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tests/kola: add extended upgrade test
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This test will attempt to test an upgrade from a given starting
point (assumed by the caller passing in a specific
`cosa kola run --build=x.y.z`) all the way to the latest build
that is staged to be released. The test is basic in that it
essentially tests 1) updates work 2) boot works.

An example invocation for this test would look like:

cosa buildfetch --stream=next --build=34.20210904.1.0 --artifact=qemu
cosa decompress --build=34.20210904.1.0
cosa kola run --build=34.20210904.1.0 --tag extended-upgrade

You can then monitor the console.txt or journal.txt to watch the
upgrades happen via `tail -f tmp/kola/ext.config.upgrade.extened/*/console.txt'.

Another useful thing to do is to just monitor the major events:

$ tail -f  tmp/kola/ext.config.upgrade.extended/*/journal.txt | grep --color -i 'ok reached version'
Mar 20 02:25:12.584096[2085]: ok Reached version: 34.20210904.1.0
Mar 20 02:26:37.107738[3538]: ok Reached version: 35.20210924.1.0
Mar 20 02:28:08.509482[1668]: ok Reached version: 36.20220418.1.0
Mar 20 02:28:41.242555[1649]: ok Reached version: 36.20220906.1.0
Mar 20 02:29:33.635979[1635]: ok Reached version: 37.20221111.1.0
Mar 20 02:30:16.657854[1469]: ok Reached version: 37.20230303.1.0
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dustymabe authored and jlebon committed Mar 23, 2023
1 parent 9880aa8 commit c9937cc
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Showing 3 changed files with 183 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions tests/kola/upgrade/extended/config.bu
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
variant: fcos
# Must use version 1.0.0 here to use Ignition spec 3.0.0 for
# our oldest supported starting points (i.e. 31.20200108.3.0)
version: 1.0.0
- path: /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/forward-to-console.conf
mode: 0644
inline: |
# Send journal messages to the console. This is so we can see the
# progress even after autopkgtest-reboot-prepare has been called.
- path: /etc/zincati/config.d/99-config.toml
mode: 0644
inline: |
# Don't wait for any rollout window, update ASAP
rollout_wariness = 0.0000
# Increase the frequency at which we check for updates
steady_interval_secs = 20
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/kola/upgrade/extended/data/
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions tests/kola/upgrade/extended/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
## kola:
## # - needs-internet: to pull updates
## tags: "needs-internet"
## # Extend the timeout since a lot of updates/reboots can happen.
## timeoutMin: 45
## # Only run this test when specifically requested.
## requiredTag: extended-upgrade

set -eux -o pipefail


# This test will attempt to test an upgrade from a given starting
# point (assumed by the caller passing in a specific
# `cosa kola run --build=x.y.z`) all the way to the latest build
# that is staged to be released. The test is basic in that it
# essentially tests 1) updates work 2) boot works.
# An example invocation for this test would look like:

# ```
# cosa buildfetch --stream=next --build=34.20210904.1.0 --artifact=qemu
# cosa decompress --build=34.20210904.1.0
# cosa kola run --build=34.20210904.1.0 --tag extended-upgrade
# ```
# You can monitor the progress from the console and journal:
# - everything:
# - tail -f tmp/kola/ext.config.upgrade.extended/*/console.txt
# - major events:
# - tail -f tmp/kola/ext.config.upgrade.extended/*/journal.txt | grep --color -i 'ok reached version'
# For convenience, here is a list of the earliest releases on each
# stream/architecture:
# stable
# - x86_64 31.20200108.3.0
# - aarch64 34.20210821.3.0
# - s390x 36.20220618.3.1
# testing
# - x86_64 30.20190716.1
# - aarch64 34.20210904.2.0
# - s390x 36.20220618.2.0
# next
# - x86_64 32.20200416.1.0
# - aarch64 34.20210904.1.0
# - s390x 36.20220618.1.1

. /etc/os-release # for $VERSION_ID

# delete the disabling of updates that was done by the test framework
if [ -f /etc/zincati/config.d/90-disable-auto-updates.toml ]; then
rm -f /etc/zincati/config.d/90-disable-auto-updates.toml
systemctl restart zincati

version=$(rpm-ostree status --json | jq -r '.deployments[0].version')
stream=$(rpm-ostree status --json | jq -r '.deployments[0]["base-commit-meta"][""]')

test -f /srv/releases.json || \
curl -L "${stream}/releases.json" > /srv/releases.json
test -f /srv/builds.json || \
curl -L "${stream}/builds/builds.json" > /srv/builds.json

last_release=$(jq -r .releases[-1].version /srv/releases.json)
target_version=$(jq -r .builds[0].id /srv/builds.json)

grab-gpg-keys() {
# For older FCOS we had an issue where when we tried to pull the
# commits from the repo it would fail if we were on N-2 because
# the newer commits would be signed with a key the old OS didn't
# know anything about. We applied a workaround in newer releases,
# so this workaround should be limited to zincati older than v0.0.24
max_version=${target_version:0:2} # i.e. 36, 37, 38, etc..
for ver in $(seq $VERSION_ID $max_version); do
test -e "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-${ver}-primary" && continue
curl -L "${ver}-primary" | \
sudo tee "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-${ver}-primary"
sudo chcon -v --reference="/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-${VERSION_ID}-primary" "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-${ver}-primary"

fix-update-url() {
# We switched to non stg URL in zincati v0.0.10 [1]. For older clients
# we need to update the runtime configuration of zincati to get past the problem.
# [1]
cat <<'EOF' > /run/zincati/config.d/50-fedora-coreos-cincinnati.toml
base_url= ""
systemctl restart zincati

ok "Reached version: $version"

# Are we all the way at the desired target version?
# If so then we can exit with success!
if vereq $version $target_version; then
ok "Fully upgraded to $target_version"
bootupctl status
exit 0

# Apply workarounds based on the current version of the system.
# First release on each stream with new enough zincati for updates
# - 31.20200505.3.0
# - 31.20200505.2.0
# - 32.20200505.1.0
# First release with new enough zincati with workaround for N-2 gpg key issue
# - 35.20211119.3.0
# - 35.20211119.2.0
# - 35.20211119.1.0
case "$stream" in
verlt $version '35.20211119.1.0' && grab-gpg-keys
verlt $version '31.20200505.1.0' && fix-update-url
verlt $version '35.20211119.2.0' && grab-gpg-keys
verlt $version '31.20200505.2.0' && fix-update-url
verlt $version '35.20211119.3.0' && grab-gpg-keys
verlt $version '31.20200505.3.0' && fix-update-url
*) fatal "unexpected stream: $stream";;

# If we have made it all the way to the last release then
# we have one more test. We'll now rebase to the target
# version, which should be in the compose OSTree repo.
if vereq $version $last_release; then
systemctl stop zincati
rpm-ostree rebase fedora-compose: $target_version
/tmp/autopkgtest-reboot reboot # execute the reboot
sleep infinity

# Watch the Zincati logs to see if it got a lead on a new update.
# Timeout after some time if no update. Unset pipefail since the
# journalctl -f will give a bad exit code when grep exits early.
set +o pipefail
cmd="journalctl -b 0 -f --no-tail -u zincati.service"
if ! timeout 90s $cmd | grep --max-count=1 'proceeding to stage it'; then
# No update initiated within timeout; let's error.
fatal "Updating the system stalled out on version: $version"
set -o pipefail

# OK update has been initiated, prepare for reboot and sleep
/tmp/autopkgtest-reboot-prepare reboot
sleep infinity

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