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1147 lines (946 loc) · 63.3 KB


The complete changelog for the Costs to Expect REST API, our changelog follows the format defined at

[v2.16.1] - 2020-10-18


  • We have updated the friendly_name for item types; the updated names provide more information and make customising the App simpler.
  • We have updated the item-type object included within the resource type object; the item-type object will include the friendly_name field.
  • We have updated the description for our game item type; we are going to support dice games.
  • We have removed the duplicated includeUnpublished functions and added a reusable method to our Clause class.
  • We have disabled sessions for our web routes.


  • We have corrected an issue with our cache; we were incorrectly creating public cache entries rather than private cache entries. No data is leaking because the cache for resource types controls access and the resource type cache is correct.
  • We have renamed the method which adds the clause to include unpublished costs. By default, the method excludes unpublished expenses, so we renamed the method to make the intention clear.

[v2.16.0] - 2020-10-15


  • We have added a migration to create the game item-type table.
  • We have added the configuration for the game item-types.
  • We have added a schema for the game item-type.
  • We have added a schema for the game resource type item-type.
  • We have updated the item and resource type item collections; the collections are aware of the new game item-type.
  • We have updated the summary routes; the item and resource type item summaries are aware of the new game item-type.


  • We are upgrading summaries; the new game summaries include much more information than other summaries. We will upgrade all the summaries a little bit at a time.


  • We have removed a rogue validation rule present in the POST request for the allocated-expense item type.
  • We have updated the item category and subcategory assignment routes. Category and subcategory assignment routes can show more than one item in the collection if the item-type configuration allows.

[v2.15.0] - 2020-10-08


  • We have added an item-subtype table; the subtypes will allow us to customise individual item-types within the Costs to Expect App.
  • We have added a migration for the new item-type and the subtypes supported by the item-type.
  • We have updated all resource collection and item response, we will include the selected item-subtype in the response.
  • We have added an item-subtype schema.
  • We have added an assigned-category schema for category assignments.
  • We have added an assigned-subcategory schema for subcategory assignments.


  • We have modified the unique indexes on the item_category and item_sub_category table; we need to remove the unique index to allow multiple category assignments per item.
  • We have updated create resource; we need you to define the item-subtype when creating a resource.
  • We have added comments to the allocated-expense and simple-expense models. We left join to the category and subcategory tables knowing there will only ever be at most one category. For later item-types multiple categories will get assigned to an item, we will need to come up with an alternative solution.
  • We have updated the clear cache calls for delete requests; we no longer add a job to the queue, we clear the cache synchronously.


  • We have updated create resource type; we didn't start a transaction.
  • We have updated the returned response after creating a resource type; the chosen item type will now show in the response.

[v2.14.0] - 2020-09-27


  • We have updated the API to support multiple currencies, we are starting with GBP, USD and EUR.
  • We have added a /currencies route to detail the supported currencies.
  • We have increased the scope of our development test suite, specifically with regards to summaries.
  • We have added a /queue route to show the number of jobs in the queue.


  • We have updated our item collections. If the item type includes a monetary value, a currency object will be part of the response.
  • We have updated the relevant item POSTs, currency_id is now required.
  • We have updated the relevant item PATCHes, `currency_id is an allowable field.
  • We have updated our item summaries, the format of the response summary objects supports multiple currencies if necessary.
  • We have updated our resource type item summaries, the format of the response summary objects supports multiple currencies if necessary.

[v2.13.1] - 2020-09-17


  • We have changed the cache which gets cleared when we create or delete a resource.
  • We have added a delay for the job which clears the cache on creation or deletion of a resource type and resource.


  • We have corrected a type error; the permitted user check fails because of a type error.

[v2.13.0] - 2020-09-15


  • We have added support for queues; we clear all cache via queues.


  • We have updated all our management controllers, we add a job to the queue rather than clearing the necessary cache synchronously.
  • We have added the Postman collection link to the menu and renamed the documentation button.
  • We have updated our README and included details on how to start the queue.


  • We have corrected a couple of minor coding issues, unused parameters etc.
  • We have updated our changelog, small spelling error.
  • We have updated our controllers and added missing return statements.

[v2.12.2] - 2020-09-12


  • We have added additional tests to our POSTMAN test collection to ensure allowed values exist where expected.
  • We have updated our OPTIONS responses for summary controllers; where relevant, and we show the allowed values for a parameter or field.


  • We have updated our back-end dependencies.
  • We have updated our OPTIONS requests; in some cases, we were not showing allowed values for POST fields and GET parameters.


  • We have tweaked our cache query; we use UNIX_TIMESTAMP() for comparison.
  • We have removed a unique index from the resource_type table.
  • We have updated the OPTIONS response for the resource-types collection; we show the allowed values for the item_type_id.

[v2.12.1] - 2020-09-09


  • We have reworked our item configuration; we are moving away from multiple item type classes and moving towards a configuration based setup.


  • We have updated the web.config; our server will not serve static JSON files.
  • We have updated our back-end dependencies.
  • We will no longer send request error mails for 404s; the number of emails is getting out of hand.
  • We have updated our cache manager; some endpoints will only ever have a public cache, never a private cache.


  • We have fixed a small bug when creating items of type 'simple-item' and 'simple-expense'; we are not setting a date for 'created_at`.
  • We have tweaked our cache management system; our system will not create a private cache for authenticated users when they are looking at public endpoints for which they have no permissions.
  • We have updated the allowed values for some OPTIONS requests; the allowed values are sometimes not displaying.
  • We have made a minor tweak to the query for selecting cache keys.

[v2.12.0] - 2020-07-19


  • We have added the ability to exclude public resource types; to exclude public resource types include exclude-public=1 in your request URIs.
  • We have added support for database transactions; if we are modifying more than one table, we use database transactions.
  • We have added a route to show the number of cached keys for the authenticated user and then optionally delete.
  • We have included the schema files for the API. The schema files are accessible at /api/schema/[type].


  • We have reworked our Option responses; we have moved the code from the controllers ready for the creation of a new package/library.
  • We have removed some duplication in our controllers, fetching dynamic data for Options requests and validation responses is simpler.
  • We have updated all manage controllers; we make use of the existinguser_id property if we need a user_id.
  • We have reworked how we are clearing cache; we clear the cache for all permitted users when any user makes a cache clearing change.


