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rayjas Installer


rayjas installer is a collection of scripts to facilitate smooth and smart installation, update and uninstall of the rayjas software on popular desktop/server linux systems as well as ARM systems such as Raspberry PI/Orange PI. The script is optimized to detect your system type, and install all necessary dependencies thta are needed to run rayjas. The installer will propmpt for superuser permissions when it is started. This permission is used to execute sudo level commands.

rayjas installer makes use of root's crontab to register itself as an autoupdater. The shell script is then autorun by the system once a day (at designated hour) to look for and autoupdate the exsiting rayjas installation. It is important to note that Updating can be done manually as well as automatically. We will be discussing various options in the following sections. A vital part of the update process si the smartmerge python module. This module helps in merging JSON configuration files efficiently during the update, which helps transition from old version of the software to new without breaking/corrupting anything. Smartmerge also attempts to preserve your older configuration edits.

rayjas installer in autoupdate mode can seamlessly update the rayjas program to latest without the need for any human intervention, very much like a high level operating system autoupdate.


The installer script use mix of bash ansd python 3.7+ to install and update rayjas. While bash is available everywhere, you must ensure your system can support python 3.7 or higher. The installer will scan the system looking for supported python versions and if not found it will look for them on apt/yum repositories.

  • Min CPU Speed: 1 GHZ
  • Min Memory: 256 MB
  • CPU ARCH: 64/32 Bit Intel/AMD 64 bit
  • OS: RedHat, Ubuntu 16+, CentOS 7+

Coming soon: (Raspian, ARMbian, Ubuntu For ARM)

How To Use

Download the installer to your target system

  • The installer needs to be downloaded from its github repo which in turn requires git to be installed on the system. You can install git in the following ways:
Installing git on Debain/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
Installing git on CentOs/RHLE
sudo yum update
sudo yum install git
Verify git installation
git --version

Now using git clone the repository on your linux system on which you wish tro install rayjas - git clone

Give executable permissions to the installer script

  • Execute the following command to switch directory to the installer script and make it executable - cd rayjas-installer && sudo chmod +x *.sh

Now we are ready to run the installer!!

Basic Usage (Simple Install)

  • Run the script by typing - ./


  • The script will then request permission by prompting for superuser password. Enter password to alow the script to continue.

  • If everything is fine the script will not prompt you for anything else. It will install the program and then register a systemd service for it automatically by the name rayjas.service. The service is auto-started post installation. However you can still use systemctl to start and stop it manually.

Stop Service:

sudo systemctl stop rayjas.service

Start Service:

sudo systemctl start rayjas.service


Flag Description Value Type
-i Run in install mode NA
-u Run in update mode (0 -> install or 1 -> update or -1 -> remove)
-r Run in uninstall mode (Targets core unless module flag is selected) NA
-m Sets module as subject of operations NA
-h Usage information NA

Functionality & Mechanisms

The Manifest

The manifest is a JSON fornmatted file which is used to describe the installation of rayjas core program. It defines various aspects of the installation such as supported python versions, release date, release version, package download url, package signature (md5 hash) etc. The installer will reade manifest and parse it before starting with the installation/updation mechanism.

    "vendor": "Connessione Technoloigies Pvt. Ltd.",
    "released": "22-05-12 01:02:39",
    "payload": {
        "version": "1.0.18",
        "format": "zip",
        "platform": {
            "x86_64": {
                "enabled": true,
                "url": "https://*****************/************/",
                "md5": "6dafac4c971e23b0beee60ce92a072f4",
                "dependencies": {
                    "interpreters": "3.7,3.8"
                "cleanups": []
            "arm64": {
                "enabled": false,
                "url": "",
                "md5": "",
                "dependencies": {
                    "interpreters": ""
                "cleanups": []

