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Crisp AWS CloudFormation AutoScalingGroup

This role creates a AWS AutoScalingGroup and a ElasticLoadBalancer. The ASG will start a Docker image of your choice.

Most of the resources are created by CloudFormation. The Route 53 DNS entry is outside the CloudFormation stack because it acts as a pointer between different ELBs (inside stacks) and can not be modified this way if it was inside a stack.

The main upside of using CloudFormation is that cleanup of old resources is much easier. However, the Ansible module for querying which stacks exists is not very nice. It returns a hard-to-use data structure (for my use-case) and offers very little querying options.

Every time the playbook is run it will:

  • Create a new CloudFormation stack containing:
    • A new SecurityGroup for the instances
    • A new SecurityGroup for the ElasticLoadBalancer
    • A new LaunchConfiguration for the AutoScalingGroup
    • A new TargetGroup for the AutoScalingGroup
    • A new AutoScalingGroup
    • A new ElasticLoadBalancer
    • A new Listener for the ElasticLoadBalancer
  • Create/update the DNS alias to point to the new load balancer
  • Delete (cleanup) any old stacks created by this role

The main benefit of this is that all infrastructure is replaced on every deployment.


AWS credentials.


  • boto3

Role Variables

  • vpc - the AWS VPC identifier (your vpc)
  • region - the AWS region to deploy to (example: eu-west-1)
  • subnets - a list of subnets to deploy to. Must be at least 2. (needs to exist already)
  • aws_key - the instance key which can be used to log in to the created instances (needs to exist already)
  • route53_zone - the Route 53 zone where you want to create your DNS entry. (needs to exist already)
  • instance_profile - the name of the instance profile (or IAM Role) that the created instances will get. (needs to exist already)

Required environment variables:



Not dependent on any other role.

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: yes  # needed for ansible_date_time
    - role: betrcode.aws_cloudformation_asg
      docker_image: "nginx:latest"



Author Information

Max Wenzin, partner at Crisp