  • We have fixed a couple of instances where we are not passing ids through our hashers.
  • We have fixed the included category and subcategory objects in the resource type items collection.
  • We have fixed a couple of transformers; we were not correctly formatting totals.
  • We have corrected not found calls; in some cases, we were showing error messages on our live environment that we don't want to show.
  • We have fixed the allowed values subcategories array; when we show the allowed values array with a validation error, the collection will have values.
  • We have reworked all our deletes; in some cases, we were possibly creating null references.
  • We have moved a call to fetch a config value; the function call is inside a loop which is a performance issue.
  • We have updated the item type models': the updated_at and created_at come from the relevant item type model.


  • We have removed all API request logging; the request logging isn't adding any value data that we can't get via other means.

[v2.11.6] - 2020-07-01


  • We have added support for an X-Skip-Cache request header; If you include the header with your request we will skip response caching and fetch live values, please use this with care.


  • We have added separate links for the documentation and example page and the postman collection.
  • We have simplified our \Model\Transformer classes and made it possible to alter the returned data format.
  • We have added public as a sorting option for resource types.
  • We have reworked our pagination class; we have moved it to a new workspace and also improved how it works.
  • We have moved our Hash class; the Hash class now lives in the Request namespace.
  • We have moved our ModelUtility class: the ModelUtility class now lives in the Models namespace.
  • We have updated the indexes in our Hash request class; the indexes are consistent with the rest of the app.


  • We have updated our pagination helper to include any defined filtering parameters.
  • We have corrected pagination calls in all our controllers; we now include all possible request parameters.
  • We have corrected calls to clear public caches; we were comparing different types.

[v2.11.5] - 2020-06-24


  • We have added a documentation page; the documentation page links to the API documentation and includes a couple of examples.


  • We have updated the example ENV file.
  • We have renamed a couple of our helper conversion/validation classes and moved them to a new namespace.
  • We have made a minor content tweak on the landing page; the documentation button is in another section.
  • We have updated and relocated our validation classes; the validation classes are now part of the App\Request\Validate namespace.
  • We have reworked our summary controllers; we have removed some code duplication and added additional error checking.


  • Incorrectly assuming the result will be an array with at least one value.
  • We have fixed an error in the changelog; we jump a couple of minor versions.

[v2.11.4] - 2020-06-19


  • We have switched to Redis for our cache.

[v2.11.3] - 2020-06-19


  • We have added an application cache for summaries; we include the ETag header however we are not yet returning a 304.


  • We have updated the caching system to respect the cache config setting.

[v2.11.2] - 2020-06-17


  • We have split calls to clear public and private cache keys.
  • We only clear public cache keys when modifying a public resource type.
  • We have updated the web.config; the web.config file was referring to PHP7.3.
  • Added removed class type hints now that we are running PHP7.4.

[v2.11.1] - 2020-06-16


  • We have added an application cache for collections; we include the ETag header however we are not yet returning a 304.


  • We have moved our route validators; the route validators sit inside the App\Request namespace.
  • We have moved our Header utility class; the Header class sits inside the App\Response namespace.
  • We have moved our RoutePermission utility class; the Permission class sits inside the App\Request namespace.
  • We have moved and simplified our Parameter classes; the Parameter classes sit inside the App\Request namespace.
  • We have moved and renamed the RequestUtility class; the BodyValidation class sits in the App\Request namespace.

[v2.11.0] - 2020-06-06


  • We have added search to the categories summary endpoint.
  • We have added search to the subcategories summary endpoint.
  • We have added search to the resources summary endpoint.
  • We have added search to the resource-types summary endpoint.
  • We have updated the transfers collection; you can filter the results by an item ID.
  • We have updated the partial transfers collection; you can filter the results by an item ID.
  • We have added additional filtering options for collections. We have added total and actualised_total range filtering for the allocated-expense item type and total range filtering for the simple-expense item type.


  • We have added the documentation URI to the README and API; the documentation for the API is work in progress; it is almost complete.
  • We have added a version query parameter to the CSS include.
  • We have removed a unique index on the item_transfer table; the index was limiting the ability to transfer an item multiple times.
  • We have altered the format of the category and subcategory object for item relationships; the returned object is now a closer match to a category object.
  • We have updated the URIs for item category and subcategory assignments; the URI was singular for a collection.
  • We have updated the item delete endpoint; we did not return a conflict error before removing relationships.
  • We have tweaked the type for expense fields; we highlight that the supplied value should be a decimal string.


  • The name field now displays as a required field in the items collection OPTIONS request.
  • The filterable array shows in the OPTIONS response for resource type items.
  • We have updated the namespace in a model.
  • We have corrected the case of a model name.
  • We have added the migrations for the original item-types, missing from the import.
  • We have added a database migration to update the friendly_name and examples data for item-types.
  • We have updated the delete item request; we delete the transfer log entries for the item.
  • We have updated two item-type summary endpoints to show they are sortable by name.


  • We have removed the category and subcategory item assigned URIs and replaced them with correctly named URIs for collections.

[v2.10.4] - 2020-05-23


  • We have adjusted the lottery value to reduce session clears.
  • We have updated to v3.5.1 of Jquery, v3.5.0 was bugged.

[v2.10.3] - 2020-05-09


  • We have updated the delete resource type action; we have added additional checks before we attempt to delete, it was possible to remove relationship values which made the resource type inaccessible.

[v2.10.2] - 2020-04-30


  • We have updated all item endpoints to return updated; this is the date and time an item was updated, not its category assignments.
  • We have updated item collection and show endpoints; we are going to allow the possibility of items not having categories and subcategories. When you add the include-categories and include-subcategories parameters to a request, we will not exclude items without category assignments.
  • We have updated the API to the latest release of Laravel 7.
  • We have updated the front end dependencies for the welcome page.
  • We have updated the item-types route to show additional information on each tracking method.
  • We have updated all decimal fields to 13,2 rather than 10,2.
  • We have updated all description fields; we have switched all the description fields from varchar(255) to text.


