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Build Status

Current release: 0.3.6

kvasir is a tool for parsing structured text files into JSON format, either outputting directly to stdout or processing the data through one or more templates to generate different text-based output formats.

# Parse multiple input files to JSON and output to stdout
kvasir parse --sources /path/to/**/*.yaml /path/to/**/*.xml

# Parse multiple input files and run their output through a template
kvasir document --sources ./test/resources/*.* --templates "-" << EOF

# List all files and parsers
{% for file in files -%}
{{file.path}} {{file.parser}}
{% endfor %}

# List all endpoints in OpenAPI specifications
{% for entry in glob(glob="test/resources/*-api.*") -%}
    {% for file in files|file(path=entry) %}
    {{ file.path }} (v{{ }})
        {% for url, attrs in file.contents.paths -%}
        - {{ url }}
        {% endfor -%}
    {% endfor %}

{% endfor %}


Rather than focus on source code formats (like Java, Python and Go) for which documentation tools already exist, kvasir is intended to parse and document configuration and human-readable file formats such as YAML, XML, OpenAPI and JSON. With the ability to parse these formats into a single structure, it's possible to generate more flexible output and integrate documentation for different formats.

It can be run directly or as a pre-processor within CI/CD pipelines to generate and embed documentation into markdown files, READMEs or other documentation tools.


There are many documentation generation tools for projects, but most are either generic (e.g. Sphinx) or for one specific file format (e.g. OpenAPI). Kvasir exists in the space between the two, allowing generic documentation generators to be supplemented with information for specific file types. Customising the templates allows for any type of text-based file to be generated.

Because Kvasir parses all files and types into a single JSON data structure, this means that one can use JsonPath expressions to display, filter and generate documentation in a way that makes sense for the project. For larger projects, perhaps those that use a mono-repository and have many different types of development artefacts, using this approach means that a single, consistent set of documentation can be created with documentation for different types of artefacts interspersed.

At present, Kvasir is able to parse the following file formats:

  • JSON
  • YAML
  • Properties
  • OpenAPI
  • TOML
  • INI
  • XML
  • SQL

Build status

The cargo tool is used to build Kvasir, generating a standalone, statically-compiled binary that can be deployed into a container or build environment. Pre-compiled binaries can be found on the releases page.

Code style

Kvasir follows the standard rustfmt styling and expects no clippy warnings.


Kvasir runs as a command-line application. Available commands can be listed with: kvasir --help.


    # Parse multiple input files to JSON and output to stdout
    kvasir parse --sources /path/to/**/*.yaml /path/to/**/*.xml
    # Parse multiple input files to JSON and format them with the specified templates
    kvasir document --sources /path/to/**/*.yaml --templates templates/base.tpl --root-template base.tpl


Run tests with cargo test.


Kvasir is Apache 2 licensed, © 2021 Andrew James & Credera.