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MobiHoc 2018 Web Site

This repository contains code and data for the MobiHoc 2018 web site.


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (see for details).

Generating site using jekyll

The website uses jekyll engine to generate the website using the templates. To get started with jekyll:

gem install jekyll bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll build

To generate the website and serve it from a local webserver, e.g., for debugging

bundle exec jekyll serve


The repository is organized as follows:

  • _config.yml is a configuration file for the website, defining title, menu, and several basic parameters
  • _data/ contains datasets in YaML or JSON format defining menu items, conference dates, news, and supporters
  • _includes/ are supplementary scripts to generate website's content, including templates for menu, news, google analytics, and sponsors
  • _layouts/ are layout files
  • _assets/ CSS, javascript, and image assets
  • *.md, *.html Individual pages in markdown or HTML format.

Getting started as MobiHoc web chair

You'll have to request an account at:

For questions or to check on status of your request, you may try following up with

You should receive further instructions from ACM on how to upload content to the server when your account is setup.