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Corda 5 Solar System

A simple Corda 5 Cordapp that allows you to launch probes between planets with little messages. So Come say "Hello" to Mars or Pluto.


There are two flows LaunchProbeFlow which takes two parameters:

  • message (String) - A message to send with the probe
  • target (x500 String) - The X500 name of the probes target

And ListVisitedProbeMessagesFlow which takes no parameters, but returns a list of recieved messages

Deploying and Testing

Required Prerequisites

  • Corda CLI
  • Cordapp Builder
  • Node CLI
  • Docker

Deployment via Corda CLI

  1. Navigate to the app directory
  2. Build the app with gradlew build
  3. Build the Cordapp with the cordapp-builder CLI util cordapp-builder create --cpk contracts\build\libs\<CPK FILE NAME> --cpk workflows\build\libs\<CPK FILE NAME> -o solar-system.cpb
  4. Configure the network with corda-cli network config docker-compose solar-system
  5. Build the network deployment dockerfile using corda-cli corda-cli network deploy -n solar-system -f solar-system.yaml > docker-compose.yaml
  6. Deploy the network using docker-compose docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
  7. When deployed check the status with corda-cli corda-cli network status -n solar-system note the mapped web ports for Http RPC
  8. Install the application on the network using corda-cli corda-cli package install -n solar-system solar-system.cpb

Testing VIA Swagger

  • Using the port noted from the network status visit https://localhost:<port>/api/v1/swagger

  • Login using the button on the top right usernames and passwords are as follows:

    Planet Username Password
    Earth earthling password
    Mars martian password
    Pluto plutonian password
  • Launch the LaunchProbeFlow via the Start Flow api by passing something similar

  "rpcStartFlowRequest": {
    "clientId": "launchpad-2", 
    "flowName": "net.corda.solarsystem.flows.LaunchProbeFlow", 
    "parameters": { 
      "parametersInJson": "{\"message\": \"Hello Mars\", \"target\": \"C=GB, L=FOURTH, O=MARS, OU=PLANET\", \"planetaryOnly\":\"true\"}" 

Testing via Node CLI

  1. Add a node corda-node-cli endpoint add -n earth --basic-auth -u earthling -P password https://localhost:<port>/api/v1/
  2. set the node as default corda-node-cli endpoint set -e earth
  3. launch a flow corda-node-cli flow start -n LaunchProbeFlow -A message="hello" -A target="C=US, L=NINTH, O=PLUTO, OU=DWARF_PLANET" -A planetaryOnly=true -u earthling -P password

Web UI

Please see the Web-UI directory for details on installing and luanching a web interface