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[WIP] some minor cleanup (move vxeddsa code into separate file)
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liamsi committed Feb 6, 2017
1 parent 08ba3d1 commit 790ec0c
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Showing 4 changed files with 463 additions and 447 deletions.
274 changes: 9 additions & 265 deletions crypto/vrf/vrf.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,15 +19,11 @@ package vrf

import (




const (
Expand All @@ -38,14 +34,16 @@ const (
ProofSize = 32 + 32 + intermediateSize

var (
ErrGetPubKey = errors.New("[vrf] Couldn't get corresponding public-key from private-key")

// PrivateKey represents a Curve25519 private key.
type PrivateKey [PrivateKeySize]byte

// PublicKey represents a Curve25519 private key.
type PublicKey [PublicKeySize]byte

// GenerateKey creates a public/private key pair using rnd for randomness.
// GenerateKey creates a Curve25519 public/private key pair using rnd for
// randomness.
// Only the private key sk is returned (call sk.Public() the get the
// corresponding public key).
// If rnd is nil, crypto/rand is used.
func GenerateKey(rnd io.Reader) (sk PrivateKey, err error) {
if rnd == nil {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,268 +129,14 @@ func (sk PrivateKey) Prove(m []byte) (vrf, proof []byte) {

// Verify returns true iff vrf=Compute(m) for the sk that
// corresponds to pk.
func (pkB PublicKey) Verify(m, vrfBytes, signature []byte) bool {
func (pk PublicKey) Verify(m, vrfBytes, signature []byte) bool {
if len(vrfBytes) != Size {
return false
if ok, vrf := pkB.verifyInteral(m, signature); ok &&
if ok, vrf := pk.verifyInteral(m, signature); ok &&
bytes.Equal(vrfBytes, vrf[:]) {
return true

return false

func calculateBv(A [32]byte, msg []byte) (Bv *edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement) {
/* Calculate SHA512(label(2) || A || msg) */
buf := make([]byte, 32)
buf[0] = 0xFD
for count := 1; count < 32; count++ {
buf[count] = 0xFF
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(buf)
Bv = extra25519.HashToPoint(buffer.Bytes())


func calculateBvAndV(a, Abytes [32]byte,
msg []byte) (Bv *edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement, V *[32]byte) {
p3 := edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement{}

Bv = calculateBv(Abytes, msg)
edwards25519.GeScalarMult(&p3, &a, Bv)
V = new([32]byte)

func computeVrfFromV(Vbytes [32]byte) (vrf [32]byte) {
var V, cV edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement

edwards25519.GeDouble(&cV, &V)
edwards25519.GeDouble(&cV, &cV)
edwards25519.GeDouble(&cV, &cV)
buffer := make([]byte, 32)
buffer[0] = 0xFA // label 5
for count := 1; count < 32; count++ {
buffer[count] = 0xFF
var cVBytes [32]byte
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(buffer)

hash := sha512.Sum512(buf.Bytes())
copy(vrf[:], hash[:32])

func (sk PrivateKey) signInternal(m []byte, randr io.Reader) (signature []byte) {
if randr == nil {
randr = rand.Reader

// TODO check for maxMsgLen
var a, aNeg, rB [32]byte
var R edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
var x [32]byte
copy(x[:], sk[:])
var edPubKey edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
edwards25519.GeScalarMultBase(&edPubKey, &x)
var A [32]byte

// TODO use cached public key
// Force Edwards sign bit to zero
signBit := (A[31] & 0x80) >> 7
copy(a[:], sk[:32])
edwards25519.ScNeg(&aNeg, &a)
edwards25519.ScCMove(&a, &aNeg, int32(signBit))

A[31] &= 0x7F
Bv, V := calculateBvAndV(a, A, m)

/* r = SHA512(label(3) || a || V || random(64)) */
var Rv edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
buf := make([]byte, 160)
buf[0] = 0xFC
for i := 1; i < 32; i++ {
buf[i] = 0xFF
copy(buf[32:], a[:])
copy(buf[64:], V[:])
random := make([]byte, 64)
if _, err := randr.Read(random); err != nil {
panic("Couldn't read from random")
copy(buf[96:], random)

rH := sha512.Sum512(buf[:160])

edwards25519.ScReduce(&rB, &rH)
edwards25519.GeScalarMultBase(&R, &rB)
edwards25519.GeScalarMult(&Rv, &rB, Bv)

