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emmanuelparadis authored and gaborcsardi committed Dec 4, 2013
1 parent e456b51 commit f416932
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Showing 17 changed files with 495 additions and 233 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
Package: coalescentMCMC
Version: 0.3
Date: 2013-10-27
Version: 0.4
Date: 2013-12-04
Title: MCMC Algorithms for the Coalescent
Authors@R: c(person("Emmanuel", "Paradis", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), email = ""))
Depends: ape, coda
Imports: phangorn, stats
Imports: Matrix, phangorn, stats
ZipData: no
Description: coalescentMCMC provides a flexible framework for
coalescent analyses in R. It includes a main function running the
MCMC algorithm, auxiliary functions for tree rearrangement, and some
functions to compute population genetic parameters.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2013-10-27 04:34:21 UTC; paradis
Packaged: 2013-12-04 08:23:47 UTC; paradis
Author: Emmanuel Paradis [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Emmanuel Paradis <>
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-10-27 07:08:27
Date/Publication: 2013-12-04 09:41:46
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions MD5
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
0632cc7589c46bbf4981f0a778f1ef2a *COPYING
055c18b2e6e0a17502d01cd1f894166b *DESCRIPTION
4c0e9e2412b04458ac4fe1f24368b785 *NAMESPACE
d9e6cdd8fe023cb932c9202efbc3de92 *NEWS
0f81220bc1e0b8d81bec4efdc50214a6 *R/coalescentMCMC.R
a52942fca58804291fa4cca2a5e9c3dd *R/dcoal.R
5855c71436ebb147dfc8d5b038d500ef *R/treeOperators.R
d3bc00b2363b4155824eff32034801ad *R/zzz.R
8b2d664f670dceb8eb4b7939fe295c8e *DESCRIPTION
1c9c9c190266b2db4ab3f7585abb4413 *NAMESPACE
7baac206f2f3c02bafedd8c234570dbd *NEWS
15406815fb4cbdc755f970201072fac0 *R/coalescentMCMC.R
5f2eb5752f0e5d2e8109756e9489eb85 *R/dcoal.R
c10bd794fbc949a2537ddd990f902ced *R/treeOperators.R
d85e17220990885e7d898858088064ea *R/zzz.R
01319ab1a68cc304cbb0593461e10541 *build/vignette.rds
dfa3ae7f0e0bc0918691ff5894094c03 *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.R
38240cef46b41eeb490ec9514930a48c *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.Rnw
8da39d8199433c96cf9ee1c1fa9ff5e1 *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.pdf
0d5a83d0784207bb0911e0352170ab6b *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.R
e2e9e5b527e95804201ce3d789cc2eed *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.Rnw
90a4f0bf20a91e8348586a180be3c104 *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.pdf
5776e0661b44e5213b0689cc176aa3d9 *man/coalesceMCMC.Rd
3c1e57130cbd9694fa95ddcefd4846be *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.Rnw
95e7d0650c8a8983fd0a380d5e32f687 *inst/doc/CoalescentModels.pdf
bd3f5e6b53673e4c4fef7ddc8f210fa6 *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.R
bdb91a1646d610bed17b9724df2f4fb6 *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.Rnw
70ce8a00421ca3363249921b3598e408 *inst/doc/Running_coalescentMCMC.pdf
5067e244a087c5ede08c7b231f096460 *man/coalesceMCMC.Rd
9aa980aea36886b18ac6a09b823765da *man/coalescentMCMC-internal.Rd
f768c542f46f407ec6cce19410f749cc *man/dcoal.Rd
90b1945d199985a0b7162999b6f140d0 *man/treeOperators.Rd
2a6f9e9e044a78154d3cfda5936d6f48 *src/Makevars
c3e22b2a119684f9a878926188ddd39e *src/coalescentMCMC.c
38240cef46b41eeb490ec9514930a48c *vignettes/CoalescentModels.Rnw
e2e9e5b527e95804201ce3d789cc2eed *vignettes/Running_coalescentMCMC.Rnw
8bc7717e10b96e671d31408560cf5981 *vignettes/coalescentMCMC.bib
3c1e57130cbd9694fa95ddcefd4846be *vignettes/CoalescentModels.Rnw
bdb91a1646d610bed17b9724df2f4fb6 *vignettes/Running_coalescentMCMC.Rnw
926f24b46ead272ee5d5f742d386b807 *vignettes/coalescentMCMC.bib
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
useDynLib(coalescentMCMC, .registration = TRUE)

export(.coalescentMCMCenv, coalescentMCMC, dcoal, dcoal.linear,
dcoal.step, dcoal.time, dcoal.time2, EdgeLengthJittering,
getMCMCtrees, NeighborhoodRearrangement, TipInterchange)
export(.coalescentMCMCenv, cleanMCMCtrees, coalescentMCMC, dcoal,
dcoal.linear, dcoal.step, dcoal.time, dcoal.time2,
EdgeLengthJittering, getLastTree, getMCMCstats, getMCMCtrees,
NeighborhoodRearrangement, saveMCMCtrees, TipInterchange)

importFrom(ape, as.phylo, branching.times, dist.dna, Ntip, reorder.phylo)
importFrom(ape, as.phylo, branching.times, dist.dna, Ntip,
reorder.phylo,, write.tree)
importFrom(coda, mcmc)
importFrom(phangorn, phyDat, pml)
importFrom(phangorn, edQt, lli, phyDat, pml,,, pml.init)
importFrom(Matrix, Matrix)
importFrom(stats, hclust, rbinom, reorder, runif)
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions NEWS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@


o Three new functions, getLastTree, saveMCMCtrees, and
cleanMCMCtrees, provide tools to manage lists of trees.

