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…xtension module XParsec.Array which can be a blueprint for XParsec.String if need be
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Cetin Sert committed Sep 22, 2012
1 parent 599b50d commit d87be3d
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63 changes: 44 additions & 19 deletions XParsec.fs
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Expand Up @@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ type Source<'s,'a> =
type 'a Reply = S of 'a | F with
member inline r.Value = match r with S x -> x | F -> raise <| new InvalidOperationException()
member inline r.IsMatch = match r with F -> false | S _ -> true
static member inline FromBool b = if b then S () else F
static member inline Negate r = match r with F -> S () | S _ -> F
static member inline Put x r = match r with F -> F | S _ -> S x
static member inline Map f r = match r with F -> F | S x -> S <| f x
static member inline Choose f r = match r with F -> F | S x -> match f x with Some v -> S v | None -> F
static member inline fromBool b = if b then S () else F
static member inline negate r = match r with F -> S () | S _ -> F
static member inline put x r = match r with F -> F | S _ -> S x
static member inline map f r = match r with F -> F | S x -> S <| f x
static member inline choose f r = match r with F -> F | S x -> match f x with Some v -> S v | None -> F
static member inline toOption r = match r with F -> None | S x -> Some x

type Parser<'s,'a,'b> = Source<'s,'a> -> Reply<'b> * Source<'s,'a>

Expand All @@ -44,13 +45,13 @@ module Combinators =

let inline future () = let r = ref Δ in (fun s-> !r s), r : Parser<_,_,_> * Parser<_,_,_> ref
let inline ahead (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,_ = p s in r,s
let inline negate (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = p s in Reply<_>.Negate r,s
let inline (=>) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) f s = let r,s = p s in Reply<_>.Map f r,s
let inline (?>) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) f s = let r,s = p s in Reply<_>.Choose f r,s
let inline negate (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = p s in Reply<_>.negate r,s
let inline (=>) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) f s = let r,s = p s in Reply<_>.map f r,s
let inline (?>) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) f s = let r,s = p s in Reply<_>.choose f r,s

let inline (.> ) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) (q : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = p s in match r with F -> F,s | S p -> let r,s = q s in Reply<_>.Put p r,s
let inline (.> ) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) (q : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = p s in match r with F -> F,s | S p -> let r,s = q s in Reply<_>.put p r,s
let inline ( >.) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) (q : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = p s in match r with F -> F,s | S _ -> q s
let inline (.>.) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) (q : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = p s in match r with F -> F,s | S p -> let r,s = q s in Reply<_>.Map (fun q -> (p,q)) r,s
let inline (.>.) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) (q : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = p s in match r with F -> F,s | S p -> let r,s = q s in Reply<_>.map (fun q -> (p,q)) r,s
let inline (</>) (p : Parser<_,_,_>) (q : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = p s in match r with F -> q s | p -> p,s

let inline manyMax n (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s =
Expand All @@ -60,17 +61,17 @@ module Combinators =
let q = Seq.toList <| seq { while (b := source !l; l := p !b; !c < n && (reply !l).IsMatch) do c := !c + 1; yield (reply !l).Value }
S q,!b
let inline many (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = manyMax Int32.MaxValue p s
let inline many1 (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = many p s in Reply<_>.Choose (function _::_ as l -> Some l | _ -> None) r,s
let inline array n (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = manyMax n p s in Reply<_>.Choose (function l -> let a = List.toArray l in (a.Length = n) ?-> a) r,s
let inline many1 (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = many p s in Reply<_>.choose (function _::_ as l -> Some l | _ -> None) r,s
let inline array n (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = manyMax n p s in Reply<_>.choose (function l -> let a = List.toArray l in (a.Length = n) ?-> a) r,s
let inline skipManyMax n (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s =
let mutable b = Δ
let mutable l = (Δ,s)
let mutable c = 0
while (b <- source l; l <- p b; c < n && (reply l).IsMatch) do c <- c + 1
S c,b
let inline skipMany (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = skipManyMax Int32.MaxValue p s
let inline skipMany1 (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = s |> skipMany p in Reply<_>.Choose (fun n -> if n > 0 then Some n else None) r,s
let inline skipN x (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = s |> skipMany p in Reply<_>.Choose (fun n -> if n = x then Some () else None) r,s
let inline skipMany1 (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = s |> skipMany p in Reply<_>.choose (fun n -> if n > 0 then Some n else None) r,s
let inline skipN x (p : Parser<_,_,_>) s = let r,s = s |> skipMany p in Reply<_>.choose (fun n -> if n = x then Some () else None) r,s