/* h = SHA512(label(4) || A || V || R || Rv || M) */
var Rb [32]byte
var RvB [32]byte
buf = append(buf, m...)
buf[0] = 0xFB
for i := 1; i < 32; i++ {
buf[i] = 0xFF
copy(buf[32:], A[:])
copy(buf[64:], V[:])
copy(buf[96:], Rb[:])
copy(buf[128:], RvB[:])
//copy(buf[:160], m)
hB := sha512.Sum512(buf[:160+len(m)])
var h [32]byte
edwards25519.ScReduce(&h, &hB)
var s [32]byte
edwards25519.ScMulAdd(&s, &h, &a, &rB)

signature = make([]byte, ProofSize)
copy(signature[:32], V[:])
copy(signature[32:64], h[:])
copy(signature[64:96], s[:])


func (pkB PublicKey) verifyInteral(m, signature []byte) (bool, [32]byte) {
var vrf [32]byte
if len(signature) != ProofSize || len(pkB) != PublicKeySize {
return false, vrf
// TODO check for max. message length
var u edwards25519.FieldElement
pubKey := [32]byte(pkB)
edwards25519.FeFromBytes(&u, &pubKey)
var strict [32]byte
edwards25519.FeToBytes(&strict, &u)
if !(edwards25519.FeCompare(strict, pubKey) == 0) {
return false, vrf
var y edwards25519.FieldElement
extra25519.FeMontgomeryXToEdwardsY(&y, &u)
var edPubKey [32]byte
edwards25519.FeToBytes(&edPubKey, &y)
Bv := calculateBv(edPubKey, m)

// verifybuf = V || h || s || m
verifBuf := make([]byte, len(m)+160)
copy(verifBuf, signature[:96])
copy(verifBuf[96:], m)

if verifBuf[63]&224 == 1 {
return false, vrf
if verifBuf[95]&224 == 1 {
return false, vrf

// Load -A:
var minusA edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
edwards25519.FeFromBytes(&minusA.Y, &edPubKey)
if !minusA.FromParityAndY((edPubKey[31]>>7)^0x01, &minusA.Y) {
return false, vrf

// Load -V
var minusV edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
var Vb [32]byte
copy(Vb[:], signature[:32])
edwards25519.FeFromBytes(&minusV.Y, &Vb)
if !minusV.FromParityAndY((Vb[31]>>7)^0x01, &minusV.Y) {
return false, vrf

// Load h, s
var h, s [32]byte
copy(h[:], verifBuf[32:64])
copy(s[:], verifBuf[64:96])
if h[31]&224 == 1 {
return false, vrf
} /* strict parsing of h */
if s[31]&224 == 1 {
return false, vrf
} /* strict parsing of s */

var A, cA, V, cV edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
edwards25519.GeNeg(&A, minusA)
edwards25519.GeNeg(&V, minusV)

edwards25519.GeDouble(&cA, &A)
edwards25519.GeDouble(&cA, &cA)
edwards25519.GeDouble(&cA, &cA)

edwards25519.GeDouble(&cV, &V)
edwards25519.GeDouble(&cV, &cV)
edwards25519.GeDouble(&cV, &cV)

if edwards25519.GeIsNeutral(&cA) || edwards25519.GeIsNeutral(&cV) ||
edwards25519.GeIsNeutral(Bv) {
return false, vrf

// R = (s*B) + (h * -A))
var R edwards25519.ProjectiveGroupElement
edwards25519.GeDoubleScalarMultVartime(&R, &h, &minusA, &s)

// s * Bv
var sBv edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
edwards25519.GeScalarMult(&sBv, &s, Bv)

// h * -V
var hMinusV edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
edwards25519.GeScalarMult(&hMinusV, &h, &minusV)

// Rv = (sc * Bv) + (hc * (-V))
var Rv edwards25519.ExtendedGroupElement
edwards25519.GeAdd(&Rv, &sBv, &hMinusV)

// Check h == SHA512(label(4) || A || V || R || Rv || M)
var VBytes, RBytes, RVBytes [32]byte

vrfBuf := make([]byte, 160+len(m))
vrfBuf[0] = 0xFB // label 4
for count := 1; count < 32; count++ {
vrfBuf[count] = 0xFF

//copy(vrfBuf, vrfBuf))
copy(vrfBuf[32:], edPubKey[:])
copy(vrfBuf[64:], VBytes[:])
copy(vrfBuf[96:], RBytes[:])
copy(vrfBuf[128:], RVBytes[:])
copy(vrfBuf[160:], verifBuf[96:96+len(m)])

hCheck := sha512.Sum512(vrfBuf[:160+len(m)])

var hCheckReduced [32]byte
edwards25519.ScReduce(&hCheckReduced, &hCheck)

if edwards25519.FeCompare(hCheckReduced, h) == 0 {
// compute VRF from cV:
var cVBytes [32]byte
vrfBuf[0] = 0xFA // label 5
copy(vrfBuf[32:], cVBytes[:])
vrfOutput := sha512.Sum512(vrfBuf[:64])
copy(vrf[:], vrfOutput[:32])
// vrf = cV || hash_5(cV) (mod 2^b)
return true, vrf

return false, vrf

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