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A zero allocation globbing library.

Repository Structure

  • Solutions - Contains source code files, benchmarks and specs.
  • Documentation - Contains documentation, including polyglot notebooks containing code examples inside the Examples subfolder.

Getting Started

Corvus.Globbing is available on NuGet. To add a reference to the package in your project, run the following command

dotnet add package Corvus.Globbing

Use the --version option to specify a version to install.

dotnet add package Corvus.Globbing --version 0.1.0


We built this to provide a zero-allocation globbing library with performance comparable to (or better than) and raw Regular Expressions, when running under net6.0.

Use cases

The particular use case we have optimized for is a case-sensitive glob that will be matched against a large number of paths (100+), but will not necessarily be cachable.

We want a very high-performance parse of that glob, and then a performant application of the glob to a large number of candidate paths.

Our motivation for this came when "link stripping" documents to be returned from an HTTP request, to remove links that the requesting identity is not permitted to see (perhaps for security, feature enablement, or just local context).

We also want to minimize allocations on the hot-path of a request handler.

Performance targets

We offer better raw matching performance (~50-80%) against a pre-tokenized glob pattern, for the StringComparison.Ordinal (case sensitive) default, than Dotnet.Glob.

Our tokenization is also ~10x faster than Dotnet.Glob so it is significantly faster in the single use/throwaway case.


The simplest case just requires you to pass the glob and the candidate path to match. Note that it actually takes a ReadonlySpan<char> - to which strings are implicitly converted.

bool isMatch = Glob.Match("path/*atstand", "path/fooatstand"); 

We support all the standard string-comparison types. The default is StringComparison.Ordinal (i.e. case sensitive), but you could do a case insensitive match:

bool isMatch = Glob.Match("path/*atstand", "PATH/fooatstand", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); 

If you want to hold on to the tokenized glob and match against a number of paths, you can stack allocate a tokenized glob array, and reuse it:

string pattern = "path/*atstand";

// There can't be more tokens than there are characters in the glob pattern, so we allocate an array at least that long.
Span<GlobToken> tokenizedGlob = stackalloc GlobToken[pattern.Length];
int tokenCount = Corvus.Globbing.GlobTokenizer.Tokenize(pattern, ref tokenizedGlob);
// And then slice off the number of tokens we actually used
ReadOnlySpan<GlobToken> glob = tokenizedGlob[..tokenCount];

bool firstMatch = Glob.Match(pattern, glob, "path/fooatstand"); // Returns: true
bool secondMatch = Glob.Match(pattern, glob, "badpath/fooatstand"); // Returns: false

For very long potential globs, you could fall back to the ArrayPool allocation technique:

    // Pick a token array length threshold
    int MaxGlobTokenArrayLength = 1024;

    string pattern = "path/*atstand";

    // There can't be more tokens than there are characters the glob.
    GlobToken[]? globTokenArray = null;
    Span<GlobToken> globTokens = pattern.Length > MaxGlobTokenArrayLength ? stackalloc GlobToken[0] : stackalloc GlobToken[pattern.Length];

    if (pattern.Length > MaxGlobTokenArrayLength)
        globTokenArray = ArrayPool<GlobToken>.Shared.Rent(pattern.Length);
        globTokens = globTokenArray.AsSpan();

        int tokenCount = GlobTokenizer.Tokenize(pattern, ref globTokens);
        ReadOnlySpan<GlobToken> tokenizedGlob = globTokens[..tokenCount];

        // Do your matching here...
        bool firstMatch = Glob.Match(pattern, tokenizedGlob, "path/fooatstand"); // Returns: true

        bool secondMatch = Glob.Match(pattern, tokenizedGlob, "badpath/fooatstand"); // Returns: false
        if (pattern.Length > MaxGlobTokenArrayLength)

Supported patterns

(Derived from Wikipedia)

Wildcard Description Example Matches Does not match
* matches any number of any characters including none Law* Law, Laws, or Lawyer GrokLaw, La, Law/foo or aw
*Law* Law, GrokLaw, or Lawyer. La, or aw
** matches any number of path segments **/Law* foo/bar/Law, bar/baz/bat/Law, or Law Law/foo
? matches any single character ?at Cat, cat, Bat or bat at
[abc] matches one character given in the bracket [CB]at Cat or Bat cat, bat or CBat
[a-z] matches one character from the (locale-dependent) range given in the bracket Letter[0-9] Letter0, Letter1, Letter2 up to Letter9 Letters, Letter or Letter10
[!abc] matches one character that is not given in the bracket [!C]at Bat, bat, or cat Cat
[!a-z] matches one character that is not from the range given in the bracket Letter[!3-5] Letter1, Letter2, Letter6 up to Letter9 and Letterx etc. Letter3, Letter4, Letter5 or Letterxx

Escaping special characters using []

The special characters *, ?, \, /, [ can be escaped by using the [] 'match one character given in the bracket' list - e.g. [[] matches the literal [ and [*] matches the literal *.


