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copybin edited this page Feb 20, 2012 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the DJANGO1 wiki!

1. What is NINJA-IDE?

  • NINJA-IDE (from: "Ninja Is Not Just Another IDE"), is a cross-platform integrated development environment specially design to build Python Applications. NINJA-IDE provides tools to simplify the Python-software development and handles all kinds of situations thanks to its rich extensibility.

2. Which platforms NINJA support?

  • NINJA-IDE runs on Linux/X11, Mac OS X and Windows desktop operating systems

3. is NINJA free software?

  • Ninja-IDE is under GPLv3 License agreements. Yeap, that's right: Ninja IDE is free software.

4. System requirements for running NINJA:

  • Python >= 2.6 (Python 2.7 for installing it from the .deb package)
  • NINJA is NOT compatible with python 3
  • PyQt >= 4.6 (4.8 recommended). download PyQT
  • Operative system: Linux/X11, Mac OS X or Windows desktop operating systems

5. How can I help with the translation?

  • New strings probably will be added before the release, so this base translation file is not final, but if you want, you can help us with the translation of what we have so far. You just need to edit the ninja.ts file with any Text Editor (or Qt Linguistic would be even better for you) and translate the strings into your language, once you have it, you can do a pull request into this repo:

  • There is where we are going to manage all the translations, just create a folder for your language, put your translated .ts file in there and make the pull request!! :D

more info about translations:

6. Is it posible to have a DJANGO Integration?

  • We are working on it, don't worry because it's in our wishlist.

7. I get a "Failed to Start" when I create a simple project under Windows:

  • Edit / Preferences and change the execution path

That file is really important to work with python modules, you should read any of the python tutorials availables online. And that's the way to solve the running problem:

Edit / Preferences and changed the execution path to C:/Program Files (x86)/Python272/pythonw.exe

Because windows doesn't have the python variable loaded in the environment variables by default.