookie.url = 'http://' + cookie.domain;
        delete cookie.domain;
        return cookie;
  8. The user is now logged in

This whole things works also in parallel, given that two scenarios that use different users simply need to read a different .json file, without interfering with each other.

Fetch contact ids via drupal usernames

Some scenarios require BackstopJS to go the the page for a specific user with a specific CiviCRM contact id (for example the contact summary page of the "admin" user). Given that the id of a specific user might change from one installation to another, the ids in the scenarios' urls were kept as placeholders

  "label": "Contact Access Rights",
  "url": "index.php?q=civicrm/contact/view&reset=1&cid={{contactId:admin}}"

only to be replaced later with the real ids on run-time.

The real ids were originally obtained via the civi api, by querying all the users with an email address beginning with "civihr_", given that the 3 basic users (civihr_admin, civihr_staff, civihr_manager) all had emails starting with "civihr_ (civihr_admin[at], etc)

exec('cv api contact.get sequential=1 email="civihr_%" contact_type="Individual" return="email,contact_id"', function (err, result) {});

This means though that those users can't have different emails in different installations, which unfortunately is not the case. So in case those users had different emails, they would not be found and the BackstopJS test suite could not be run.

The solution for this was to ignore the email and get the civi id via the drupal user names, given that those will always be the same (admin, civihr_admin, civihr_manager, civihr_staff). This is done in the following way:

  1. Use drush user-information to fetch the info of the 4 users, in a JSON format
    drush user-information admin,civihr_admin,civihr_manager,civihr_staff --format=json
  2. From the output we extract the drupal id (uid) and we map them to the username
    usersIds = _.transform(execSync(theDrushCommand), function (result, user) {
      result[] = { drupal: user.uid };
  3. Use the CiviCRM UFMatch api entity to get the contacts associated to those uids
    # The weird formatting is necessary when you use `cv` cli and you
    # need to pass a JSON as a parameter
    echo '{ "uf_id": { "IN":[1, 2, 3, 4] } }' | cv api UFMatch.get sequential=1
  4. From the output we extract the civi id (contact_id) and we map them to the username
    ufMatches = execSync(theAPICall);
    usersIds = _.transform(usersIds, function (result, userIds, name) {
      userIds.civi = findContactByDrupalId(ufMatches, userIds.drupal).contact_id;
      result[name] = userIds;
  5. We now use the civi id as usual to contruct the scenario url
    return scenarioUrl
      .replace('{{siteUrl}}', siteUrl)
      .replace(/\{\{contactId:([^}]+)\}\}/g, function (fullMatch, user) {
        return usersIds[user].civi;

Go directly to the Job Contract / Job Roles / Documents / Tasks tab

Before, when testing any of those tabs ^, the script would simply first go to the Contact Summary page, wait for it to be loaded, then click on the tab, wait for the content to be loaded, and finally start capturing the screenshot

  "label": "Job Contract / Modal / Correct Error ",
  "url": "index.php?q=civicrm/contact/view&reset=1&cid={{contactId:staff}}",
var page = require('../../../page-objects/contact-summary');

  .then(function (tab) {
    return tab.openContractModal('correct');
  .then(function (modal) {

Given that we can provide, as part of the /civicrm/contact/view url, a selectedChild param that would switch automatically to the given tab, the approach above would waste a lot of precious time.

So all the scenarios for those tabs had been improved, and now they go directly to the intended tab, making those scenarios much faster to run

  "label": "Job Contract / Modal / Correct Error ",
  "url": "{{siteUrl}}/civicrm/contact/view?cid={{contactId:staff}}&selectedChild=hrjobcontract",
var page = require('../../../page-objects/tabs/job-contract');

  .then(function (modal) {

Basic "show" scripts for contact summary and documents page

The scenarios for capturing the contact summary and documents page "as is" didn't have any onReadyScript assigned, meaning that BackstopJS would not wait for anything in particular (either some amount of time or a specific selector) before capturing a screenshot, which lead to inconsistent results

  "label": "Contact Summary",
  "url": "{{siteUrl}}/civicrm/contact/view?cid={{contactId:staff}}",
  "label": "Documents",
  "url": "{{siteUrl}}/civicrm/contact/view?cid={{contactId:staff}}&selectedChild=cividocuments",

Adding a very simply show.js script for each of them solved the issue, leading to consistent results

  "label": "Contact Summary",
  "url": "{{siteUrl}}/civicrm/contact/view?cid={{contactId:staff}}",
  "onReadyScript": "contact-summary/show.js"
  "label": "Documents",
  "url": "{{siteUrl}}/civicrm/contact/view?cid={{contactId:staff}}&selectedChild=cividocuments",
  "onReadyScript": "contact-summary/documents/show.js"

Removing code warnings before capturing

We can have code warnings in our dev environments, both on admin and ssp



These warnings are sometimes displayed and sometimes not, meaning that they could lead to some false positive diffs.