We have used Benchmark Dotnet to compare the performance with raw RegEx and DotNet.Glob. This represents a current example run.

(note that we have re-baselined on the Corvus implementation for ease of comparison)


Method Pattern Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Gen1 Allocated Alloc Ratio
New_Compiled_Regex_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [50] 13,877.19 ns 81.928 ns 76.636 ns 111.47 0.68 1.2512 0.0763 21176 B NA
New_DotNet_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [50] 1,303.24 ns 9.116 ns 8.527 ns 10.47 0.07 0.1678 0.0019 2816 B NA
New_Corvus_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [50] 124.40 ns 0.353 ns 0.313 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
New_Compiled_Regex_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [21] 8,345.30 ns 37.882 ns 31.633 ns 136.11 0.59 0.8392 0.0305 14288 B NA
New_DotNet_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [21] 807.77 ns 6.698 ns 5.938 ns 13.18 0.10 0.1135 - 1904 B NA
New_Corvus_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [21] 61.26 ns 0.364 ns 0.341 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
New_Compiled_Regex_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [46] 10,036.70 ns 100.789 ns 94.278 ns 88.88 0.87 1.0223 0.0458 17336 B NA
New_DotNet_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [46] 1,102.24 ns 5.694 ns 4.755 ns 9.76 0.04 0.1411 - 2376 B NA
New_Corvus_Glob p?th/(...)].txt [46] 112.92 ns 0.281 ns 0.263 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
New_Compiled_Regex_Glob p?th/a[e-g].txt 7,218.57 ns 62.485 ns 58.448 ns 160.61 1.79 0.7782 0.0305 13064 B NA
New_DotNet_Glob p?th/a[e-g].txt 613.90 ns 6.127 ns 5.431 ns 13.66 0.11 0.0830 - 1392 B NA
New_Corvus_Glob p?th/a[e-g].txt 44.95 ns 0.233 ns 0.218 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA

Compile and match false

Method NumberOfMatches Pattern Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Gen1 Allocated Alloc Ratio
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 75,896.72 ns 482.550 ns 427.768 ns 1,098.17 6.25 1.2207 0.6104 22284 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 813.62 ns 6.044 ns 5.654 ns 11.80 0.08 0.1135 - 1904 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 69.05 ns 0.437 ns 0.365 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 84,555.94 ns 528.328 ns 468.349 ns 694.16 4.79 1.7090 0.8545 29175 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 1,127.42 ns 7.842 ns 7.336 ns 9.26 0.06 0.1411 - 2376 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 121.79 ns 0.320 ns 0.299 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 1 p?th/a[e-g].txt 74,288.45 ns 499.135 ns 466.891 ns 1,425.78 11.63 1.0986 0.4883 19477 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/a[e-g].txt 597.17 ns 3.189 ns 2.827 ns 11.46 0.08 0.0830 - 1392 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/a[e-g].txt 52.10 ns 0.215 ns 0.201 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 195,131.76 ns 433.322 ns 384.129 ns 4.50 0.07 1.2207 0.4883 22284 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 66,112.97 ns 1,296.349 ns 1,387.078 ns 1.53 0.04 - - 1904 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 43,345.40 ns 802.764 ns 711.630 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 206,238.39 ns 1,227.304 ns 1,087.973 ns 4.81 0.02 1.7090 0.7324 29175 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 66,828.16 ns 1,318.026 ns 1,759.527 ns 1.56 0.04 0.1221 - 2376 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 42,863.40 ns 141.561 ns 125.491 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 194,019.89 ns 846.170 ns 791.508 ns 4.54 0.03 0.9766 0.4883 19469 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 63,989.33 ns 428.623 ns 334.641 ns 1.50 0.01 - - 1392 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 42,718.38 ns 301.756 ns 267.499 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA

