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cornhundred committed Feb 17, 2017
2 parents df19269 + c2e430a commit 0a9cef3
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Showing 18 changed files with 334 additions and 13 deletions.
Binary file modified docs/_build_html/.doctrees/case_studies.doctree
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified docs/_build_html/.doctrees/clustergrammer_js.doctree
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified docs/_build_html/.doctrees/clustergrammer_py.doctree
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified docs/_build_html/.doctrees/clustergrammer_web.doctree
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified docs/_build_html/.doctrees/clustergrammer_widget.doctree
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified docs/_build_html/.doctrees/environment.pickle
Binary file not shown.
59 changes: 58 additions & 1 deletion docs/_build_html/_sources/clustergrammer_js.rst.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,64 @@ The page `multiple_clust.html`_ and corresponding script `load_multiple_clusterg

Clustergrammer-JS API
Clustergrammer-JS' API allows users to pass options to the front-end visualization, such as optional callback functions.

.. js:class:: Clustergrammer(args)

The Clusterrammer JavaScript object takes the ``args`` object and produces a visualization on the page.

This ``args`` object has two requried arguments, ``network_data`` and ``root``:

.. js:attribute:: args.network_data

This required attribute is where the visualization JSON should be passed as a JavaScript object.

.. js:attribute:: args.root

This required attribute is the ``id`` (passed as a string) of the container where Clustergrammer will be built. Each Clustergrammer visualization in a page should be passed a unique ``id``.

.. js:attribute:: args.about

This attribute is a string (which can include HTML) that will produce a small about section at the top of the sidebar. This can be used to provide a quick description about the data or visualization.

.. js:attribute:: args.row_tip_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over row labels.

.. js:attribute:: args.col_tip_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over col labels.

.. js:attribute:: args.tile_tip_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over a matrix-cell (e.g. matrix tile).

.. js:attribute:: args.dendro_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over a dendrogram cluster (e.g. gray trapezoid)

.. js:attribute:: args.matrix_update_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run anytime the matrix has been updated, for instance when filtering/unfiltering, cropping, etc.

.. js:attribute:: args.sidebar_width:

Users can modify the width of the sidebar by specifying the width of the sidebar in pixels as a number.

.. js:attribute:: args.ini_view

Users can initialize the 'view' of their matrix, e.g. a initialize the matrix at a particular row filtering level.

Clustergrammer's attributes and functions are listed below:

.. js:function:: update_cats(row_data)

Update the visualization row categories.

:param row_data: The row category data that will be used to ...

:param resize_viz: Call this function to resize the visualization to fit in its resized container (if the user has resized the container).

.. _visualization_json:

Expand Down
59 changes: 58 additions & 1 deletion docs/_build_html/_sources/clustergrammer_js.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,64 @@ The page `multiple_clust.html`_ and corresponding script `load_multiple_clusterg

Clustergrammer-JS API
Clustergrammer-JS' API allows users to pass options to the front-end visualization, such as optional callback functions.

.. js:class:: Clustergrammer(args)

The Clusterrammer JavaScript object takes the ``args`` object and produces a visualization on the page.

This ``args`` object has two requried arguments, ``network_data`` and ``root``:

.. js:attribute:: args.network_data

This required attribute is where the visualization JSON should be passed as a JavaScript object.

.. js:attribute:: args.root

This required attribute is the ``id`` (passed as a string) of the container where Clustergrammer will be built. Each Clustergrammer visualization in a page should be passed a unique ``id``.

.. js:attribute:: args.about

This attribute is a string (which can include HTML) that will produce a small about section at the top of the sidebar. This can be used to provide a quick description about the data or visualization.

.. js:attribute:: args.row_tip_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over row labels.

.. js:attribute:: args.col_tip_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over col labels.

.. js:attribute:: args.tile_tip_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over a matrix-cell (e.g. matrix tile).

.. js:attribute:: args.dendro_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over a dendrogram cluster (e.g. gray trapezoid)

.. js:attribute:: args.matrix_update_callback

Users can pass a callback function that will run anytime the matrix has been updated, for instance when filtering/unfiltering, cropping, etc.

.. js:attribute:: args.sidebar_width:

Users can modify the width of the sidebar by specifying the width of the sidebar in pixels as a number.

.. js:attribute:: args.ini_view

Users can initialize the 'view' of their matrix, e.g. a initialize the matrix at a particular row filtering level.

Clustergrammer's attributes and functions are listed below:

.. js:function:: update_cats(row_data)

Update the visualization row categories.

