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Google Summer Of Code 2017




Final Report

Updating gopy to support Python3 and PyPy

gopy is an tool which generates (and compiles) a Python extension module from a go package. Although gopy provides powerful features of Go, gopy only supported CPython2. So I proposed updating gopy to support Python3 and PyPy by using CFFI.

CFFI is C Foreign Function interface for Python. It interacts with almost any C Code from Python. While ctypes is not perfectly compatible with PyPy.

In terms of Go API can be exposed by C API which is called Cgo. this project is focused on calling Go package C API through CFFI. Through this approach, it can interact with most of existing Python compilers.

Generating CFFI codes for gopy can be done by 3 phases. First, generate wrapped Go package code. Second, Analyze which interfaces should be exposed and generate C definition functions by rule based naming. Third, Generate a wrapper Python codes which Python compiler will import.

Proposal slide


Sebastien Binet / CERN-HSF

Alexandre Claude / CERN-HSF


Dong-hee Na / Chugnam National University

Supported Features.

A. Basic types

package simple
func Add(i, j int) int {
        return i + j

func Bool(b bool) bool {
        return b

func Comp64Add(i, j complex64) complex64 {
        return i + j

simple package can be easily imported by Python. And Python can call each of Go functions which use basic types parameters and basic types return values.

import simple
a = simple.Add(5,3)
b = simple.Bool(True)
c = simple.Comp64Add(3+5j, 2+2j)

B. Detect functions returning a Go error and make them pythonic (raising an Exception)

package pyerrors

import "errors"

// Div is a function for detecting errors.
func Div(i, j int) (int, error) {
        if j == 0 {
                return 0, errors.New("Divide by zero.")
        return i / j, nil

Go supports returning error types to detect error has occurred. By using gopy and cffi engine it can be detected on Python side by the pythonic way.

def div(a, b):
        r = pyerrors.Div(a, b)
        print("pyerrors.Div(%d, %d) = %d"% (a, b, r))
    except Exception as e:


C. Go struct

type S struct{}

func (S) Init() {}
func (S) Upper(s string) string {
        return strings.ToUpper(s)

func FuncTest(item S) {}

func (this S) MethodTest(item S1) {}

type S1 struct {
        private int

type S2 struct {
        Public  int
        private int

Go’s structs are typed collections of fields. They’re useful for grouping data together to form records. By using gopy and cffi engine, a user can import Go' structs and use its method and fields.

import structs

print("s = structs.S()")
s = structs.S()
print("s = %s" % (s,))
print("s.Upper('boo')= %r" % (s.Upper("boo"),))

print("s1 = structs.S1()")
s1 = structs.S1()
print("s1 = %s" %(s1,))

D. Constants

package consts

const (
        C1 = "c1"
        C2 = 42
        C3 = 666.666

Constants are a read-only variable of Go. gopy supports constants of Go by accessing Get methods.

import consts

print("c1 = %s" % consts.GetC1())
print("c2 = %s" % consts.GetC2())
print("c3 = %s" % consts.GetC3())

E. Variables

package vars

var (
        V1 = "v1"
        V2 = 42
        V3 = 666.666

var (
        V4 string  = "c4"
        V5 int     = 42
        V6 uint    = 42
        V7 float64 = 666.666

gopy with CFFI engine supports accessing variables by Get/Set methods.

import vars

print("Initial values")
print("v1 = %s" % vars.GetV1())
print("v2 = %s" % vars.GetV2())
print("v3 = %s" % vars.GetV3())
print("v4 = %s" % vars.GetV4())
print("v5 = %s" % vars.GetV5())
print("v6 = %s" % vars.GetV6())
print("v7 = %s" % vars.GetV7())

F. Arrays

package arrays

func IntSum(a [4]int) int {
        sum := 0
        for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
                sum += a[i]
        return sum

func CreateArray() [4]int {
        return [4]int{1, 2, 3, 4}

An array is a fixed size elements arrangement. gopy with CFFI engine supports Go's arrays. It supports random accessing of arrays. Also, it supports arrays as function arguments.

