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MobTrigger plugin v1.04 by Pandemoneus


  • Permissions 3.x (optional)

How to install:

  1. Copy 'MobTrigger.jar' into your 'plugins/' folder.
  2. Start your server to create a config file.
  3. Edit the config file in 'plugins/MobTrigger/config.yml'.

How to uninstall:

  1. Delete 'MobTrigger.jar'.
  2. Delete the folder 'plugins/MobTrigger'.

Editable options:

ForceBukkitPermissions: [true/false] - got Permissions installed but still want to use the built-in Bukkit Permission system? then set to true (default: false) Trigger.Region.SelectionItemId: [itemID] - simply determines which item is used to select cuboids for the triggers (default: 69 / Lever)


All commands are case-insensitive. Aliases: /mobtrigger /mt /mt select - Toogles selection mode /mt mobIDs - Shows a list of all mob IDs used by the plug-in /mt cuboid save (String cuboidName) - Saves a selected cuboid under the specified name /mt cuboid info (String cuboidName) - Shows information about the specified cuboid /mt trigger create (int triggerID) (String cuboidName) (double firstDelay) (boolean isSelfTrigging) (double selfTriggerDelay) (int totalTimes) - Creates a trigger. Parameters:

  • triggerID - the ID of the trigger, using an already existing ID will overwrite that trigger
  • cuboidName - the name of the cuboid the mobs will spawn in (see /mt cuboid save)
  • firstDelay - the delay in seconds after which the trigger will fire the first time
  • isSelfTriggering - determines whether the trigger executes itself again after it was first fired
  • selfTriggerDelay - the delay in seconds after which it will execute itself again
  • totalTimes - the total amount of times the trigger can be executed before it needs to be reset
  • resetTime - the time in seconds after which the trigger resets itself after the very last possible execution /mt trigger info - Shows information about the currently selected trigger /mt trigger link (int triggerID) - Links a trigger block to a trigger with the specified ID /mt trigger unlink - Removes the link from the selected trigger block /mt trigger reset (int triggerID) - Reset the trigger with the specified ID, also kills all mobs /mt trigger showIDs - Shows a list of all triggers you own /mt trigger set (int mobID|String mobName) (int amount) - Sets the amount of mobs spawned by the trigger

Step by step guide on how to create your first trigger:

  1. Find a suitable place where you want mobs to spawn. Make sure your cuboid area does not have any blocks inside (or mobs might spawn inside them and suffocate).
  2. Type /mt select (requires '' permission)
  3. With a lever in your hand, mark the corners of the cuboid, by clicking once on the first, then on the second.
  4. Save your cuboid! Tpye /mt cuboid save MyFirstCuboid (requires '' permission)
  5. Now search for the trigger block you want to use (either a lever, button, wooden/stone pressure plate).
  6. Click that block while NOT having a lever in your hand and still being in selection mode.
  7. You got everything that we need now! Now type /mt trigger create 0 MyFirstCuboid 0 false 0 1 300 (requires 'mobtrigger.trigger.create' permission)
  8. Now that we have created the trigger, we need to add mobs to it. Type /mt trigger set pig 3 to make 3 pigs spawn when we trigger it. (requires 'mobtrigger.trigger.create' permission)
  9. And we are good to go! Type /mt select to exit the selection mode.
  10. Press the button/lever/pressure plate and see whether it works! (requires 'mobtrigger.trigger.use' permission)

Permission nodes:

    description: Gives access to everything that the plug-in offers
    description: Enables you to modify everything that does not belong to you
    default: op
    description: Allows you to modify triggers that do not belong to you
    default: op
    description: Allows you to modify cuboids that do not belong to you
    default: op
    description: Gives access to all trigger related commands (excludes admin)
    description: Allows you to use triggers
    default: true
    description: Allows you to select triggers and trigger areas
    default: op
    description: Allows you to create, link and reset triggers
    default: op
    description: Allows you to remove and unlink triggers
    default: op
    description: Allows you to view the mob IDs the plug-in uses
    default: op
    description: Gives access to all trigger cuboid related commands (excludes admin)
    description: Allows you to save cuboids
    default: op
    description: Allows you to get info about cuboids
    default: op


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