  • We have corrected a bad link on the landing page.
  • We have corrected a typo on the landing page.
  • We have switched the table we look at to return created at for an item; we should be using the sub table, not the base item table.
  • We have corrected the /resource-types/ OPTIONS request; public is not a required field.

[v2.10.1] - 2020-04-03


  • We have tweaked our Docker setup to allow a local API and App/Website; the ports have been changed and a network has been created.

[v2.10.0] - 2020-04-01


  • We have added a new route, /resource_types/[id]/resources/[id]/items/[id]/partial-transfer; A partial transfer allows you to transfer a percentage of the total for an item from one resource to another.
  • We have added an item_transfer table; the table will log which items were transferred and by whom.
  • We have added a partial transfers collection; the route is /resource_types/[id]/partial-transfers.
  • We have added a partial transfers item view; the route is /resource_types/[id]/partial-transfers/[id].
  • We have added a transfers collection; the route is /resource_types/[id]/transfers.
  • We have added a transfers item view; the route is /resource_types/[id]/transfers/[id].
  • We have added a delete endpoint for partial transfers.


  • We have reformatted the validation rules in the configuration files; easier to read and simpler to add additional rules.
  • We have switched the HTTP status code for a "Constraint error" from 500 to 409.
  • We have tweaked the description for the resource field in the /resource_types/[id]/resources/[id]/items/[id]/transfer OPTIONS request.
  • We have renamed the third parameter of the route validation methods; we changed the name from $manage to $write.
  • We have renamed a response helper method; it was not clear from the name that the method is used for updates and delete.


  • It is possible to set the quantity for a simple-item item as zero.
  • It is possible to clear optional values in a PATCH request.

[v2.09.4] - 2020-03-25


  • When a response includes additional data via the include parameters, we include the URI fragment for that data.

[v2.09.3] - 2020-03-24


  • We have updated the resource-types/[id]/resources/[id]/items/[id] GET endpoint; the include-categories and include-subcategories can be included in the request for 'allocated-expense' and 'simple-expense' type items.

[v2.09.2] - 2020-03-20


  • We have switched to a new font; the font is more legible at small screen sizes, and, it looks cool.
  • We have reviewed our HTTP headers; Content-Language missing along with other expected headers.
  • We log the id of the user that added a user to the 'permitted_user' table; this is to help later with permitted user management.
  • We have updated the API to the most recent version of Laravel 6.


  • The description field for the simple-item type should be nullable.
  • Card data missing from head.
  • Google analytics missing.

[v2.09.1] - 2020-03-14


  • We have renamed the existing Interfaces, more straightforward names.
  • We have added additional Interfaces interfaces for the summary models.
  • We have refactored several model classes to again, simplify the naming.
  • We have corrected multiple summary config files, unnecessary structure.
  • We have unified the parameters for related item methods.

[v2.09.0] - 2020-03-05


  • We have added range filtering to the items collection; initially, we have added support for filtering for the effective_date of allocated expense items.
  • We have added range filtering to the resource type items collection; as above, we have added effective_date filtering.
  • We have added support for range filtering to the items and resource type item summary routes.
  • We have added an X-Filter header to show the valid filters applied to a collection.
  • We have added a link to Costs to Expect blog; the blog is a central repository for all product updates and somewhere to talk about our products.
  • We have added a FilterParameters class to fetch any filter parameters from the URI and validate the format and values.


  • We have refreshed the landing page, we have added updated text for each of the products within the service.
  • We have tweaked the stying for the landing page.
  • We have renamed the data methods in the Option subclasses, the conditional prefix is confusing.
  • We have added an interface for the item model classes.
  • We have added an interface for the resource type item model classes.


  • We have updated the Option/Get class, the sort, search and filter parameters will only display if there are viable parameters.


  • We have removed the layout file, not used as there is only one view file for the API.

[v2.08.1] - 2020-02-27


  • Select the correct year when validating the min and max year for year validation.
  • The logo on the welcome page will redirect you to the API, not the app dashboard.

[v2.08.0] - 2020-02-26


  • We have added a new item type, simple item. We intend that the 'simple item' type is useful for managing collections. The API will now allow you to list, add, edit and delete them.
  • We have updated the summary routes to calculate the correct summaries for the simple item type.


  • We have removed the effective date from simple expenses. Our intention is simple expenses are bucket based, not time-based.
  • We have updated the copyright for the API.
  • We have moved additional methods in the base item classes to reduce configuration code duplication.
  • We have simplified the validation classes for item create and update requests.
  • We have renamed some of the methods on the item class to make the intent of the method names more clear.
  • We have renamed the item interface class.
  • We have moved the resource type item classes; they are below theitem class; there is no need for them to be so low in the structure.
  • We have moved the factory class for resource type items.
  • We have moved the validation classes.
  • We have moved the item model classes; we have grouped all classes of the same type.

[v2.07.0] - 2020-02-01


  • We have added a GET 'auth/check' endpoint; faster check for the Costs to Expect App.


  • We have updated the dependencies for the API.
  • We have enabled URL compression.
  • We now return the user id on sign-in, saves a second request for the Costs to Expect App.
  • We have updated the README, adding links to the App readme and changelog.
  • We have tweaked two middleware classes to improve performance slightly.


  • The HTTP verb was incorrect for the 'auth/user' endpoint.

[v2.06.0] - 2020-01-18


  • We have added a configuration option to control API registrations.


  • We have made adjustments to the registration process; we return status code 204. Please sign-in to get your Bearer.
  • We have updated the maintenance message to include a link to the status page for the Costs to Expect service.
  • Dependencies updated.
  • We have added a new landing page; the design matches the rest of the service.


  • Correction to a migration, updated_by field nullable.
  • Correction to a migration file, a data type was incorrect.

[v2.05.0] - 2019-12-28


  • We have added an X-Last-Updated header to the item summaries. It is only relevant and applied to the summaries which return a single item. Summaries that return a collection do not include the header.


  • We have updated the X-Total-Count header for summaries which return a single item; the header is now the total number of 'items' in the result.
  • We have tweaked the server config and no longer return some default server headers.