o Two new models are available in coalescentMCMC(): THETA varying
linearly with time, or in a stepwise way (with a single
breakpoint in time). All available models are described in a

o It is now possible to interrupt coalescentMCMC(): the results at
this stage are output normally.

o getMCMCtrees() has a new option (chain) to extract directly a
specific list of trees bypassing the interactive menu.


Expand Down
197 changes: 154 additions & 43 deletions R/coalescentMCMC.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## coalescentMCMC.R (2013-10-18)
## coalescentMCMC.R (2013-12-04)

## Run MCMC for Coalescent Trees

Expand All @@ -11,6 +11,39 @@ coalescentMCMC <-
function(x, ntrees = 3000, burnin = 1000, frequency = 1,
tree0 = NULL, model = NULL, quiet = FALSE)
if (k < nOut) {
if (!k) stop("burn-in period not yet finished")
TREES <- TREES[seq_len(k)]
LL <- LL[seq_len(i)]
params <- params[seq_len(i), ]
warning(paste("MCMC interrupted after", i, "generations"))
## compress the list of trees:
attr(TREES, "TipLabel") <- TREES[[1L]]$tip.label
lapply(TREES, function(x) x$tip.label <- NULL)
class(TREES) <- "multiPhylo"

suffix <- 1
list.trees <- .get.list.trees()
if (l <- length(list.trees))
suffix <- 1 + as.numeric(sub("TREES_", "", list.trees[l]))
suffix <- sprintf("%03d", suffix)
assign(paste("TREES", suffix, sep = "_"), TREES,
envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)

i <- i - 1L

MCMCstats <- get("MCMCstats", envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
MCMCstats[[suffix]] <- c(k, burnin, frequency, i, j)
assign("MCMCstats", MCMCstats, envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)

LL <- cbind(LL, params)
colnames(LL) <- c("logLik", para.nms)
LL <- mcmc(LL, start = 1, end = i)

if (is.null(tree0)) {
d <- dist.dna(x, "JC69")
tree0 <- as.phylo(hclust(d, "average"))
Expand All @@ -24,6 +57,21 @@ coalescentMCMC <-

getlogLik <- function(phy, X) pml(phy, X)$logLik

if (packageVersion("phangorn") >= "1.99.5") {
INV <- Matrix(lli(X, tree0), sparse = TRUE)
ll.0 <- numeric(attr(X, "nr"))
bf <- rep(0.25, 4)
eig <- edQt()
getlogLik <- function(phy, X) {
phy <- reorder(phy, "postorder")
loglik <-, X, bf = bf, eig = eig,
INV = INV, ll.0 = ll.0)

TREES <- vector("list", nOut)
LL <- numeric(nOut2)
TREES[[1L]] <- tree0
Expand All @@ -36,26 +84,55 @@ coalescentMCMC <-
## quantities to calculate THETA:
two2n <- 2:n
K4theta <- length(two2n)
tmp <- choose(two2n, 2)
tmp <- two2n * (two2n - 1) # == 2 * choose(two2n, 2)
getparams <- function(phy, bt) {
x4theta <- rev(diff(c(0, sort(bt))))
sum(x4theta * tmp)/K4theta
f.theta <- function(t, p) p
} else { # only "time" (ie, exponential model) for the moment
np <- 2L
para.nms <- c("theta0", "rho")
getparams <- function(phy, bt) { # 'bt' is not used but is needed to have the same arguments than above
out <- nlminb(c(0.02, 0),
function(p) -dcoal.time(phy, p[1], p[2], log = TRUE))
f.theta <- function(t, p) p[1] * exp(p[2] * t)
} else {
switch(model, time = {
np <- 2L
para.nms <- c("theta0", "rho")
getparams <- function(phy, bt) { # 'bt' is not used but is needed to have the same arguments than above
halfdev <- function(p) {
if (any(p <= 0) || any(is.nan(p))) return(1e100)
-dcoal.time(phy, p[1], p[2], log = TRUE)
out <- nlminb(c(0.02, 0), halfdev)
f.theta <- function(t, p) p[1] * exp(p[2] * t)
}, step = {
np <- 3L
para.nms <- c("theta0", "theta1", "tau")
getparams <- function(phy, bt) {
halfdev <- function(p) {
if (any(p <= 0) || any(is.nan(p))) return(1e100)
-dcoal.step(phy, p[1], p[2], p[3], log = TRUE)
out <- nlminb(c(0.02, 0.02, bt[1]/2), halfdev)
f.theta <- function(t, p) ifelse(t <= p[3], p[1], p[2])
}, linear = {
np <- 3L
para.nms <- c("theta0", "thetaT", "TMRCA")
getparams <- function(phy, bt) {
halfdev <- function(p) {
if (any(p <= 0) || any(is.nan(p))) return(1e100)
-dcoal.linear(phy, p[1], p[2], p[3], log = TRUE)
out <- nlminb(c(0.02, 0.02, bt[1]), halfdev)
f.theta <- function(t, p) p[1] + t * (p[2] - p[1])/p[3]
params <- matrix(0, nOut2, np)