:param row_data: The row category data that will be used to ...

:param resize_viz: Call this function to resize the visualization to fit in its resized container (if the user has resized the container).

.. _visualization_json:

Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions docs/_build_html/_sources/clustergrammer_py.rst.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,13 +55,12 @@ Clustergrammer-PY generates a Network object (see `Network class definition`_),

When a matrix is loaded into an instance of ``Network`` (e.g. ``net``) it is stored in the data, ``dat``, attribute. Normalization and filtering will modify the ``dat`` representation of the matrix. When the matrix is clustered (by calling :ref:`make_clust`)

.. automodule:: clustergrammer
.. automodule:: clustergrammer_py

.. autoclass:: Network

.. _clustergrammer_py_dev:

Clustergrammer-PY Development
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions docs/_build_html/_sources/clustergrammer_py.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,15 +53,14 @@ Clustergrammer-PY API
Clustergrammer-PY generates a Network object (see `Network class definition`_), which is used to load a matrix (e.g. from a Pandas `DataFrame`_), optionally normalize or filter the matrix, cluster the matrix, and finally generate the visualization JSON for the front-end Clustergrammer.js.

When a matrix is loaded into an instance of ``Network`` (e.g. ``net``) it is stored in the data, ``dat``, attribute. Normalization and filtering will modify the ``dat`` representation of the matrix. When the matrix is clustered (by calling the ``make_clust`` function)
When a matrix is loaded into an instance of ``Network`` (e.g. ``net``) it is stored in the data, ``dat``, attribute. Normalization and filtering will modify the ``dat`` representation of the matrix. When the matrix is clustered (by calling :ref:`make_clust`)

.. automodule:: clustergrammer_py

.. autoclass:: Network

.. _clustergrammer_py_dev:

Clustergrammer-PY Development
Expand Down
89 changes: 88 additions & 1 deletion docs/_build_html/clustergrammer_js.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,7 +190,94 @@ <h2>Installation<a class="headerlink" href="#installation" title="Permalink to t
<div class="section" id="clustergrammer-js-api">
<span id="id4"></span><h2>Clustergrammer-JS API<a class="headerlink" href="#clustergrammer-js-api" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>Clustergrammer-JS&#8217; API allows users to pass options to the front-end visualization, such as optional callback functions.</p>
<dl class="class">
<dt id="Clustergrammer">
<em class="property">class </em><code class="descname">Clustergrammer</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>args</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#Clustergrammer" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>The Clusterrammer JavaScript object takes the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">args</span></code> object and produces a visualization on the page.</p>
<p>This <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">args</span></code> object has two requried arguments, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">network_data</span></code> and <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">root</span></code>:</p>
<div><dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.network_data">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">network_data</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.network_data" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>This required attribute is where the visualization JSON should be passed as a JavaScript object.</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.root">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">root</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.root" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>This required attribute is the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">id</span></code> (passed as a string) of the container where Clustergrammer will be built. Each Clustergrammer visualization in a page should be passed a unique <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">id</span></code>.</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.about">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">about</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.about" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>This attribute is a string (which can include HTML) that will produce a small about section at the top of the sidebar. This can be used to provide a quick description about the data or visualization.</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.row_tip_callback">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">row_tip_callback</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.row_tip_callback" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over row labels.</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.col_tip_callback">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">col_tip_callback</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.col_tip_callback" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over col labels.</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.tile_tip_callback">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">tile_tip_callback</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.tile_tip_callback" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over a matrix-cell (e.g. matrix tile).</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.dendro_callback">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">dendro_callback</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.dendro_callback" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>Users can pass a callback function that will run when mousing over a dendrogram cluster (e.g. gray trapezoid)</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.matrix_update_callback">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">matrix_update_callback</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.matrix_update_callback" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>Users can pass a callback function that will run anytime the matrix has been updated, for instance when filtering/unfiltering, cropping, etc.</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.sidebar_width:">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">sidebar_width:</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.sidebar_width:" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>Users can modify the width of the sidebar by specifying the width of the sidebar in pixels as a number.</p>

<dl class="attribute">
<dt id="args.ini_view">
<code class="descclassname">args.</code><code class="descname">ini_view</code><a class="headerlink" href="#args.ini_view" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>Users can initialize the &#8216;view&#8217; of their matrix, e.g. a initialize the matrix at a particular row filtering level.</p>