[v2.04.3] - 2019-12-17


  • We have added links to the Costs to Expect app.
  • We have added 'app' as a source for the request log and error log.
  • We have removed three traits from the base controller.
  • We have removed the exception code for the failed request entry.

[v2.04.2] - 2019-12-12


  • We have switched to database session driver.
  • Removed routes we aren't using.
  • Switched composer autoloader optimisation.

[v2.04.1] - 2019-12-12


  • We have switched to database caching.
  • We have updated the parameters helper, it now throws away more invalid requests.
  • Dependencies updated.
  • We have updated the landing page content.
  • We have corrected the response for login, 201 (Bearer created) rather than 200.

[v2.04.0] - 2019-11-11



  • We have updated the code to ensure the data arrays in the config files get used whenever possible; minor data arrays for parameters defined in two locations.
  • We have added additional summary models.
  • We have moved the item and resource type item models, now organised by namespace, not the class filename.
  • We have moved the item and resource type item transformers, now organised by namespace, not the class filename.
  • We have moved all the existsToUser methods out of the item models and into a PermittedUser model.
  • We have updated the item and resource type item summary routes; they respect the chosen resource type (Allocated expenses and Simple expenses) and provide the relevant summary.


  • We have corrected several more class names, incorrect capitalisation.

[v2.03.0] - 2019-10-27


  • We have added a new route, item-types, the route shows the item types supported by the API.


  • We have updated the landing page; the focus was previously on the website; the API is the backbone of the entire service; the site is ancillary.
  • We have moved the summary controllers; we should use namespaces to organise the code, not filenames.
  • We have moved the summary transformers; we should use namespaces to organise the code, not filenames.
  • We have started to move the summary models; we should use namespaces to organise the code, not filenames.
  • We have merged the authorised and general API routes section, the README details the API routes and the API summary routes in two tables.
  • We have moved some configuration files. We thought it was odd how some were outside of folders; additionally, config files should only be in folders if there can be multiple files for the 'section'.
  • We have moved localisation files to match their config partners.
  • We have updated the allowed values for the year GET parameter; we derive the values from the data; the limit for Jack should be 2013 to 2019, for Niall te limit should be 2019.
  • We have updated the GET parameter validator; supplied values validated against values defined in the OPTIONS request.


  • We have corrected the category summary routes in the README.
  • We have corrected the name of a few transformers, incorrect capitalisation.
  • We have corrected the name of a few controllers, incorrect capitalisation.
  • We have set the salt for the item type hasher.
  • For uncaught exceptions, we return the trace when the API is in development mode.
  • We have updated the code to generate conditional GET parameters; the item type defines which parameters exist.

[v2.02.0] - 2019-10-07


  • We have updated the create resource type route. It is now possible to set the item type that you want to use. There are two expense types, "allocated expense" and "simple expense". An allocated expense allows you to allocated a percentage of the total cost; a simple expense only has a total, no allocation rate.
  • The supported item types exposed in the resource types OPTIONS request, additional item types will be added over time.
  • We have added an item type hasher to hash the ids for item types.
  • We have added support for simple expenses, create a simple expense resource type and off you go, "simple expenses" instead of "allocated expenses".


  • We have added an interface to use when interacting with items; it works out the item type by looking at the resource and then returns the relevant models and configuration data.
  • We have updated numerous sections of the API to dynamically expose the relevant fields, sort parameters and search parameters etc. based on the current item type.
  • We have moved several item based configuration files into the relevant item type folder.


  • Localisation missing for allocated expense name.

[v2.01.2] - 2019-09-25


  • We have added an X-Parameters header; it contains the validated parameters for the request.


  • We have updated the README; we have added a Headers section detailing the purpose of each Header.
  • Requests are now only logged when the app is not in development mode.


  • The required value is incorrectly set to true for fields in the PATCH section of the options request.
  • We have corrected the queries for the total counts.

[v2.01.1] - 2019-09-24


  • The description field in the item_type tables is now nullable.
  • We have updated the item_type tables; all descriptions are now null.
  • We have upgraded to version 5.8 of the Laravel framework.


  • The subcategory parameter is only passed through to the relevant controller if the category parameter is also valid.

[v2.01.0] - 2019-09-22


  • We have added a Header utility class that can be used to generate the expected headers for collection and item requests.
  • We have added a RoutePermission class which returns the view and manage permission for each route.


  • We have updated all routes to use the new Header, utility class.
  • We have updated all the Options requests to use the new RoutePermissions class.


  • We have fixed the item subcategory route; the field name for POST was incorrect, still had the underscore.
  • We have corrected the query for the request/access-log, rather than return the entire collection and count the results, probably easier to let MySQL count the results, doh!
  • Unable to delete a subcategory because an instance was not being returned from the model.


  • We have removed the category routes; they are now available below resource types.
  • We have removed the category summary routes; they are now available below the resource types summary.
  • We have removed the subcategory routes; they are now available below resource types.
  • We have removed the subcategory summary routes; they are now available below the resource types summary.

[v2.00.1] - 2019-09-17


  • Links on welcome page incorrect.

[v2.00.0] - 2019-09-17


  • We have added updated_by to the item table, records the user who was last to update a record.
  • We have added a permitted_users table; this is used to link users and resource types.
  • A permitted user record created/removed on addition/removal of a resource type.
  • We have added a custom validator ResourceTypeName; it checks the given name is unique for the user based on the resource types they are permitted to modify.
  • We have added two useful properties to the base controller, permitted_resource_types and include_public.
  • There are now two item types, allocated expense and simple expense. We have split the item table; there is the base item data and then the data for the specific item type.