i <- 2L
j <- 0L # number of accepted trees
j <- 0L # number of accepted moves
k <- 0L # number of sampled trees

if (!quiet) {
Expand All @@ -64,10 +141,9 @@ coalescentMCMC <-
cat(" Burn-in period:", burnin, "\n")
cat(" Sampling frequency:", frequency, "\n")
cat(" Number of generations to run:", ntrees * frequency + burnin, "\n")
cat("Generation Nb of accepted trees\n")
cat("Generation Nb of accepted moves\n")

bt0 <- branching.times(tree0)
params[1L, ] <- para0 <- getparams(tree0, bt0)

Expand All @@ -84,8 +160,9 @@ coalescentMCMC <-
tr.b <- NeighborhoodRearrangement(tree0, n, nodeMax, target, THETA, bt0)
## do TipInterchange() every 10 steps:
## tr.b <-
## if (!i %% 10) TipInterchange(tree0, n)
## if (! i %% 10) TipInterchange(tree0, n)
## else NeighborhoodRearrangement(tree0, n, nodeMax, target, THETA, bt0)

if (!(i %% frequency) && i > burnin) {
k <- k + 1L
TREES[[k]] <- tr.b
Expand All @@ -108,36 +185,70 @@ coalescentMCMC <-
bt0 <- bt

#dim(LL) <- c(i - 1, 1)
LL <- cbind(LL, params)
colnames(LL) <- c("logLik", para.nms)
LL <- mcmc(LL, start = 1, end = i - 1)

## compress the list of trees:
attr(TREES, "TipLabel") <- TREES[[1L]]$tip.label
for (i in seq_len(nOut)) TREES[[i]]$tip.label <- NULL
class(TREES) <- "multiPhylo"

j <- 1
list.trees <- ls(envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
if (l <- length(list.trees))
j <- 1 + as.numeric(sub("TREES_", "", list.trees[l]))
assign(paste("TREES", j, sep = "_"), TREES, envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
if (!quiet) cat("\nDone.\n")

getMCMCtrees <- function() {
list.trees <- ls(envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
.get.list.trees <- function()
ls(envir = .coalescentMCMCenv, pattern = "^TREES_")

getMCMCtrees <- function(chain = NULL)
list.trees <- .get.list.trees()
l <- length(list.trees)
if (is.null(chain)) {
if (!l) return(NULL)
if (l == 1)
return(get(list.trees, envir = .coalescentMCMCenv))
## l > 1:
cat("Several lists of MCMC trees are stored:\n\n")
for (i in 1:l) cat(i, ":", list.trees[i], "\n")
cat("\nReturn which number? ")
chain <- as.numeric(readLines(n = 1))
} else {
if (!l) {
warning("no list of MCMC trees stored")
if (l < chain) {
warning("no enough lists of MCMC trees stored")
get(paste("TREES", sprintf("%03d", chain), sep = "_"),
envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)

saveMCMCtrees <- function(destdir = ".", format = "RDS", ...)
format <- match.arg(toupper(format), c("RDS", "NEWICK", "NEXUS"))
switch(format, RDS = {
FUN <- saveRDS
suffix <- ".rds"
}, NEWICK = {
FUN <- write.tree
suffix <- ".tre"
}, NEXUS = {
FUN <-
suffix <- ".nex"
list.trees <- .get.list.trees()
l <- length(list.trees)
if (!l) return(NULL)
if (l == 1)
return(get(list.trees, envir = .coalescentMCMCenv))
## l > 1:
cat("Several lists of MCMC trees are stored:\n\n")
for (i in 1:l) cat(i, ":", list.trees[i], "\n")
cat("\nReturn which number? ")
i <- as.numeric(readLines(n = 1))
get(paste("TREES", i, sep = "_"), envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)
if (!l) warning("no list of trees to save") else {
for (i in 1:l) {
f <- list.trees[i]
outfile <- paste(destdir, "/", f, suffix, sep = "")
FUN(get(f, envir = .coalescentMCMCenv), outfile, ...)

cleanMCMCtrees <- function()
rm(list = .get.list.trees(), envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)

getLastTree <- function(X) X[[length(X)]]

getMCMCstats <- function()
cat("MCMC chain summaries (chains as columns):\n\n")
get("MCMCstats", envir = .coalescentMCMCenv)

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