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Simple container & HOC pair to control and auto-focus elements (for example <input> for Web or <TextInput> for React Native or <CustomElement> for both :D)


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Especially useful for ReactNative

Hi, I started to think of a simpler way of handling onSubmitEnd => focus next input logic.

However, other implementations had limitations and performance problems.

I have started to create this module which uses React Context to find and subscribe children that have been passed through a high order function to register them to autofocus context.

Here is the initial documentation for the initial version (probably won't work, I've not tested yet)

Example in React

import React from 'react';
import { withAutoFocus, AutoFocusContainer } from 'react-autofocus';
const handleKeyPress = (next, prev) => (e) => {
    if (e.key === 'Enter') {
        if (e.shiftKey) {
        } else {
const Input = ({ next, prev, ...props }) => ( 
    <input {...props} onKeyPress={ handleKeyPress(next, prev) }/>
const CustomInput = withAutoFocus('focus', ['next'], ['prev'])(Input);
const Button = (props) => <button { ...props } />;
const CustomButton = withAutoFocus('click')(Button);
const Form = (props) => ( // prolly make it stateful in real life
            <label> Your Name: </label>
            <CustomInput type={"text"} autoFocusOrder={1} />
            <label> Your Surname: </label>
            <CustomInput type={"text"} autoFocusOrder={2} /> 
          Your Favorite Song
        <CustomInput type={"text"} autoFocusOrder={3} />
        <CustomButton autoFocusOrder={ 100 }>
            Submit Survey
export default Form;

Example in React Native

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, TextInput, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import { withAutoFocus, AutoFocusContainer } from 'react-autofocus';

const CustomInput = withAutoFocus('focus', ['onSubmitEditing'])(TextInput);

const CustomButton = withAutoFocus((elem) => elem.props.onPress)(TouchableOpacity); 

const Form = (props) => ( // prolly make it stateful in real life
              <Text> Your Name: </Text>
              <CustomInput autoFocusOrder={1} />
              <Text> Your Surname: </Text>
              <CustomInput autoFocusOrder={2} /> 
            Your Favorite Song
          <CustomInput autoFocusOrder={3} />
          <CustomButton autoFocusOrder={ 100 }>
              Submit Survey
export default Form;

Nesting Also Works BTW

import React from 'react';
import { withAutoFocus, AutoFocusContainer } from 'react-autofocus';
import { CustomInput, CustomButton, CustomLabel, CustomView } from './customs';

const Form = (props) => (
        Your Name:
      <CustomInput autoFocusOrder={ 1 }/>
        Your Surname
      <CustomInput autoFocusOrder={ 2 }/>
      Your Favorite Song
    <CustomInput autoFocusOrder={ 3 } />

// Assume that's the Form defined in above examples without submit button, however.

const MultiForms = (props) => ( // bulk 
    <Form autoFocusOrder={ 1 } />
    <Form autoFocusOrder={ 2 } />
    <Form autoFocusOrder={ 3 } />
    <CustomButton autoFocusOrder={ 100 }>
      Submit All Surveys
export default MultiForms;

withAutoFocus(focusExtractor, nextPropNames, prevPropNames)(Component);

A HOC to use a component with autofocus to it.

Focus extractor can either be a string, (focus = ref[focusExtractor])

or it can be a function, (focus = focusExtractor(ref))

or it can be null (focus = null),

(in that case, focusing into this element would result in skipping it and either focusing on next/previous one)


Has props next, prev, children, orderComperator = (a, b) => a - b, focusDefaultDirection = 'FORWARD'

No need to provide anything, actually but if you want something like onSubmit behaviour without any buttons, you can add a function as the next prop, that'll be executed when the last focusable element calls its next method. (ex: pressed enter in the last input)

prev is similar to next but in reverse direction, run when previous function is triggered in first focusable element.

children is React Children :D

orderComperator = (a, b) => a - b compare function of AVL tree for ordering focusable components inside.

AutoFocusableComponent = withAutoFocus()(Component)

AutoFocusableComponent expects a number autoFocusOrder to decide in which order the focusing should be handled.

These numbers must be unique within each AutoFocusContainer.

Limit is it should be between MIN_INT_SIZE/1000 and MAX_INT_SIZE/1000

In JS that means between -2^43 and 2^43 since all numbers are floating points.

So, feel free to use up to 12digits :D

There's an AVL tree in autoFocusContainer, handling the order with respect to these numbers.

If you do not supply autoFocusOrder, it will be experimentally guessed. (That might not be what you want.)


Simple container & HOC pair to control and auto-focus elements (for example <input> for Web or <TextInput> for React Native or <CustomElement> for both :D)







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