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Hugo Gruson edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 7 revisions

Each model is required to have metadata stored in a text file. Please read the instructions here carefully before preparing the first submission, as this will fail if the Metadata is not supplied, or not supplied in the right format.

The text file should be named team-model.yml and saved in the model-metadata/ directory.

This should be written in yaml format (i.e. key: value), copying the below structure. This file describes each of the variables (keys) in the yaml document. Please order the variables in this order. You can consult an example metadata file for further guidance. Each line should contain one key: value pair.

Upon first submission, a series of checks will be run on the Metadata file, and an error thrown if any of the checks fails - a common problem, for example, is that the text contains a colon (:) - if that is the case, best to put quotation marks (") around the entry. If you are having trouble getting the metadata to pass the checks, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. For future submission, the file only needs to be change if there is a change to the model (e.g., additional input data is being used).

Required variables


The name of your team that is less than 50 characters.


The name of your model that is less than 50 characters.


This is for uniquely identifying your team and model in our system, and should be the name of your sub-directory in data-processed.

This should be a short name for your team and model that is less than 30 alphanumeric characters. This must be in the format of [team]-[model], where each of [team] and [model] are text strings that are less than 15 alphanumeric characters that do not include a hyphen or whitespace. An example of a valid team-model name is UMass-MechBayes or UCLA-SuEIR.


A list of all individuals involved in the forecasting effort and their affiliations. At least one contributor needs to have a valid email address. All email addresses provided will be added to an email distribution list for model contributors.

The syntax of this field should be

  - name: Contributor 1
    affiliation: Affiliation 1
  - name: Contributor 2
    affiliation: Affiliation 2

For each contributor, you can also add the optional twitter and orcid fields.


A url to a website that has additional data about your model. We encourage teams to submit the most user-friendly version of your model, e.g. a dashboard, or similar, that displays your model forecasts.

If you only have a more technical site, e.g. github repo, please include that link here.


One of the following licenses:

  • "agpl-3.0"
  • "apache-2.0"
  • "cc-by-4.0"
  • "cc-by-nc-4.0"
  • "cc-by-nc-nd-4.0"
  • "cc-by-sa-4.0"
  • "gpl-3.0"
  • "lgpl-3.0"
  • "mit"

We encourage teams to submit as a "cc-by-4.0" to allow the broadest possible uses including private vaccine production (which would be excluded by the "cc-by-nc-4.0" license). Please contact us if you would like to use a license outside of this list.


Upon initial submission this field should be one of "primary", "proposed" or "other". For teams submitting only one model, this should be "primary". For each team, only one model can be designated as "primary".

  • Primary means the model will be scored in evaluations, eligible for inclusion in the ensemble, and visualized.

  • Proposed means the team would like the model to be considered as a "secondary" model rather than an "other" model.

    • The Hub team will determine whether the model's methodology is distinct enough that the model should be included in the ensemble, in which case the model will get the "secondary" designation.
    • If the methodology is not distinct enough, e.g. it differs from the primary model by setting certain parameters to specific values, then the model will be designated as "other".
  • Secondary means the forecasts will be visualized and eligible for inclusion in the ensemble and scoring in evaluations.

  • Other means the forecasts will not be visualized or included in the ensemble, but still scored in evaluations.


A brief description of your forecasting methodology that is less than 200 characters.


This section contains a description of the model features


A brief description of how Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPI) were represented by the model, or "Not applicable".


A brief description of any additional assumptions made regarding compliance with NPI, beyond what was specified in the given scenarios; or "Not applicable".


A brief description of how contact tracing was represented by the model, or "Not applicable".


A brief description of what testing strategies were represented by the model, or "Not applicable".


A brief description of assumptions regarding vaccine efficacy against transmission, or "Not applicable".


If a delay was assumed in the build-up of vaccine efficacy, please describe the assumptions here; or "Not applicable".


A brief description of assumptions or representation of vaccine hesitancy, by priority target group such as healthcare workers, essential workers, elderly, etc.; or "Not applicable".


Assumed length of vaccine-derived immunity, or "Not applicable".


Assumed length of the duration of natural immunity assumed, or "Not applicable".


Assumed fatality rate of detected COVID-19 cases, as a proportion between 0 and 1, or "Not applicable".


Assumed fatality rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections (detected or undetected), as a proportion between 0 and 1, or "Not applicable".


Assumed proportion of SARS-CoV-2 infections that remain asymptomatic, as a proportion between 0 and 1, or "Not applicable".


Age groups represented in the model, in years, given as a set of intervals between square brackets: as in [0-5, 6-10, 10-50, 50+], or "Not applicable".


Brief description of assumptions made or representation in the model of importations, or "Not applicable".


Brief description of the method used to compute confidence (or other uncertainty) interval, or "Not applicable".


Brief description of model calibration methods, or "Not applicable".


Brief description of how spatial structure is represented by the model, or "Not applicable".



Like an acknowledgement in a manuscript, you can acknowledge funding here.


A github (or similar) repository url.


A description of the data sources used to inform the model and the truth data targeted by model forecasts. For example, sources might include hospitalisation data, behavioural data such as Google mobility etc., and we usually expect target data to include JHU data.

An example description could be:

cases forecasts use hospitalisation data provided by the Ministry of Health at the national level, Google mobility data and target JHU data


A url (doi link preferred) to an extended description of your model, e.g. blog post, website, preprint, or peer-reviewed manuscript.


An extended description of the methods used in the model.

If the model is modified, this field can be used to provide: * date of modification * description of the change