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cooltrain7 edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Tracker Wiki, the current purpose of this wiki is for Census Stream Event documentation.

For those looking for a more general guide on the Planetside Census I thoroughly recommend a reading of the following;

Streaming Events

Event Types

There are two possible types of stream events

  • Character - Character events are fired per character subscription or all characters if "all" is provided.
  • World - World events are fired per world subscription.

All Events

Name Event Type Description
AchievementEarned Character A character has earned an achievement (Ribbon/Medal/Mission)
BattleRankUp Character A character has increased in battle rank
Death Character A character has died
GainExperience Character A character has earned a tick of experience
ItemAdded Character An item has changed state within an inventory
SkillAdded Character A character has been granted a skill/certification
PlayerFacilityCapture Character A character has taken part in capturing a facility
PlayerFacilityDefend Character A character has taken part in defending a facility
VehicleDestroy Character A Vehicle has been destroyed
ContinentLock World A continent has locked
ContinentUnlock World Never implemented
MetagameEvent World A MetaGameEvent (Alert/Outfit War) has changed state
FacilityControl World A facility has changed state
PlayerLogin Both A character has logged in
PlayerLogout Both A character has logged out
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