Manifest can supports different builds for x86_64 & ARM platforms simultaneously

  • vendor - Name of manifest provider
  • released - DateTime of manifest publish
  • payload.version - Build version number.
  • payload.url - Build download url
  • payload.format - Package format
  • payload.md5 - MD5 hash signature of the build package
  • payload.dependencies.interpreters - List of python interpreter versions supported by the build
  • cleanups - List of files/folders to remove after update

Basic Install Process


./ -i

From the installer's standpoint, the installation process can broadly be broken down into the following steps:

  • Detect the system configuration, operating system and other system details
  • Load variables from local configuration file (config.ini)
  • Install all the prerequisites on the system
  • Fetch and parse the build manifest from cloud
  • Use information from manifest to discover or install a supported version of python on the system (if needed)
  • Download the rayjas payload & install to proper location
  • Setup python virtual environment for the python version identified or installed earlier
  • Create a systemd service for rayjas using the main entry file & virtual environment interpreter


Installing modules

./ -i -m <module-name>

Where -i instructs to run script in installation mode & the -m flag selects module oprations.

<module-name> refers to the name of the module you are trying to install. the module should exist in the repository (should be supported officially). Custom module installation is not support via this installer at the moment.

You need to restart rayjas service for changes to take effect.

Removing modules

./ -r -m <module-name>

Where -r instructs to run script in removal mode & the -m flag selects module oprations.

<module-name> refers to the name of the module you are trying to remove. If the module and its configuration exist in the install location it will be removed.

You need to restart rayjas service for changes to take effect.

Update Process


./ -u 1

From the installer's standpoint, the update process can broadly be broken down into the following steps:

  • Detect the current instalaltion and configurations
  • Fetch and parse the build manifestfrom cloud
  • Determine whether installation is updatable or not
  • Download the payload to disk
  • Use Smartmerge to merge old and new configuration files properly to prepare the latest payload for deploymenmmt.
  • Check & create python virtual environment as needed.
  • Install dependencies for latest build
  • Update the systemd service if necessary


Smartmerge is a python program that is used to merge configuration files from existing version of the software and the latest version of the software downloaded, without losing the edited configurations. Smartmerge script reuses the rayjas virtual environment for its dependencies and hence does not require setting up a new python virtual environment.

AutoUpdater (experimental)

Autoupdate is a useful (experimental) feature of this installer which lets you update your existing rayjas installation automatically in an unattended manner.

To activate autoupdater :>

  1. Make sure the script has administrative rights and permissions to execute.
  2. Create a CRON job in the linux system to run the bash script as the administrator automatically once a day at a specific time.

The cron job would look like this :


Uninstall Process


./ -r
./ -u -1

From the installer's standpoint, the uninstall process can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Check system for existing installation
  • Remove rayjas core & modules
  • Remove any virtual environment created
  • Remove any systemd service created
  • Remove all installation data


The install stores its configurable variables in the config.ini file. These variables are loaded into memory at execution-time.

The Config file

# ------------------

# -------------------

# ----------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------
Property Default Value Description
PYTHON_VERSION 3.7 Min viable python versionrequired to run the program.
PYTHON_DEFAULT_VENV_NAME virtualenvs Default name for virtual environment container directory. The virtual environment will be created in this directory by the same name as the program.
PYTHON_VIRTUAL_ENV_LOCATION ~/ (user home) Path to virttual environment container directory
PROGRAM_INSTALL_LOCATION ~/ (user home) The installation path for the program.
PROGRAM_NAME rayjas The name of the program. Thsi si used in directory creation as well as service creation.
PROGRAM_INSTALL_AS_SERVICE true Determined whether the program shoudl be installed as a system service.Boolean true or false.
PROGRAM_SERVICE_AUTOSTART false Determines whether the system service (if installed) should autostart with the operating system. Boolean true or false.
LOG_FILE_NAME rayjas_installer.log Name of the log file generated by the installer
LOGGING true Determined whether installer logging is enabled. Boolean true or false.

Future Roadmap

  • Custom manifest support for custom build installation
  • Enable/disable module
  • Custom dependencies injection during installation


Rayjas installer






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