let inline (!*.) p s = many p s
let inline (!+.) p s = many1 p s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,10 +114,10 @@ module Xml =
let inline ( !<> ) n (s : Source<_,E>) = (match s.Current.Name.LocalName = n with false -> F | _ -> S s.Current),s
let inline ( !@@ ) n (s : Source<_,E>) = (match s.Current.Attribute (!> n) with null -> F | a -> S a ),s
let inline ( !@ ) n (s : Source<_,E>) = (match s.Current.Attribute (!> n) with null -> F | a -> S a.Value ),s
let inline ( !@- ) n (s : Source<_,E>) = ( s.Current @- n |> Reply<_>.FromBool),s
let inline ( !@+ ) n (s : Source<_,E>) = ( s.Current @+ n |> Reply<_>.FromBool),s
let inline ( @~? ) n v (s : Source<_,E>) = ((s.Current @? n <| v) |> Reply<_>.FromBool),s
let inline ( @~! ) n v (s : Source<_,E>) = ((s.Current @! n <| v) |> Reply<_>.FromBool),s
let inline ( !@- ) n (s : Source<_,E>) = ( s.Current @- n |> Reply<_>.fromBool),s
let inline ( !@+ ) n (s : Source<_,E>) = ( s.Current @+ n |> Reply<_>.fromBool),s
let inline ( @~? ) n v (s : Source<_,E>) = ((s.Current @? n <| v) |> Reply<_>.fromBool),s
let inline ( @~! ) n v (s : Source<_,E>) = ((s.Current @! n <| v) |> Reply<_>.fromBool),s

module Navigation =
Expand All @@ -136,4 +137,28 @@ module Xml =

module Parsers =
open Combinators
let inline children p = ahead (child>.p .>. many (next>.p)) => function c,cs -> c::cs
let inline children p = ahead (child>.p .>. many (next>.p)) => function c,cs -> c::cs

module Array =

type Position = Int32
type 'a Stream = Source<'a [], Position>

let inline clamp l u n = l |> max <| n |> min <| u

type Int32 with
static member pre = Int32.MinValue
static member post = Int32.MaxValue

module Array = let inline (|?|) i (a :_ [] ) = i > - 1 && i < a.Length
let inline source i (s : _ seq) = let a = Seq.toArray s in let i = clamp -1 a.Length i in Source(Source(a, i), if i |?| a then a.[i] else Δ)

type Σ<'s,'a> = Source<'s,'a>
let inline σ (s : Source< _, _>) = s.State
let inline χ (s : Source< _, _>) = s.Current

module Navigation =

let inline next s = let a : _ [] = σ (σ s) in let c = χ (σ s) + 1 in match c < a.Length with false -> F,s | true -> S a.[c],Σ(Σ(a,c),a.[c])
let inline prev s = let a : _ [] = σ (σ s) in let c = χ (σ s) - 1 in match c > -1 with false -> F,s | true -> S a.[c],Σ(Σ(a,c),a.[c])
42 changes: 28 additions & 14 deletions XParsec.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ type Source<'s,'a> =
type Reply<'b_> = S of 'b_ | F with
member inline Value : 'b_
member inline IsMatch : bool
static member inline FromBool : bool -> unit Reply
static member inline Negate : 'a Reply -> unit Reply
static member inline Put : 'b -> 'a Reply -> 'b Reply
static member inline Map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Reply -> 'b Reply
static member inline Choose : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a Reply -> 'b Reply
static member inline fromBool : bool -> unit Reply
static member inline negate : 'a Reply -> unit Reply
static member inline toOption : 'a Reply -> 'a Option
static member inline put : 'b -> 'a Reply -> 'b Reply
static member inline map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Reply -> 'b Reply
static member inline choose : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a Reply -> 'b Reply

type Parser<'s,'a,'b> = Source<'s,'a> -> Reply<'b> * Source<'s,'a>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,14 +104,27 @@ module Xml =
module Navigation =
type XElement with
member NextElement : E
member PreviousElement : E
member inline Child : E
static member inline source : E -> Source<E,E>
val next : Parser<E,E,E>
val prev : Parser<E,E,E>
val parent : Parser<E,E,E>
val child : Parser<E,E,E>
member NextElement : E
member PreviousElement : E
member inline Child : E
static member inline source : E -> Source<E,E>
val next : Parser<E,E,E>
val prev : Parser<E,E,E>
val parent : Parser<E,E,E>
val child : Parser<E,E,E>
module Parsers =
val inline children : Parser<E,E,'b> -> Parser<E,E,'b list>
val inline children : Parser<E,E,'b> -> Parser<E,E,'b list>

module Array =
type Position = Int32
type 'a Stream = Source<'a [], Position>
module Array = val inline source : Position -> 'a seq -> Source<'a Stream,'a>
type Int32 with
static member pre : Position
static member post : Position
module Navigation =
val inline next : Parser<'a Stream,'a,'a>
val inline prev : Parser<'a Stream,'a,'a>

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