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Easily use statsd-client-adapter within your Laravel project


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Laravel StatsD Adapter


The Laravel StatsD Adapter is a package that provides a seamless integration between Laravel applications and StatsD, a network daemon for collecting and aggregating metrics. By using this adapter, you can effortlessly monitor and measure the performance of your Laravel application, track various metrics, and send them to a StatsD server.

Why Use This Adapter?

  • Save time: logs are great, but metrics can quickly tell the big picture of your application's health.
  • Performance Monitoring: Easily track the performance of your Laravel application, including response times, database queries, and other custom metrics.
  • Aggregation: StatsD collects and aggregates metrics, providing valuable insights into your application's performance over time.
  • Flexibility: Configure the adapter to suit your specific needs. You can use multiple statsd instances in one environment or configure each environment to write to a different location: your local environment to write to a log, staging to a statsd instance, and production to DataDog.
  • Testability: use memory adapter to write unit tests which confirm that stats are recorded under given conditions.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require cosmastech/laravel-statsd-adapter

After installing the package, publish the configuration file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cosmastech\LaravelStatsDAdapter\StatsDAdapterServiceProvider"

Optional Dependencies

If you wish to use DataDog for logging stats, require the composer package

composer require datadog/php-datadogstatsd

For using League's statsd client, you'll need to install their package.

composer require league/statsd


The configuration file config/statsd-adapter.php allows you to customize the adapter's behavior.

Here are the available options:

  • Default Connection: Specify the default StatsD connection.
  • Default Tags: In addition to sending tags based on an as needed basis, you can also include tags in every outgoing request.
  • Connections: Define multiple StatsD connections, each with its own settings.

You can use the example configuration,

return [
    'default' => env("STATSD_ADAPTER_DEFAULT", "datadog"),

    "default_tags" => [
        "app_version" => "1.0.2",
    'channels' => [
        "datadog" => [
            "adapter" => "datadog",
            "host" => env("DD_AGENT_HOST"),
            "port" => env("DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT"),
            "socket_path" => null,
            "datadog_host" => null,
            "decimal_precision" => null,
            "global_tags" => [],
            "metric_prefix" => null,
            "disable_telemetry" => null,


Basic Usage

To send a simple metric, you can use the Stats facade:

use Cosmastech\LaravelStatsDAdapter\Stats;

// Increment a counter

// Record a gauge
Stats::gauge('user.login', 1);

// Record a timing (in ms)
Stats::timing('response.time', 320);

If you prefer using dependency injection in your functions, use the StatsDClientAdapter interface.

use Cosmastech\StatsDClientAdapter\Adapters\StatsDClientAdapter;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Post;

class DeleteAllUserPostsAction
    public function __construct(private readonly StatsDClientAdapter $statsClient)
    public function __invoke(User $user): void
        $user->posts->each(function(Post $post) use ($user) {
            $this->statsClient->decrement("posts", 1.0, ["user_id" => $user->id], 1);

Use Cases

Tracking Page Views

Track the number of times a page is viewed:

Stats::increment('page.views', tags: ['url' => '/home']);

Monitoring Response Times

Measure and monitor the response time of your application:

function makeSomeApiCall()
    return \Http::get("");

$apiResponseToDoSomethingWith = Stats::time(makeSomeApiCall(...), "api-request");

Database Query Monitoring

Track the number of database queries and their execution time:

\DB::listen(function ($query) {
    Stats::timing('database.query_time', $query->time);

Advanced Configuration

Custom Connections

You can define multiple connections and use them as needed:


Dynamic Metrics

Create dynamic metric names based on runtime data:

$role = auth()->role; // Let's assume the User model has a property named `role`


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss your ideas.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the WTFPL license.


Easily use statsd-client-adapter within your Laravel project







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