  • We have updated the item table, user_id field has been changed to created_by.
  • We have updated the validation rules for resource types; now aware of permitted users.
  • We have renamed the private field in the resource_type table; it is now public, the flag is no longer used to hide the data so it should be named based on the goal.
  • We have modified all requests to fetch resource types; the queries now take into account the public setting the resource types you are permitted to manage.
  • We have reworked the resource type, resource, item, category, subcategory, item category and item subcategory route validators. The validators check your permitted resource types, your intended action and the existence of the item based on your permissions.
  • We have added additional messages into the language files; API is multi-lingual friendly.
  • We have renamed the route validation helper methods, the class is called Route, we don't also need route in the name.
  • We have renamed any incorrectly spelt subcategory variables, the space between sub and category needed to go; models, classes and controllers, later.
  • We have updated the authentication field in the OPTIONS requests; we now show if authentications required for the HTTP verb and what your current authentication status is.
  • We have added a base class for the Option classes to remove code duplication.
  • We have updated the Option classes; they now return the current authentication status for the current request.
  • We have renamed the sub_category field for the GET/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items/[item]/category[category]/subcategory collection and item.
  • We have recreated the migration files for new installs. NOTE: you cannot upgrade from v1 to v2 with the included migrations. I have an upgrade SQL file if you need help converting to the new schema.


  • We now return a more friendly error message for unauthenticated requests.


  • We have removed include_private and resource_type_private from the code, replaced by include_public and permitted_resources_types.

[v1.23.0] - 2019-09-05


  • We have added a new summary route, /summary/categories.
  • We have added a new summary route, /summary/categories/{category_id}/subcategories.


  • We have added X-Count headers to several endpoints from which they were missing.
  • Content corrections in the README.


  • Minor corrections after the creation of additional Postman monitors.

[v1.22.2] - 2019-09-03


  • We have added an error log database table, initially, for capturing 500 errors.
  • We have added an InternalError event and listener. After writing the error to the database, we send an email with the error.


  • We have added string length validation for hashed id values; all should be ten characters.
  • We have reduced the request/access-log limit to 25, from 50.
  • We have renamed the CaptureAndSend listener; it is specific to request errors so the name should be CaptureAndSendRequestError.

[v1.22.1] - 2019-09-01


  • We have updated the domain for Mailgun, now rather than the temp domain.
  • We have updated the OPTIONS requests, they now show additional validation data if necessary.
  • We have continued to unify information names in the OPTIONS requests; we use dashes instead of underscores.
  • We have updated the from setting for emails so 'on behalf of' doesn't show for sent emails.


  • PATCH missing from web.config, we have also corrected the PHP version number.
  • String length validation rules missing from validation checks.

[v1.22.0] - 2019-08-25


  • We have added PATCH support for categories; if authenticated, you can update the selected category.
  • We have added PATCH support for subcategories; if authenticated, you can update the selected subcategory.
  • We have added PATCH support for resource types; if authenticated, you can update the selected resource type.
  • We have added PATCH support for resources; if authenticated, you can update the selected resource.
  • We have added a Request utility class with helper methods for POST and PATCH request validation.


  • Updated the copyright, should be G3D Development Limited, not me personally.
  • We have removed the protected areThereInvalidFieldsInRequest method from the base controller.
  • We have removed the protected isThereAnythingToPatchInRequest method from the base controller.
  • We have removed the protected returnValidationErrors method from the base controller.
  • We have updated the README and added Mailgun.


  • We have corrected some data; the assigned categories and subcategories were missing for six expenses.

[v1.21.1] - 2019-08-20


  • We have added a debug field to the request error log; you can optionally provide information that may be useful in tracking down the error.

[v1.21.0] - 2019-08-19


  • We have added an OptionPatch class to help generate the PATCH data array for the OPTIONS requests.
  • We have added an OptionDelete class to help generate the DELETE data array for the OPTIONS requests.
  • We have added an Event on request error log entries.
  • We have added a Listener to capture the request error log event; the Listener sends a mail.


  • We have updated all controllers to use the new Option classes to generate the OPTIONS requests for collections.
  • We have updated the ItemYearTransformer class.
  • We have updated the ItemCategoryTransformer class.
  • We have updated the ItemSubCategoryTransformer class.


  • Removed the generateOptionsForIndex() method from the base controller.
  • Removed the generateOptionsForShow() method from the base controller.


  • We have corrected a call to the subcategory entity when a not found error is returned.

[v1.20.0] - 2019-08-14


  • We have added X-Sort and X-Search headers to the /v1/resource-types/[resource-type]/items collection.
  • We have added source to the /v1/request/error-log collection.
  • We have added listeners to revoke and prune old/unnecessary access tokens.
  • We have added an OptionGet class to help generate the GET data array for the OPTIONS requests.
  • We have added an OptionPost class to help generate the POST data array for the OPTIONS requests.


  • The /v1/categories OPTIONS request is generated using the new Option classes.


  • Sorting the /v1/resource-type/[resource-type]/items collection by description generates an error, table name missing from sort field causing ambiguity.

[v1.19.1] - 2019-08-09


  • We have added a collection parameter which is available to some collections. When the collection parameter is defined and true, it overrides the pagination limits, and we return the entire collection.


  • We have updated the pagination helper class to check to ensure that the collection parameter is allowable for the request.

[v1.19.0] - 2019-08-08


  • We have added an X-Sort header to responses, displays the valid sort options, the applied sort options may differ to the requested sort options.
  • We have added an X-Search header to responses, displays the valid search options, the applied search options may differ to the requested search options.


  • We have eliminated some code duplication around allowable search and sort options.
  • We have eliminated some code duplication in the models relating to the way search parameters get added to the queries.


  • Sorting the /v1/resource-type/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items collection by description generates an error, table name missing from sort field causing ambiguity.

[v1.18.0] - 2019-08-07


  • We have added sorting to the /v1/resource-types collection; you can sort on name, description and date created.
  • We have added sorting to the /v1/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources collection; you can sort on name, description, effective date and date created.
  • We have added sorting to the /v1/categories collection; you can sort on name, description and date created.
  • We have added sorting to the /v1/categories/[category]/subcategories collection; you can sort on name, description and date created.


  • We have been busy refactoring again, mainly in the models this time.
  • We have increased the Postman test coverage; we are not yet at full coverage; however, we are approaching full coverage with every release.


  • We have removed a redundant query after the create category request.

