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Derk Norton edited this page Dec 11, 2022 · 6 revisions

Java Security Framework


A Simple to Use Java Security Framework

The Java security APIs define a very powerful framework for implementing common security related tasks like key generation, and encrypting and decrypting data. As with all low level frameworks, it provides a great deal of flexibility in choosing the algorithms and key sizes to be used for these tasks. However, this flexibility can cause a significant amount of confusion for anyone who is not a security expert.

The _Crater Dog Technologies_™ Java Security Framework makes sensible choices for these algorithms based on the latest research around potential vulnerabilities. It provides a high level framework that is easy to use and very secure. This framework utilizes the Java security libraries provided by bouncycastle as the underlying implementation for some of the framework components. We encourage you to help them out by donating to their organization.

Highlighted Features

The following highlights the main capabilities that this multi-module maven project provides:

  • symmetric (shared) key generation and formatting
  • asymmetric (public/private) key generation and formatting
  • encryption and decryption of keys and data
  • private certificate authority (CA) creation
  • client certificate generation and signing


Crater Dog Technologies™ would like to recognize and thank the following companies for their contributions to the development and testing of various components within this project: