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Render django templates based on URL path.

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Quick start

  1. Install the package from pypi:

    pip install django-leaf
  2. Add "leaf" and "mptt" to your INSTALLED_APPS:

  3. Add leaf urls to the end of your urlpatterns:

    url(r'^', include('leaf.urls')),


django-leaf can be used to render both "static" and database-backed templates.

Static Templates

If you want to render a template when a user goes to /example/url/, create one of the following files:

  1. example/url.html
  2. example/url/index.html
  3. pages/example/url.html
  4. pages/example/url/index.html

Database Backed Templates

After installing django-leaf, the admin interface will have a new section called Pages where you'll be able to create your page hierarchy.

To define your own page model, you need to extend from leaf.models.Page. There are a few fields available for customization:

  1. identifier: A unique identifier for your model. This will be used to associate page nodes with your page implementation. If you don't provide an identifier, one will be provided for you.
  2. template: The template to render.
  3. admin_page_inline: The admin class to use when rendering the template fields inline. This defaults to the default admin.StackedInline.
  4. admin_inlines: A list of other inlines to add to the admin.

Here's an example for creating a page with translations provided by django-parler:

from parler.admin import TranslatableStackedInline

class AboutPageInline(TranslatableStackedInline):

from django.db import models
from leaf.models import Page
from parler.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields

from .admin import AboutPageInline

class AboutPage(Page, TranslatableModel):
    admin_page_inline = AboutPageInline
    identifier = 'about-page'
    template = "about.html"

    translations = TranslatedFields(

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.headline

When rendering the template, all of the model fields will be available on the page context variable:

{{ page.headline }}
{{ page.copy }}

Home Page

The root page can be added to django-leaf by adding a new page with slug=home and parent=None. All pages added under that will be added without the home part in the path.


  1. Better documentation.
  2. More configuration options.