[v1.17.0] - 2019-08-06


  • The v1/summary/resource-types/items summary supports all the same features as the main items summary; you can make a filtered request and even include a search term.
  • We have added pagination to the /v1/categories GET endpoint.
  • We have added pagination to the /v1/categories/[category]/subcategories GET endpoint.
  • We have added pagination to the /v1/resource-tyes GET endpoint.
  • We have added pagination to the /v1/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources GET endpoint.
  • We have added search to the /v1/categories GET endpoint; you can search on name and description.
  • We have added search to the /v1/resource-types GET endpoint; you can search on name and description.
  • We have added search to the /v1/categories/[category]/subcategories GET endpoint; you can search on name and description.
  • We have added search to the /v1/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources GET endpoint; you can search on name and description.


  • We have modified the year GET parameter to include "next" year, we may have unpublished items for next year and don't want to prohibit summarising the data. (The year validation should limit based on the existing data, an issue has been created to find a better solution).
  • We have removed unnecessary clauses in the base validation switch statement.
  • We have altered the format of the included resources and subcategories when the include-resources or include-subcategories parameters exist in the request.


  • The resource type items summaries are not using the include-unpublished parameter.
  • The response for a summary request that returns no results returns a 200, not a 404, the endpoint is correct it just no longer returns results because of the GET parameters.
  • Transformers should not call models, only transform data, corrected the ResourceType transformer.


  • Removed the include-resources parameter from the resource type collection, not useful at the collection level and causes unnecessary SQL requests, remains an option when requesting a single resource type.
  • Removed the include-subcategories parameter from the categories collection, not useful at the collection level and causes unnecessary SQL requests, remains an option when requesting a single category.

[v1.16.5] - 2019-07-29


  • Validation added to validators, check to ensure the required indexes set.


  • The filtered summary (v1/summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items) includes search terms; previously, the request silently dropped them.
  • Minor rework of the validator classes, I added abstract methods to the base class.
  • There is no need to pass $request around.
  • Removed a query that is executed after create item, unnecessary DB request.
  • Refactored the ItemController and Item model, attempting to get it into shape before the system grows.

[v1.16.4] - 2019-07-22


  • I have reworked the /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items summary. Previously if you defined a time-based filter parameter, category and subcategory parameters are ignored.


  • Corrected dates in the CHANGELOG, the last two releases were not two years ago.

[v1.16.3] - 2019-07-17


  • Search terms generate invalid SQL.

[v1.16.2] - 2019-07-16


  • Tweak to the Docker setup, read values from the .env file. At this time, Docker is for development, that may change in the future; obviously, the passwords in the .env file were not real passwords.
  • Moved Xdebug into Docker.

[v1.16.1] - 2019-07-10


  • /summary/request/access-log summary route to replace /summary/request/access-log/monthly.
  • v1/resource-types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items/{item_id}/transfer route to replace v1/resource-types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items/{item_id}/move
  • source is a required field for the error log.


  • Tweaks to Passport/OAuth.
  • Tweaks to the Docker setup.
  • Moved composer into Docker.
  • Upgraded to PHP 7.3.


  • The /summary/request/access-log/monthly route removed; there isn't a corresponding API route, the route shouldn't have monthly at the end.
  • The v1/resource-types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items/{item_id}/move route, transfer matches the process better than move and also makes sense for future endpoints, in this case partial-transfer.


  • Heading in the CHANGELOG.
  • Split the request/error-log and request/access-log configuration and localisation files.

[v1.16.0] - 2019-06-30


  • The landing page for the API is no longer affected by maintenance mode.
  • We have customised the API response when in maintenance mode.
  • Added an alert to the landing page when the API is in maintenance mode.
  • The resource type items collection supports sorting via the sort parameter.
  • The resource type items collection supports searching via the search parameter.
  • Added an include-unpublished parameter to the items collection and the items summary.
  • Added an include-unpublished parameter to the resource type items collection and summary.
  • Added the ability to move items to another resource within the resource type.


  • The sortable and searchable parameters for the OPTIONS request are automatically assigned if they are relevant.
  • The sortable and searchable parameters are set to false if not relevant for the endpoint.
  • Tweaked the exception handler, throw more friendly error messages in production.


  • All item collection and summary queries need to apply the publish_after clause via a closure otherwise the braces don't get added correctly in the query.
  • Delete item endpoint, delete() is called on an array, not a model instance.
  • Corrected references to localisation file.
  • Fixed a spelling error in the responses localisation file.

[v1.15.3] - 2019-06-21


  • Database error when include-categories and category parameters both set for an item collection.

[v1.15.2] - 2019-06-10


  • Hasher decode call unable to decode subcategory id.

[v1.15.1] - 2019-06-09


  • Override defaults in number_format.

[v1.15.0] - 2019-06-09


  • publish_after field added to item, POST and PATCH updated.
  • Tests for POSTMAN, now up to 280 tests.
  • /resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items collection updated to not include unpublished items.
  • /resource-types/[resource-type]/items collection updated to not include unpublished items.
  • /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items updated to not include unpublished items.
  • /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/items updated to not include unpublished items.
  • search support added to /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items


  • description added to /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items?categories=true summary
  • description added to /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/items?categories=true summary
  • description added to /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items?category=[category]&subcategories=true
  • description added to /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/items?category=[category]&subcategories=true
  • Category, ItemCategorySummary and ItemSubCategorySummary transformers updated to new setup.
  • Up the throttle limit.
  • Don't format numbers in output, leave that to the apps.
  • Moved fields validators.
  • Moved route validators.
  • Moved the class used to fetch GET parameters.
  • Refactored the sort parameters code, added validation and the code now resides in its own class, now reusable.
  • General refactoring, never happy with the design.


  • Collection parameters not being passed through to the category transformer.
  • Header indents incorrect for the v1.14.3 changelog entry.
  • Description missing from /categories collection.
  • Pagination helper not hashing subcategory value before adding to URI.
  • Sort and search conditions added to pagination URIs.
  • Section value cleared in changelog parser when new release found.

[v1.14.3] - 2019-06-02


  • Added Twitter social card summary to the landing page.
  • Added include-categories and include-subcategories parameters to /resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items collection.


  • postman is now a supported value for the source parameter.