import arrays

a = [1,2,3,4]
b = arrays.CreateArray()
print ("Python list:", a)
print ("Go array: ", b)
print ("arrays.IntSum from Python list:", arrays.IntSum(a))
print ("arrays.IntSum from Go array:", arrays.IntSum(b))

G. Slices

package slices

func IntSum(s []int) int {
        sum := 0
        for _, value := range s {
                sum += value
        return sum

func CreateSlice() []int {
        return []int{1, 2, 3, 4}

A slice is a dynamically-sized, flexible view into the elements of an array. gopy with CFFI engine supports Go's slices. It supports basic slices operations. Also, it supports slices as function arguments.

import slices

a = [1,2,3,4]
b = slices.CreateSlice()
print ("Python list:", a)
print ("Go slice: ", b)
print ("slices.IntSum from Python list:", slices.IntSum(a))
print ("slices.IntSum from Go slice:", slices.IntSum(b))

H. maps

package maps

import (

func Sum(t map[int]float64) float64 {
        sum := 0.0
        for _, v := range t {
                sum += v

        return sum

func New() map[int]float64 {
        return map[int]float64{
                1: 3.0,
                2: 5.0,

A map is a key/value data structure of Go. This feature is supported by CFFI engine. A user can pass the parameter Python dict as a map parameter also.

from __future__ import print_function
import maps

a = maps.New()
b = {1: 3.0, 2: 5.0}
print('maps.Sum from Go map:', maps.Sum(a))
print('maps.Sum from Python dictionary:', maps.Sum(b))

I. Named types

package named

type Float float32

// Value returns a float32 value
func (f Float) Value() float32 { return float32(f) }

type X float32
type XX X
type XXX XX

// Value returns a float32 value
func (x X) Value() float32 { return float32(x) }

// Value returns a float32 value
func (x XX) Value() float32 { return float32(x) }

// Value returns a float32 value
func (x XXX) Value() float32 { return float32(x) }

// Value returns a float32 value
func (x XXXX) Value() float32 { return float32(x) }

Go supports to define user custom typed with named. By using gopy, it can be used by package method.

import named

print("v = named.Float()")
v = named.Float()
print("v = %s" % (v,))
print("v.Value() = %s" % (v.Value(),))

print("x = named.X()")
x = named.X()
print("x = %s" % (x,))
print("x.Value() = %s" % (x.Value(),))

print("x = named.XX()")
x = named.XX()
print("x = %s" % (x,))
print("x.Value() = %s" % (x.Value(),))

J. Unnamed types

package hi

var (
        IntSlice = []int{1, 2}                      // A slice of ints
        IntArray = [2]int{1, 2}                     // An array of ints

Go supports to define user custom typed with unnamed. By using gopy, it can be used by calling package method.

import hi
a = hi.GetIntArray()

K. Go documentation extraction

package extract

const (
        PI float64  = 3.14

// Type S1 has a public field 
type S1 struct {
        Public int

// Add is function which returns sum of two variables.
func Add(a int, b int) int {
        return a + b

Go supports a documentation feature through Godoc. It is a similar feature with Python's Pydoc. gopy also migrate Go's documentation for the vars, functions, and types into Pydoc. Here is the example.

root@180a6474ebba:~/go/src/ pypy 
Python 2.7.10 (5.1.2+dfsg-1~16.04, Jun 16 2016, 17:37:42)
[PyPy 5.1.2 with GCC 5.3.1 20160413] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> import extract
>>>> dir(extract)
['Add', 'GetGSoC', 'GetPI', 'S1', 'SetGSoC', '_PY3', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '_cffi_backend', '_cffi_helper', 'collections', 'ffi', 'os', 'sys']
>>>> print(extract.Add.__doc__)
Add(int a, int b) int

Add is function which returns sum of two variables.

