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What is it?

DataFlow is a modular and graph-based approach for implementing backend logic. It enables developers to focus on building innovative and reusable components, minimizing the time needed to be spent on implementing business logic.

What is this repository's role?

This repository's role is to provide a Python interface to DataFlow logic, allowing for in-code dynamic graph construction or creation of custom base nodes included in the form of plugins. In a nutshell, its everything needed to make DataFlow work.

What is DataFlow's current state?

The DataFlow base library is essentially in a v1.0 state, so it is unlikely to change in the near future. However, many aspects of the standard library surrounding the base are in motion, meaning usage of these nodes may be unpredictable. Below is a more detailed status list of each of the node packages.

base - Stable
bool - Stable
flow - Nearly stable
math - Stable
object - Volatile
state - Volatile
type - Volatile
db - Extremely volatile
web - Extremely volatile

Stable means it is unlikely any nodes will break compatibility by v1.0. Volatile means that major changes to nodes are likely to occur by v1.0. Extremely volatile means nearly every node will have major changes which will break compatibility.

The code generation package gen does not contain any nodes, but is used by nearly all nodes, and as such is in a nearly stable state.


pip install dataflow-core-ctrekker


  • Python version >= 3.6


This introduction will demonstrate how to manipulate dataflow graphs with Python code. However, these nodes are meant to be manipulated with a visual interface, as it is much more intuitive and causes much fewer headaches. This package contains all the functionality required to create, manipulate, and deploy graphs with Python code.

Defining Graphs

A dataflow graph is made up of nodes, which provide functionality, and connections, which bind together nodes. To start, let's create a DataSourceNode. This type of node simply returns a predefined value when asked to.

from dataflow.base import DataSourceNode

data_node = DataSourceNode('Hello, world!')


This will output Hello, world!

Inside the print function call, we called a method common across all nodes called resolve_output. This function asks the node object it is called on to return the value of an output. The names of outputs differ across node types, and in DataSourceNode's case, its only output's name is 'data'.

Now lets try a slightly more complex example: adding two numbers together

from dataflow.base import BaseNode, DataSourceNode
from dataflow.math import AddNode

# Define nodes
add_node = AddNode()
num1_node = DataSourceNode(5)
num2_node = DataSourceNode(4)

# Define connections between the nodes
BaseNode.connect(num1_node, add_node, 'data', 'arg1')
BaseNode.connect(num2_node, add_node, 'data', 'arg2')

# Print the result
print(add_node.resolve_output('result'))  # Outputs 9

The node definitions should look similar to the first example. However, now connection definitions are present. The BaseNode.connect method takes 4 arguments: output_node, input_node, output_name, input_name. The output_node is where the data comes from, and the input_node is where the data should go. The input and output names are merely which inputs and outputs should be connected to on a node.

Deploying Graphs

When you deploy a graph, dataflow will convert an output resolution call into a function in a given output target language. For example, if you wanted to deploy the addition graph from the previous section, you call a different method, resolve_deploy on a node.

from dataflow.gen import DeployContext

This looks highly similar to resolving an output, except after calling resolve_deploy we call __es6__. This function will convert a tree containing deployment instructions into raw language code. In this case, __es6__ converts your code into JavaScript/ECMAScript 6. The output from the above code segment is as follows:

let v__32a16972700e43959f62da5cc9e0e5ee_data = 5;
let v__ecdf17f053424a509d1617ecf69ede9f_data = 4;
let v__5315800f215a4baba6c95ff9b69a5f54_result = (v__32a16972700e43959f62da5cc9e0e5ee_data+v__ecdf17f053424a509d1617ecf69ede9f_data) ;

As cryptic as this output is, it will add 5 and 4 together and store it in the variable v__5315800f215a4baba6c95ff9b69a5f54_result. These variable names will be different each time, since they are associated with a node's random identifier.

To contain this code in a main function which will conveniently return the resolved value, a utility function deploy exists in the gen module.

print(deploy(add_node, 'result').__es6__(DeployContext())

This will now output:

function utils_type(obj) {
    const t = typeof obj;
    if(t === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj)) return 'dict';
    if(t === 'object') return 'array';
    if(t === 'number' && obj % 1 === 0) return 'int';
    if(t === 'number') return 'float';
    if(t === 'string') return 'string';
    return t;
function utils_array_length(array) {
    return array.length;
function utils_array_clone(array) {
    return [ ...array ];
function utils_array_concat(array1, array2) {
    return array1.concat(array2);
function utils_array_index_of(array, search) {
    return array.indexOf(search);
function utils_array_slice(array, slice_start, slice_stop, slice_step) {
    const s = array.slice(slice_start ? slice_start : undefined, slice_stop ? slice_stop : undefined);
    if(!slice_step) {
        return s;
    const stepped = [];
    for(let i=0; i<s.length; i+= slice_step) {
    return stepped;
function main(env = {}, state = {}) {
let v__32a16972700e43959f62da5cc9e0e5ee_data = 5;
let v__ecdf17f053424a509d1617ecf69ede9f_data = 4;
let v__5315800f215a4baba6c95ff9b69a5f54_result = (v__32a16972700e43959f62da5cc9e0e5ee_data+v__ecdf17f053424a509d1617ecf69ede9f_data) ;
return v__5315800f215a4baba6c95ff9b69a5f54_result;

Not only does the deploy function output the add_node deployment code, but it also includes the necessary utility functions to execute it. In this case, none of the utility functions are required. However, in other nodes they often are required. Executing the main function in a Node.js runtime will yield the number 9.

Directory Structure

/dataflow - Python package source root
/tests - Python package unit tests
/utils - Contains the necessary utilities for each deployment target


A modular graph-based approach to backend implementation



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