[v1.14.2] - 2019-05-31


  • Offset and Limit X headers added to collections.
  • If X-Source exists in request header it is saved with the request so we can start tracking sources.
  • Capture the id of the user that created an item.
  • source filter added to /request/access-log.
  • source filter added to /summary/request/access-log/monthly.


  • Upgraded RequestLog Transformer, switching to a new system.

[v1.14.1] - 2019-05-01


  • Item subcategory collection and single item returning incorrect results.

[v1.14.0] - 2019-04-30


  • New route /summary/resource-types.
  • New route /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/resources.
  • Sorting options added to /resource-types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items collection.


  • Content updates to the README, CHANGELOG and the landing page.
  • GET parameter changed to include-resources for the resource-types route.
  • GET parameter changed to include-subcategories for the categories routes.


  • Item category and Item subcategory collections were not returning a collection.

[v1.13.1] - 2019-04-23


  • Content update, there are now multiple children.

[v1.13.0] - 2019-04-17


  • New route /resource-types/[resource-type]/items.
  • Added include-categories and include-subcategories parameters to /resource-types/[resource-type]/items route.
  • Added year, month, category and subcategory parameters to /resource-types/[resource-type]/items route.
  • New route /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/items.
  • Added resources, years, year, months, month, categories, category, subcategories and subcategory parameters to /summary/resource-types/[resource-type]/items route.
  • Added favicons for landing page.


  • Updated the API landing page to point to the new website.
  • Updated the README to include the new website URL.

[v1.12.1] - 2019-04-10


  • Private routes not updated correctly.
  • Changelog endpoint not showing changes after format change.

[v1.12.0] - 2019-04-09


  • Renamed the route files, filenames relate to access, not the middleware that runs.
  • Added flag to allow turning pagination on and off for collection OPTIONS requests.
  • /request/log route now /request/access-log.
  • /request/log/monthly-requests route now summary/request/access-log/monthly.
  • /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/tco now /summary/resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items.
  • /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/categories now /summary/resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items?category=all.
  • /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/categories/[category] now /summary/resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items?category=[category].
  • /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/categories/[category]/sub_categories now /summary/resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items?category=[category]&subcategory=all.
  • /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/categories/[category]/sub_categories/[sub-category] now /summary/resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/items?category=[category]&subcategory=[subcategory].
  • /resource_types/[resource_type]/resources/[resource]/items/[item]/category/[item-category]/sub_category now /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items/[item]/category/[item-category]/subcategory.
  • /resource_types/[resource_type]/resources/[resource]/items/[item]/category/[item-category]/sub_category/[sub-category] now /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/items/[item]/category/[item-category]/sub_category/[subcategory].
  • /categories/[category]/sub_categories now /categories/[category]/subcategories.
  • /categories/[category]/sub_categories/[subcategory] now /categories/[category]/subcategories/[subcategory].
  • resource_type switched to resource-types in all URIs


  • OPTIONS request failure when collections do not support POST.
  • OPTIONS request showing DELETE when not always valid.
  • OPTIONS request methods now all use the same helper methods.
  • Validation incorrect for categories, wrong rule being used.
  • Unique index incorrect in category table.


  • Removed /request/log, see changed.
  • Removed /request/log/monthly-requests, see changed.
  • Removed /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/categories, see changed.
  • Removed /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/categories/[category], see changed.
  • Removed /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/categories/[category]/sub_categories, see changed.
  • Removed /resource_types/[resource_type]/resources/[resource]/items/[item]/category/[item-category]/sub_category/[subcategory], see changed
  • Removed /categories/[category]/sub_categories now /categories/[category]/subcategories, see changed.
  • Removed /categories/[category]/sub_categories, see changed.
  • Removed /categories/[category]/sub_categories/[subcategory], see changed.
  • Removed /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/[resource]/summary/tco, see changed.
  • Removed /resource_types/[resource-type]/resources/{[resource]/expanded_summary/categories.

[v1.11.0] - 2019-04-02


  • All messages and strings (route descriptions, fields in OPTIONS requests, error messages) localised.


  • Added additional helper methods to the Utilities\Response class.
  • Non 200/201 responses returned via the Utilities\Response class.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of Laravel 5.7.
  • Not found responses not consistent with their error messages.
  • Removed route descriptions config file, no longer necessary.
  • Updated format of changelog, follows the format defined at


  • Utilities\Response class name incorrect.

[v1.10.0] - 2019-03-19


  • Categories linked to private resource types don't display if not authenticated.
  • Moved some configuration values into .env, no need for them to exist in config directly.
  • Removed some rogue use statements.


  • Updated copyright, now 2018-2019.
  • Added declare(strict_types=1) to all non framework files.
  • Added missing return types and method param hints.
  • Reviewed PATCH support for items, made a few minor changes to catch more errors.
  • Moved helper redirects from base controller to utility class.
  • Moved transformer classes, now sit below the models.

[v1.09.3] - 2018-11-18


  • Updated how OPTIONS are generated for show requests, easier to define all route options.
  • Updated README, setup and planned development.

[v1.09.2] - 2018-11-14


  • Correction to query, not using the params passed into the method.

[v1.09.1] - 2018-11-14


  • Altered the query for the expanded summary, now begins at subcategories and shows categories without items.
  • OPTIONS request not showing PATCH options.

[v1.09.0] - 2018-11-12


  • Added an expanded-summary categories route.

[v1.08.0] - 2018-11-10


  • Initial support for PATCHing, to start /resource_types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items/{item_id}.
  • Added initial support for private resource types, if a valid bearer exists private resource types are shown.


  • Updates to README around expected responses.
  • Renamed route validation helper methods, now clearer when shown in context.

[v1.07.2] - 2018-11-03


  • New route, request/log/monthly-requests number of logged requests per month.


  • Category name needs to be unique for the resource type.


  • Route corrections, some routes using unnecessary middleware.
  • Total count missing from HEAD for changelog.
  • Validation errors nesting fields property twice.
  • Allowed values methods renamed without updating calls in create methods, throwing an error.

[v1.07.1] - 2018-10-31


  • Validator base class not set correctly.

[v1.7.0] - 2018-10-31


  • Added resource_type GET parameter to /categories route to filter results.
  • Two options for changelog, markdown on GitHub and via API.
  • Added Google Analytics to the landing page.