>>>> print(extract.GetGSoC.__doc__)
returns extract.GSoC
>>>> print(extract.SetGSoC.__doc__)
sets extract.GSoC
>>>> print(extract.S1.__doc__)
Type S1 has a public field



A. FindElementOfIndex Test

package bench1

func FindElementIdx(arrays []int, value int) int {
        for idx, v := range arrays {
                if v == value {
                        return idx

        return -1;
def FindElementIdx(numbers, value):
   for idx, v in enumerate(numbers):
      if v is value:
          return idx

   return -1
Python Interpreter Python time elapsed(sec) gopy time elapsed (sec)
Python2 0.0396955013275 3.74620819092
Python3 0.043562889099121094 3.0519542694091797
PyPy 0.00602054595947 2.59648394585

B. Calculating PI with Monte Carlo method Test

func monte_carlo_pi(reps int, result *int, wait *sync.WaitGroup) {
        var x, y float64
        count := 0
        seed := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
        random := rand.New(seed)

        for i := 0; i < reps; i++ {
                x = random.Float64() * 1.0
                y = random.Float64() * 1.0

                if num := math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y); num < 1.0 {

        *result = count

func GetPI(samples int) float64 {
        cores := runtime.NumCPU()

        var wait sync.WaitGroup

        counts := make([]int, cores)


        for i := 0; i < cores; i++ {
                go monte_carlo_pi(samples/cores, &counts[i], &wait)


        total := 0
        for i := 0; i < cores; i++ {
                total += counts[i]

        pi := (float64(total) / float64(samples)) * 4
        return pi
def monte_carlo_pi_part(n):
    count = 0
    for i in range(n):

        if x*x + y*y <= 1:

    return count

def GetPI(samples):
    np = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    part_count=[int(samples/np) for i in range(np)]
    pool = Pool(processes=np), part_count)
    return sum(count)/(samples*1.0)*4
Sample Counts CPython2 elapsed (sec) gopy elapsed (sec)
10 0.009872 0.001530
100 0.004988 0.000714
1000 0.006712 0.00076
10000 0.006253 0.000823
100000 0.020241 0.002766
1000000 0.132703 0.016841

CPython2 VS gopy benchmark

Sample Counts PyPy elapsed (sec) gopy elapsed (sec)
10 0.013827 0.001615
100 0.00939 0.000846
1000 0.009166 0.000682
10000 0.020542 0.000975
100000 0.020035 0.002385
1000000 0.034196 0.012172

PyPy VS gopy benchmark

Sample Counts CPython3 elapsed (sec) gopy elapsed(sec)
10 0.0018612 0.001381
100 0.008366 0.000763
1000 0.007015 0.000777
10000 0.010334 0.000897
100000 0.023466 0.002581
1000000 0.117782 0.016638

CPython3 VS gopy benchmark

Benchmark Analysis

As you can see FindElementOfIndex Test, Although Go run itself as compiled program, Communication overhead between Python VM and Go is not cheap. For example, If Python passes the parameters with Python list or dict, It converts them into Go objects such as Slices or Arrays. This operation is done by deep copying and its cost is very heavy. If we can solve this issue by the more efficient way.(e.g referencing elements). Communication overhead could be reduced. And the other side, if we see the result of Calculating PI with Monte Carlo method Test, Python can solve highly heavy multi-threaded calculation faster than pure Python calculation by using gopy. It means that we can solve this kind of calculation with the power of the goroutine and elapsed times can be reduced through gopy.



For this Google Summer of Code 2017, I and Sebastien did a lot of things for gopy project. We added a CFFI engine for gopy. And now, gopy supports PyPy and Python3. Also, Python can use lots of Go's feature though gopy including Slice, Arrays, and maps. And this was the main task of Google Summer Of Code 2017. gopy is not always the best answer for Python. because there is a communication overhead between Python VM and Go. However, if Python needs to calculate heavy task with a multi-threaded method, Using gopy will provide tremendous performance improvements with the power of goroutine. It was also proved by our benchmark result.

There are a lot of experimental project for between Go and other languages. And we believe gopy is one of the successful projects for that objective. However, There are few things to solve for gopy to be used in real world production. And removing cgocheck policy is one of the things.

Although Google Summer of Code 2017 is ended, I am going to contribute gopy project to use this project for real world production. And I hope more people join gopy project also. I and Sebastien always welcome those people.

And finally, I am really thanks to Sebastien. He gave me a chance to participate in Google Summer of Code 2017. His highly contributing for Go community leads a lot of projects including gopy, I hope that we can work together even after Google Summer of Code 2017.

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Updating gopy to support Python3 and PyPy







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