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Log4J Lessons Learnt

Christian Folini edited this page Dec 24, 2021 · 3 revisions

This is a lose list of lessons learned during our coverage of the log4j / log4shell / CVE-2021-44228 coverage

How we covered this

Our coverage basically consisted of the following elements

Lessons learnt

  • Coverage is welcome and people are really looking for orientation with massive vulnerabilities the moment they hit main stream media
  • People do not know about CRS. And when they learn about us, they still think it's the ModSecurity project
  • People bypassing AWS WAF will get hundreds of upvotes on twitter: e.g. keywords waf bypass
  • There might be some potential in covering these keywords on twitter with an off-the-shelf response like "Don't call it a #bypass unless you bypass a real #WAF like the #OWASP #ModSecurity @CoreRuleSet." and then an image of the sandbox call and its response. Ideally also with a link to the Sandbox call (via unique ID; we've discussed this).
  • Initiatives like the log4j sandbox really got positive feedback all around
  • Seemingly every WAF vendor ran a blog post how they protect from log4j. But unlike CRS none provided any transparency as to the rules.
  • Discussing regular expressions and decisions seem to be a winning move. Creating a lot of credibility for our project.
  • Several vendors reported using or being inspired by our rules. As did countless other people (also witnessed in many comments on the website). This bought us a lot of goodwill.
  • Coverage is a lot of work. Christian invested about 40h in this.
  • It would be better to be a team of two. Everybody is very busy in these times, so.
  • The setup of a new sandbox instance must be very simple and fast. As must be adding / editing custom rules to an instance.
  • We need our own collection of attack payloads for a vulnerability. A natural resource for future tests. (We did not do such a collection and it became a weak spot)
  • Maybe the wiki would be a better place for coverage than a blog post. Allowing live updates, collection of payloads, etc. Problem: No history on github wiki.
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