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cooltrain7 edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 3 revisions


BattleRankUp is a character event that is fired whenever the characters battle rank increases. Note: There is no indication if this rank increase is a ASP rank increase.

Payload Content

As with all Census payloads all types are given as strings, and can be cast to the following base types.

Name Type Description
event_name string The name of the Payload, i.e AchievementEarned
character_id uint_64 The character who trigged the event
battle_rank uint_32 The characters new rank
world_id uint_32 The World (Server) the event was triggered from
zone_id uint_32 The Zone (Continent) the event was triggered from
timestamp uint_64 The UTC unix timestamp the event triggered


    "payload": {
	"battle_rank": "6",
	"character_id": "0000000000000000000",
	"event_name": "BattleRankUp",
	"timestamp": "1678009745",
	"world_id": "1",
	"zone_id": "344"
    "service": "event",
    "type": "serviceMessage"
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