  • Corrected CHANGELOG dates, I'm not from the future.
  • Split routes up based on the middleware they require.
  • Reworked how OPTIONS are generated, can now set authenticated, new method is more expandable as new verbs are supported.
  • Moved request validators classes, no sit alongside route validators.


  • POST to categories was not setting the selected resource type, using the default value.

[v1.06.0] - 2018-10-27


  • Updated database, a category is now a child of a resource type, not global.
  • Updated categories collection and category, shows the resource type that category is assigned to.
  • POST/resource_types/.../item/[item_id]/category updated to look at resource type.
  • POST/categories now requires the resource_type_id to be set.
  • Request log and Request error log now show created times.
  • Minor updates to models.

[v1.05.0] - 2018-10-22


  • Added the ability to POST a request error to the API.
  • Added request/error-log route.
  • Added request/log route.


  • Reworked pagination utility class.
  • Modified HEADER links for pagination.
  • Removed all code referencing PATCH and update, not ready to implement yet and may modify the design.
  • Minor refactoring, the order of method params etc.

[v1.04.3] - 2018-10-14


  • Catch routing error, incorrectly return a 200.
  • Corrected link to API from landing page.


  • Added link to CHANGELOG on the landing page.
  • Added latest release and version number to the landing page.


  • Minor change to README.

[v1.04.2] - 2018-10-11


  • Added a /changlog route, parses and displays
  • Added a landing page, links to the root of the API and GitHub.


  • Simplify generating a basic OPTIONS request.
  • Added Utility\Request helper class.
  • Added Utility\Pagination helper class.
  • Added Utility\General helper class.

[v1.04.1] - 2018-10-08


  • Corrected routes displayed in the root of the API.
  • Booleans not being checked correctly.


  • Split Hashids middleware, now ConvertGetParameters and ConvertRouteParameters.
  • Added App\Http\Parameters\Get class to validate GET parameters, moved code from base controller.
  • Added App\Http\Parameters\Route\Validate and child classes to validator route parameters.
  • Updated controllers to use new App\Http\Parameters* classes.

[v104.0] - 2018-09-25


  • Added sub category parameter to /resource_types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items.


  • GET parameters are now validated, invalid values are silently removed.
  • Minor refactoring.

[v1.03.1] - 2018-09-23


  • Added a helper method to the base controller to easily set usable GET parameters for collections.
  • Updated the methods/logic for setting allowed values for GET parameters, it is capable of setting more than just the allowed values so all references have been updated to reflect intended usage.
  • Updated the methods/logic for setting allowed values for POST parameters, it is capable of setting more than just the allowed values so all references have been updated to reflect intended usage.

[v1.03.0] - 2018-09-22


  • Added ability to set GET parameters in OPTIONS requests.
  • Added year parameter to /resource_types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items.
  • Added month parameter to /resource_types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items.
  • Added category parameter to /resource_types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items.


  • ConvertHashIds middleware now automatically converts query params.
  • /resource_types/{resource_type_id}/resources/{resource_id}/items route total count not using resource type and resources ids.


  • Parameters not being passed through to pagination links.
  • Pagination links incorrect URIs.

[v1.02.0] - 2018-09-21


  • Added a summary/years route for a resource.
  • Added a summary/years/{year} route for a resource.
  • Added a summary/years/{year}/month route for a resource.
  • Added a summary/years/{year}/month/{month} route for a resource.


  • Override exceptions, always return json.

[v1.01.1] - 2018-09-19


  • Correct sub category queries, joins incorrect.

[v1.01.0] - 2018-09-10


  • Added four summary routes for a resource, categories collection, category, subcategories collection and subcategory.


  • Minor updates to config files.
  • Categories and subcategories endpoints now returns results in alphabetical order.
  • Code style updates.

[v1.00.0] - 2018-09-07


  • Added summary/tco route for a resource.
  • Added planned development section to README.
  • Added summary route section to README.
  • Added URL for the live site to README.
  • Modified the prefix for routes, simplify to v1, will be hosted on an API subdomain.
  • Set default values in env.example.
  • Added web.config for Azure.
  • Added include_sub_categories GET param for categories collection and single show.


  • Collections return data showing newest first.
  • OPTIONS requests no longer shows PATCH request fields, not yet implemented.
  • Show action/Options show action will return resource not found for invalid final ids.
  • GET Parameters can now be set for collections and items.
  • Other minor fixes and updates.
  • Log requests to the API, GET and OPTIONS only.
  • Disable register route.
  • Updated README, routes layout.

[v0.99.0] - 2018-08-08


  • API feature complete for release, not being released yet, real life in the way.
  • Added initial pagination to item controller.
  • Added Hash utility class to centralise all the encoding and decoding.
  • Added Http/Route/Validator classes to validate route params in controllers.
  • Reworked relationship for item subcategory and relevant controller updates.
  • Added delete endpoints.
  • All route params are validated for each request.
  • Updated ConvertHashIds middleware, returns 'nill' for values which can't be decoded, useful for later checks.
  • Updated OPTIONS requests, added required Yes/No flags.
  • Added ability to define allowed values for fields.
  • Updated validation errors, now the same format as OPTIONS requests and shows allowed values if defined.
  • Removed response envelopes.
  • Non-2xx responses are more consistent.
  • Added a responses section to the README that details the expected responses and formats.
  • Reworked the id hashing, added middleware and slightly improved encoding although I need to DRY the code, looking at you, transformers, validators and base controller.
  • Moved API config files into a subfolder to separate them from Laravel.
  • Added a version config, for post-release, includes the API prefix.
  • Redirect client if they request /.
  • Reworked the validation helpers.
  • Added initial get parameters code.
  • Added validation helpers.
  • Added model transformers.
  • Added migrations and models.
  • Added initial pagination HEADERS.
  • Moved definition of fields, validation rules, validation message etc. into config/routes.
  • Added generic code to create OPTIONS requests
  • Mocked the Category, Sub Category, Resource type, Resource and Item controllers.
  • Added Passport.
  • Initial setup, git housekeeping etc.