Compile and match true

Method NumberOfMatches Pattern Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Gen1 Allocated Alloc Ratio
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 77,030.97 ns 1,093.429 ns 1,022.794 ns 1,109.15 15.59 1.2207 0.6104 22284 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 786.76 ns 8.713 ns 8.150 ns 11.33 0.12 0.1135 - 1904 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 69.45 ns 0.372 ns 0.348 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 84,950.14 ns 1,110.923 ns 984.804 ns 694.92 7.58 1.7090 0.8545 29175 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 1,130.98 ns 6.183 ns 5.784 ns 9.25 0.05 0.1411 - 2376 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 122.24 ns 0.332 ns 0.294 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 1 p?th/a[e-g].txt 74,415.53 ns 319.384 ns 298.752 ns 1,432.32 10.49 1.0986 0.4883 19477 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/a[e-g].txt 629.92 ns 7.227 ns 6.760 ns 12.12 0.17 0.0830 - 1392 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 1 p?th/a[e-g].txt 51.96 ns 0.304 ns 0.285 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 199,287.12 ns 590.785 ns 552.620 ns 4.51 0.06 1.2207 0.4883 22276 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 63,911.88 ns 353.536 ns 313.400 ns 1.45 0.02 - - 1904 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 44,162.74 ns 642.971 ns 569.977 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 202,581.92 ns 689.381 ns 644.847 ns 4.74 0.02 1.7090 0.7324 29175 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 67,650.85 ns 774.893 ns 724.835 ns 1.58 0.02 0.1221 - 2376 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 42,734.74 ns 137.297 ns 107.193 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 195,077.89 ns 450.167 ns 399.061 ns 4.58 0.02 0.9766 0.4883 19469 B NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 64,242.37 ns 827.481 ns 733.541 ns 1.51 0.02 - - 1392 B NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 42,597.05 ns 232.092 ns 193.807 ns 1.00 0.00 - - - NA

Match false

Method NumberOfMatches Pattern Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD Allocated Alloc Ratio
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [50] 279.37 μs 1.137 μs 1.008 μs 279.38 μs 5.94 0.03 - NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [50] 62.83 μs 0.223 μs 0.209 μs 62.81 μs 1.34 0.01 - NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [50] 47.00 μs 0.208 μs 0.184 μs 46.97 μs 1.00 0.00 - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 210.16 μs 1.505 μs 1.408 μs 209.75 μs 4.50 0.03 - NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 68.52 μs 1.357 μs 1.902 μs 68.80 μs 1.45 0.04 - NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 46.70 μs 0.132 μs 0.117 μs 46.67 μs 1.00 0.00 - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 213.06 μs 0.647 μs 0.574 μs 213.27 μs 4.07 0.28 - NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 66.41 μs 1.280 μs 1.665 μs 65.70 μs 1.26 0.09 - NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 51.67 μs 1.140 μs 3.363 μs 49.30 μs 1.00 0.00 - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 207.46 μs 0.609 μs 0.570 μs 207.43 μs 4.44 0.01 - NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 68.23 μs 1.326 μs 1.579 μs 67.37 μs 1.46 0.03 - NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 46.77 μs 0.098 μs 0.082 μs 46.79 μs 1.00 0.00 - NA

Match true

Method NumberOfMatches Pattern Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Allocated Alloc Ratio
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [50] 279.32 μs 1.830 μs 1.712 μs 6.23 0.03 - NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [50] 63.30 μs 0.241 μs 0.225 μs 1.41 0.00 - NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [50] 44.85 μs 0.137 μs 0.114 μs 1.00 0.00 - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 209.55 μs 0.983 μs 0.821 μs 4.67 0.03 - NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 66.46 μs 1.294 μs 1.490 μs 1.48 0.04 - NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [21] 44.87 μs 0.148 μs 0.131 μs 1.00 0.00 - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 212.46 μs 1.412 μs 1.321 μs 4.73 0.03 - NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 68.88 μs 0.537 μs 0.502 μs 1.53 0.01 - NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/(...)].txt [46] 44.90 μs 0.173 μs 0.135 μs 1.00 0.00 - NA
Compiled_Regex_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 206.77 μs 1.097 μs 1.026 μs 4.64 0.03 - NA
DotNetGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 66.17 μs 0.124 μs 0.097 μs 1.49 0.00 - NA
CorvusGlob_IsMatch 10000 p?th/a[e-g].txt 44.56 μs 0.115 μs 0.107 μs 1.00 0.00 - NA


This library would not exist without Dotnet Glob - I've built the specs from its unit tests, and modelled the actual matching algorithms on the implementation in that library (although it is somewhat different in structure). The project has a "give back" mechanism so I've donated a small amount. You could consider doing so too.
