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CRAN resubmission (overviewR 0.0.10)

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@cosimameyer cosimameyer released this 24 Apr 17:28
· 76 commits to master since this release


  • It also adds an extended toydata data.frame (including variables for day)
  • Possibility to use a data.table object with overview_tab and overview_na
  • overview_plot
    • some consecutive years were not correctly connected before)
    • color argument to color parts of the time lines
    • Adjustable dot_size (default is 2)
  • overview_print
    - label to add a cross-reference label
    - fontsize to change the font size
    - Fixed a small issue that can cause problems with large (and complex) TeX documents
  • overview_crossplot
    - a new function that visualizes basically the same output as overview_crosstab
  • overview_tab
    - if there is a NA in the id variable this observation will be automatically deleted. The user receives a warning.
    - possibility to use multiple time arguments
  • overview_crosstab
    - if there is a NA in the id variable this observation will be automatically deleted. The user receives a warning.
  • overview_na
    - Option to generate row_wise NA values
  • overview_overlap
    - New function to compare (at the moment) two data sets using bar graphs (plot_type = "bar") or Venn diagrams (plot_type = "venn")

Bug fixes and issues

We fixed the following bugs and issues:

  • Fixed bug in overview_tab function
    • Internal function returned an integer instead of a date when using multiple time options (also updated the vignettes)
  • Fixed bug in vignette
    • "Having package code which is run as part of the checks and attempts to write to the user library violates the CRAN Policy's"
    • "Packages should not write in the user鈥檚 home filespace (including
      clipboards), nor anywhere else on the file system apart from the R
      session鈥檚 temporary directory (or during installation in the location
      pointed to by TMPDIR: and such usage should be cleaned up)."
  • Increased the code coverage of units tests to 100%