<p>Clustergrammer&#8217;s attributes and functions are listed below:</p>
<dl class="function">
<dt id="update_cats">
<code class="descname">update_cats</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>row_data</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#update_cats" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
<dd><p>Update the visualization row categories.</p>
<table class="docutils field-list" frame="void" rules="none">
<col class="field-name" />
<col class="field-body" />
<tbody valign="top">
<tr class="field-odd field"><th class="field-name">Arguments:</th><td class="field-body"><ul class="first last simple">
<li><strong>row_data</strong> &#8211; The row category data that will be used to ...</li>
<li><strong>resize_viz</strong> &#8211; Call this function to resize the visualization to fit in its resized container (if the user has resized the container).</li>


<div class="section" id="visualization-json">
<span id="id5"></span><h2>Visualization-JSON<a class="headerlink" href="#visualization-json" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/_build_html/clustergrammer_py.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ <h2>Installation<a class="headerlink" href="#installation" title="Permalink to t
<div class="section" id="clustergrammer-py-api">
<span id="id2"></span><h2>Clustergrammer-PY API<a class="headerlink" href="#clustergrammer-py-api" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>Clustergrammer-PY generates a Network object (see <a class="reference external" href="">Network class definition</a>), which is used to load a matrix (e.g. from a Pandas <a class="reference external" href="">DataFrame</a>), optionally normalize or filter the matrix, cluster the matrix, and finally generate the visualization JSON for the front-end Clustergrammer.js.</p>
<p>When a matrix is loaded into an instance of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Network</span></code> (e.g. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">net</span></code>) it is stored in the data, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">dat</span></code>, attribute. Normalization and filtering will modify the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">dat</span></code> representation of the matrix. When the matrix is clustered (by calling the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">make_clust</span></code> function)</p>
<p>When a matrix is loaded into an instance of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Network</span></code> (e.g. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">net</span></code>) it is stored in the data, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">dat</span></code>, attribute. Normalization and filtering will modify the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">dat</span></code> representation of the matrix. When the matrix is clustered (by calling <span class="xref std std-ref">make_clust</span>)</p>
<span class="target" id="module-clustergrammer_py"></span><dl class="class">
<dt id="clustergrammer_py.Network">
<em class="property">class </em><code class="descclassname">clustergrammer_py.</code><code class="descname">Network</code><a class="headerlink" href="#clustergrammer_py.Network" title="Permalink to this definition"></a></dt>
Expand Down
68 changes: 67 additions & 1 deletion docs/_build_html/genindex.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,8 @@
<h1 id="index">Index</h1>

<div class="genindex-jumpbox">
<a href="#C"><strong>C</strong></a>
<a href="#A"><strong>A</strong></a>
| <a href="#C"><strong>C</strong></a>
| <a href="#D"><strong>D</strong></a>
| <a href="#E"><strong>E</strong></a>
| <a href="#F"><strong>F</strong></a>
Expand All @@ -150,13 +151,68 @@ <h1 id="index">Index</h1>
| <a href="#P"><strong>P</strong></a>
| <a href="#R"><strong>R</strong></a>
| <a href="#S"><strong>S</strong></a>
| <a href="#U"><strong>U</strong></a>
| <a href="#W"><strong>W</strong></a>

<h2 id="A">A</h2>
<table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr>
<td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.about">args.about (args attribute)</a>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.col_tip_callback">args.col_tip_callback (args attribute)</a>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.dendro_callback">args.dendro_callback (args attribute)</a>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.ini_view">args.ini_view (args attribute)</a>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.matrix_update_callback">args.matrix_update_callback (args attribute)</a>

<td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.network_data">args.network_data (args attribute)</a>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.root">args.root (args attribute)</a>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.row_tip_callback">args.row_tip_callback (args attribute)</a>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.sidebar_width:">args.sidebar_width: (args attribute)</a>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#args.tile_tip_callback">args.tile_tip_callback (args attribute)</a>


<h2 id="C">C</h2>
<table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr>
<td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#Clustergrammer">Clustergrammer() (class)</a>

<td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_py.html#module-clustergrammer_py">clustergrammer_py (module)</a>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,6 +363,16 @@ <h2 id="S">S</h2>

<h2 id="U">U</h2>
<table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr>
<td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl>

<dt><a href="clustergrammer_js.html#update_cats">update_cats() (built-in function)</a>


<h2 id="W">W</h2>
<table style="width: 100%" class="indextable genindextable"><tr>
<td style="width: 33%" valign="top"><dl>
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Binary file modified docs/_build_html/objects.inv
Binary file not shown.

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