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Very very simple oauth library for Clojure for use with Google App Engine. This library uses the Signpost library to do OAuth 1.0 signatures.


Add this to your project.clj :dependencies block

[clj-appengine-oauth "0.1.1"]

Tested with

  • Twitter (1.0a) - (make-provider-twitter)
  • Netflix (1.0a) - (make-provider-netflix consumer app-name)
  • Google (1.0a) - (make-provider-google scope)
  • Facebook (2.0) - (get-authorize-url-facebook) + (get-protected-url-facebook)

It probably works with other providers. You'll just need to write a "make-provider" function that includes the correct endpoint URLs for that provider plus any additional params they require (e.g. "scope" for Google).

You may need to fork the code and hack it a bit if you need to pass arbitrary parameters to the provider. Signpost doesn't have an super obvious way to do that that I saw, but I probably missed it.


  • Signpost's OauthConsumer class, which we use, is stateful. Sorry I know, not very Clojure-esque. At any rate you'll want to stash this object in the session so that you use the same instance per request.
  • Signpost is not threadsafe -- make sure to create new consumers and provider instances from within your ring/compojure/noir request handlers


It seems that every oauth provider does things a little differently. This makes most OAuth libraries hard to use. Use the examples below to see how to play with the library in the REPL. I suspect you'll need to fiddle with it for each new provider you try it with. Please send me updated docs/examples if you try other providers.

For full example of how to use this library in a real Clojure/Noir/appengine-magic app, please see:

Here are some abbreviated snippits

Twitter - should work for OAuth 1.0 providers

;; first, bootstrap the app engine environment so we can fetch URLs
user=> (require '[appengine-magic.local-env-helpers :as ae-helpers])
user=> (ae-helpers/appengine-init ( ".") 8090)

;; next, load our library
user=> (require '[clj-appengine-oauth.core :as oauth])

;; setup your oauth app credentials and make a request
user=> (def twitter-consumer (oauth/make-consumer "your-app-key" "your-app-secret"))

;; ask twitter for the "login" page.  this is where you'd redirect a user when they ask
;; to login to your app from twitter
user=> (oauth/get-authorize-url (oauth/make-provider-twitter) twitter-consumer "")

;; after a successful login, twitter will hit your callback url with "oauth_verifier" on the query string
;; now you need to get an access token from them.  you'll use this to sign requests
;; on behalf of the user who just logged in
;; example redirect from twitter that I cut/paste from my browser:
;; this should return nil - but the twitter-consumer will have some state assigned
;; I know, I know, this isn't how you're supposed to write clojure..  Someday I'll get rid of this
;; Signpost code, but until then, bask in the glory of having something working with oauth
user=> (oauth/get-access-token (oauth/make-provider-twitter) twitter-consumer "AejNj1GUrlW1MDnei8IqwygJtUuKg9zPdggJmar46wk")

;; now you can access protected resources with your twitter-consumer
user=> (oauth/get-protected-url twitter-consumer nil "" "utf-8")
{\"profile_use_background_image\":true,\"favourite ... }

;; woohoo! -- at this point you should stash twitter-consumer on the user's session
;; with noir you'd do this: (session/put! :oauth-consumer twitter-consumer)

Facebook (and maybe other OAuth 2.0 providers??)

;; setup your oauth app credentials
user=> (def facebook-consumer (oauth/make-consumer "app-id" "app-secret"))

;; ask facebook for the "login" page.
user=> (oauth/get-authorize-url-facebook facebook-consumer "")

;; you redirect the user to this page and wait..
;; NOTE: Unlike Twitter, Facebook is VERY picky about the callback-url you pass in.  It MUST match
;;       the URL you configured for your Facebook app.  This is midly annoying during development.
;;       My suggestion is to register a test app that has a URL of:  http://localhost:8080
;;       Test with that app, and use different app-id/secret credentials in production
;; example redirect from Facebook:
;;   http://localhost:8080/facebook-callback?code=AQAncT5y4qVflZs_FM-_2E7_uhqhs-Lf-F5xTqUnVAvRNpMZA6jme1kbyup3qZ29KB-cArkkjWWVLd0oo83jCd6AUJ2lHXZoW9TuH1JEcANbdbJOV2q1mfoqjImiT9nzmKu2bPdWYqELcwwAqmzCv8p5HYYrlAh1ut7_eGBewuef-4jfMpbfLN7eGEaxveQw2UxmauRCXk6RsaFhLz_9c02z#_

;; ask facebook for an access_token
;; the 'code' variable here was assigned the value from the query string
;; NOTE: make sure your callback-url is EXACTLY the same as the one you used in the
;;       get-authorize-url-facebook call.  If it's not you'll get an error
;; The response map has two keys: :access_token and :expires
;;   :access_token is what you'll use on future requests
;;   :expires is the number of seconds this token is good for.  It's up to you to track that
;;            once it expires you have to repeat the auth process again to get a new token
user=> (def facebook-access-token (oauth/get-access-token-facebook facebook-consumer code "http://localhost:8080/facebook-callback"))

;; Facebook is using OAuth 2, which doesn't use signatures.
;; This means you can throw away the facebook-consumer var at this point
;; The only thing you need to hold onto is this access token
;; Now you can request a restricted page
user=> (oauth/get-protected-url-facebook (:access_token facebook-access-token) "" "utf-8")
"{\"id\":\"10000 .... }

;; woohoo! stash that facebook-access-token some place safe, like the session


  • Version 0.1.1 (Sep 8 2011)
  • Added make-provider-google for Google support
  • Version 0.1.0 (Aug 30 2011)
  • Initial version


Copyright (C) 2011 James Cooper

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


OAuth library for Clojure and Google App Engine






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