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SoilMAP RPP Server

The SoilMAP RPP server is a generic Geospatial data server. Users can programmatically (through http get/post requests) or graphically (using the NodeMaker UI) add Geospatial products (data files and processing pipelines) to this server. The added products are then exposed via automatically generated WCS/WMS endpoints.


Uses Python 3.8

There is a requirements.txt file that lists the output of pip freeze. There is also a requirements_minimal.txt file that give the minimal requirements.

Quick Start

Running a local server

Starting from a fresh python virtual environment

git clone
cd rpp-server
pip install -r requirements.txt --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver
cd src

Running a local server through Docker

Starting from an empty folder:

git clone
cd rpp-server
docker build . -t soilmap-rpp-server-oss:latest
docker run \
    --rm -itp 5000:5000 --entrypoint python \
    -v $(pwd)/data/settings.json:/var/task/settings.json  \
    -v $(pwd)/data:/var/task/data  \

Then navigate to https://localhost:5000. An example query would be: http://localhost:5000/api/publish/?KEY=onlySomeUsersKnowThis&SERVICE=query&verbose=True

The image created by default can be deployed to an AWS Lambda function. If you'd rather have it run through Gunicorn, change the Docker file as follows:

# For testing or running a gunicorn server
CMD ["gunicorn", "-b", "", "-t", "0", "-w", "8", "server:app"]

# For deployment on AWS
# For the lambda function
# EXPOSE 8080
# CMD [ "server.lambda_handler" ]

Adding the NodeMaker UI

To add the NodeMaker UI, follow the build instructions for the node-maker

Once the NodeMaker app is built, copy the static files to <root-path>/rpp-server/src/node-maker

cp -r <root-path>/node-maker/dist/node-maker <root-path>/rpp-server/src/node-maker

where <root-path> is the folder where the rpp-server and node-maker repositories are checked out.

If you want to use the node-maker in your Docker image, uncomment the last line of the image COPY src/node-maker ${ROOT_DIR}/node-maker before running the build command

Modifying settings

The data/setting.json is a PODPAC settings file and can be used to modify any PODPAC defaults. The rpp-server uses this settings file to specify the secret keys privileged users need to use to publish new data products. The default key is onlySomeUsersKnowThis and should be replaced by users. The NodeMaker hard-codes this secret to allow anyone to add new products, which might be fine depending on your use case.