The page.init() method now takes care of removing them before BackstopJS captures the screenshot

init: function (chromy, clearDialogs) {
  chromy.evaluate(function () {
    return document.location.href;
    .result(function (href) {
      var isAdmin = href.indexOf('civicrm/') > 1;

      if (isAdmin) {
        // remove warnings in admin
        chromy.evaluate(function () {
          var errorsWrapper = document.querySelector('#content > #console');
          errorsWrapper && ( = 'none');
      } else {
        // remove warnings in SSP
        chromy.evaluate(function () {
          var errorsWrapper = document.querySelector('#messages .alert');
          errorsWrapper && ( = 'none');

(the code is not well optimised because the moment i tried to encapsulate the logic in some separate function Chromy would start act funny, so after I while I gave up and left it like this)

Removed unnecessary IIFEs

In basically every page object file, we had this thing going on with module.exports and IIFE

module.exports = (function () {
  return page.extend({
    // ...

which really served no practical purpose. I removed all of those instances

module.exports = page.extend({

Scenarios clean up

The scenario files had been cleaned up, both in terms of how the scenarios were aggregated and in how many files and how those files were called (you can see the difference before and after) and most importantly in terms of labels consistency


// Consistent
Contact Access Rights
Contact Access Rights / Open ui select
T&A / Calendar
T&A / Documents / Advanced Filters
Absence / Report / Open Section

// Inconsistent
SSP - Tasks
Leave & Absences Import - Step 1
Password Page
Legend expanded: Manager Leave Calendar


SSP / Tasks
L&A / Import / Step 1
SSP / Onboarding Wizard / Password
SSP / Manager Leave / Legend expanded

Avoid dimensions-based false positives

For some reasons, and only for specific scenarios (namely: "SSP / Manager Leave / Legend expanded" and "SSP / Onboarding Wizard / Dependants"), BackstopJS might end up taking screenshots of different sizes. BackstopJS by default not only checks difference in the content of the screenshots, but also in their dimensions, meaning that those scenarios will end up failing the comparison even if their content had not changed


Unfortunately I could not figure out why this weird behaviour happens in the first place, so I ended up using the "requireSameDimensions" property by setting it to false on those scenarios, so that only the content, and not the size, of the screenshots are going to be factored in the comparison

  "label": "SSP / Manager Leave / Legend expanded",
  "url": "{{siteUrl}}/manager-leave#/manager-leave/calendar",
  "onReadyScript": "ssp/manager-leave/calendar-legend-expanded.js",
  "user": "civihr_manager",
  "requireSameDimensions": false

Alessandro Verdura added 30 commits March 12, 2018 16:45
@AkA84 AkA84 force-pushed the PCHR-3221-headless-chrome-backstopjs branch from fb97ce6 to a8f7aed Compare April 20, 2018 10:07
@AkA84 AkA84 changed the title PCHR-3221: Migrate BackstopJS test suite to headless Chrome + Chromy PCHR-3221: Migrate BackstopJS test suite to headless Chrome + Puppeteer May 3, 2018
@@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ module.exports = modal.extend({
* to wait a couple of seconds for it to "stabilize" before taking the screenshot
async waitForReady () {
await this.puppet.waitFor(2000);
await this.puppet.waitFor(4000);
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Why cant we use a selector here?

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It's another of BackstopJS quirks, it's really not related to any particular content in the page

@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
"label": "SSP / Manager Leave / Legend expanded",
"url": "{{siteUrl}}/manager-leave#/manager-leave/calendar",
"onReadyScript": "ssp/manager-leave/calendar-legend-expanded.js",
"user": "civihr_manager"
"user": "civihr_manager",
"requireSameDimensions": false
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Not sure why we need to add this? Why exactly the dimensions were different in the first place.
Please add a block in the doc section.

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i'll add it, but the short answer to "why" is "i don't know" unfortunately. For those couple scenarios backstopjs sometimes, at random, takes screenshots with different dimensions (i think you also saw it first-hand when testing), so we have to tell it to ignore them during the comparison, otherwise we'll end up with false positives

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Added a new "Avoid dimensions-based false positives" section in the PR description

async waitForReady () {
await this.puppet.waitFor('.ct-filter-date', { visible: true });
await this.puppet.waitFor('.ct-table-documents [href^="/civicrm/contact/view"]', { visible: true });
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I was checking the UI, this selector is present twice. So It might be due to one of the elements being visible before the other. Could you check by waiting for individual items like
.ct-table-documents td:nth-child(2) [href^="/civicrm/contact/view" and
.ct-table-documents td:nth-child(3) [href^="/civicrm/contact/view"

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it's not important if there is one or multiple selectors (it really depends on the data in your local site), as long as one of element that matches that selector is visible, then backstop gets the green light

@AkA84 AkA84 merged commit 95380ec into staging May 9, 2018
@AkA84 AkA84 deleted the PCHR-3221-headless-chrome-backstopjs branch May 9, 2018 11:26
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