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Mészáros Mihály edited this page Dec 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

This WIKI is outdated and will be removed soon!! Please check the source for more recent documentation:

turnadmin application: a TURN relay administration tool


       $ turnadmin [command] [options]
       $ turnadmin [ -h	| --help]


  • -P, --generate-encrypted-password Generate and print to the standard output an encrypted form of a password (for web admin user or CLI). The value then can be used as a safe key for the password storage on disk or in the database. Every invocation for the same password produces a different result. The for mat of the encrypted password is: $5$<...salt...>$<...sha256(salt+password)...>. Salt is 16 characters, the sha256 output is 64 characters. Character 5 is the algorithm id (sha256). Only sha256 is supported as the hash function.
  • -k, --key Generate key for a long-term credentials mechanism user.
  • -a, --add Add or update a long-term user.
  • -d, --delete Delete a long-term user.
  • -l, --list List all long-term users.
  • -s, --set-secret=... Set secret in the database.
  • -S, --show-secret Show secret stored in database.
  • -X, --delete-secret <secret> Delete a shared secret.
  • --delete-all-secrets Delete all shared secrets for REST API.
  • -O, --add-origin Add origin-to-realm relation.
  • -R, --del-origin Delete origin-to-realm relation.
  • -I, --list-origins List origin-to-realm relations.
  • -g, --set-realm-option Set realm params: max-bps, total-quota, user-quota.
  • -G, --list-realm-options List realm params.


  • -b, --db, --userdb <sqlite-file-name> SQLite database file name (default - /var/db/turndb or /usr/local/var/db/turndb or /var/lib/turn/turndb, depending on platform).
  • -e, --psql-userdb, --sql-userdb <connection-string> PostgreSQL database connection string.
  • -M, --mysql-userdb <connection-string> MySQL database connection string.
  • -N, --redis-userdb <connection-string> Redis database connection string.
  • -J, --mongo-userdb <connection-string> MongoDB user database connection string.
  • -u, --user <user> User name.
  • -r, --realm <realm> Realm.
  • -p, --password <password> Password.
  • -o, --origin origin Fully-formed origin, for example
  • --max-bps Set value of realm's max-bps parameter. Setting to zero value means removal of the option.
  • --total-quota Set value of realm's total-quota parameter. Setting to zero value means removal of the option.
  • --user-quota Set value of realm's user-quota parameter. Setting to zero value means removal of the option.
  • -h, --help Help.

Generate an encrypted form of a password:

       $ turnadmin -P -p <password>

Generate a key:

       $ turnadmin -k -u <username> -r <realm> -p <password>

Add/update a user (and realm) in the database:

       $ turnadmin -a [-b <sqlite-db-file> | -e <db-connection-string> | -M <db-connection-string>  | -N <db-connection-string> ] -u <username>	-r <realm>  -p	<password>

Delete a user from the database:

       $ turnadmin -d [-b <sqlite-db-file> | -e <db-connection-string> | -M <db-connection-string>  | -N <db-connection-string> ] -u <username>

List all long-term users in MySQL database:

$ turnadmin -l --mysql-userdb="<db-connection-string>"

List all long-term users in Redis database:

$ turnadmin -l --redis-userdb="<db-connection-string>"

Set secret:

$ turnadmin -s <secret> --mysql-userdb="<db-connection-string>"

Show secret(s):

$ turnadmin -S --psql-userdb="<db-connection-string>"

Set origin-to-realm relation in MySQL database:

$ turnadmin --mysql-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -r <realm> -o <origin>

Delete origin-to-realm relation from Redis DB:

$ turnadmin --redis-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -o <origin>

List all origin-to-realm relations in Redis DB:

$ turnadmin --redis-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -I

List the origin-to-realm relations in PostgreSQL DB for a single realm:

$ turnadmin --psql-userdb="<db-connection-string>" -I -r <realm>


       $ turnadmin -h