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This is an UNOFFICIAL Airbnb wrapper for GO Lang


Air-go covers the following features

Login Endpoints
  • Login with user and pass
  • Login with Facebook
  • Login with Google
Get Info Endpoints
  • Listing search
  • Get Reviews
  • View User Info
  • View Listing info
Get User Endpoints
  • Create message thread
  • Get Messages
  • Get User info
Host Listing Endpoints
Host Messages Endpoints
  • Get Host Messages
  • Pre-approve/Decline
  • Reservation Request
  • Get Reservation Requests
  • Respond To message
Host Verification Endpoints
  • Get Phone Number(s)
  • Submit Verification Code
  • Request Verification Text
  • Request Verification Call
Host Payment Endpoints
  • Set ACH info for Payout

Based on



api := airgo.NewApi()
api.ApiKey = "API_kEY"

Login with email

Returns an access_token, given a valid user account email and password

params := &url.Values{}
params.Add("username", "YOUR_EMAIL")
params.Add("password", "YOUR_PASSWORD")
params.Add("locale", "en-US")
params.Add("currency", "US")

token := api.Login(params)

The following are the params allowed to login with email

Param Description Required
username Account's email address YES
password Account's clear-text password (note: endpoint uses HTTPS) YES
locale Desired language NO
currency Currency for listings NO

The following are the Default params

Param Description Required
grant_type Required for email authentication (as opposed to OAuth) YES
client_id API Key YES

Login with Facebook

Returns an access_token, given a valid Facebook user OAuth access token. See the Facebook docs to learn how to generate an FB access token.

params := &url.Values{}
//user access token from facebook
params.Add("assertion", "USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_PROVIDED_BY_FB")
//get AirBnb token
token, err := api.LoginFB(params)

Login with Google

Returns an access_token, given a valid Google user OAuth access token. See the Google docs to learn how to generate a Google access token.

params := &url.Values{}
//user access token from Google
//get AirBnb token
token, err := api.LoginGoogle(params)

Listing search

Returns listings that fit the given search parameters.

params := &url.Values{}

params.Add("locale", "en-US")
params.Add("currency", "USD")
params.Add("_format", "for_search_results_with_minimal_pricing")
params.Add("_limit", "10")
params.Add("_offset", "0")
params.Add("fetch_facets", "true")
params.Add("guests", "1")
params.Add("ib", "false")
params.Add("ib_add_photo_flow", "true")
params.Add("location", "Lake Tahoe, CA, US")
params.Add("min_bathrooms", "0")
params.Add("min_bedrooms", "0")
params.Add("min_beds", "1")
params.Add("min_num_pic_urls", "10")
params.Add("price_max", "210")
params.Add("price_min", "0")
params.Add("sort", "1")
params.Add("user_lat", "37.3398634")
params.Add("user_lng", "-122.0455164")

listingSearchResp := api.ListingSearch(params)

The following are the params allowed to listing search

Param Description Required
locale Desired lagnuage NO
currency Desired currency NO
_format Search with pricing or not. NO
_limit Number of listings to show at a time. NO
_offset Number of listings to offset in search. NO
guests Number of guests. NO
ib Setting to true will only show listings that are instant bookable. NO
ib_add_photo_flow NO
location Search by location name -- if unsure of lat/lng, etc. NO
min_bathrooms Minimum number of bathrooms. NO
min_bedrooms Minimum number of bedrooms. NO
min_beds Minimum number of beds. NO
price_min Minimum price. NO
price_max Maximum price. NO
min_num_pic_urls Minimum number of pictures. NO
sort Sorting order (1: forward order, 0: reverse order). NO
suppress_facets NO
user_lat Latitude search coordinate. NO
user_lng Longitude search coordinate. NO

The following are the Default required params

Param Description Required
client_id API Key YES

Get Reviews

Returns reviews for a given listing.

params := &url.Values{}
// Required field
params.Add("role", "all")
// required field
params.Add("listing_id", "2056659")

reviewResponse, err := api.GetReviews(params)
Param Description Field
client_id API Key Default required
role Default required
locale Desired language Optional
currency Desired currency optional
_format Optional
_limit Number of reviews to show at a time Optional
_offset Number of reviews to offset. Optional

View User info

Returns detailed information about a user, given his/her/its ID (e.g., found in the view listing endpoint response).

params := &url.Values{}
//if you don't specified the _format you will get a few info
params.Add("_format", "v1_legacy_show")
userId := "37950344"
viewUserInfoResponse, err := api.ViewUserInfo(userId, params)
Param Description Field
client_id API Key Default required
_format API result format (just put this -- it'll work without it, but it won't have as much data) Optional
locale Desired language Optional
currency Desired currency optional

View Listing info

Returns detailed information about a listing, given its ID (e.g., found in the search endpoint response).

params := &url.Values{}
params.Add("_format", "v1_legacy_for_p3")
listingId := "5116458"
viewListingInfoResponse, err := api.ViewListingInfo(listingId, params)
Param Description Field
client_id API Key Default required
_format v1_legacy_for_p3, API result format (just put this -- it won't work without it) Default required
locale Desired language Optional
_source optional
number_of_guests Determines listing availability dates based on the # of guests optional

Create Message Thread

Creates a message thread and a stay request, given a valid access token and a listing ID.

NOTE: This is a logged-in endpoint and requires an access_token. See Login Endpoints.

token, err := api.Login(LoginParams)
if err != nil {
  // do something

params = &url.Values{}
params.Add("locale", "en-US")
params.Add("currency", "USD")
params.Add("message", "Hi!")
params.Add("checkout_date", "2018-04-02T22:00:00.000-0700")
params.Add("checkin_date", "2018-04-01T00:00:00.000-0700")
params.Add("number_of_guests", "1")
params.Add("listing_id", "10166581")

createdMessageThreadResponse, err := api.CreateMessageThread(token, params)

The following are the Form parameters that should be sent.

Param Description Field
client_id API Key Default required
listing_id ID of the listing you'd like to message Required
number_of_guests Number of guests in the request. Required
checkin_date Requested check-in date. Required
checkout_date Requested check-out date. Required
message Initial message to send (empty to send request only). Required
locale Desired language Optional
currency Currency for listings Optional

The following are the header parameters that should be sent.

Header Description Field
X-Airbnb-OAuth-Token Airbnb auth token (from auth-ing with login endpoints) Required

Get Messages

Returns message threads, given an AirBnB access token (from authenticating with login endpoints).

The following are the Form parameters that should be sent.

Param Description Field
client_id API Key Default required
locale Desired language Optional
offset Number of message threads to offset in search Optional
items_per_page Number of message threads to display at once Optional
role Type of threads to retrieve. "guest", "host", or don't include this param for both Optional

The following are the header parameters that should be sent.

Header Description Field
X-Airbnb-OAuth-Token Airbnb auth token (from auth-ing with login endpoints) Required

Get User Info

Get basic info about the logged-in user, such as name, picture, phone number, verifications, etc.

token, err := api.Login(LoginParams)

if err != nil {
		//do something

params = &url.Values{}
userInfoResponse, err := api.GetUserInfo(token, params)

Note: To know more about UserInfoResponse

The following are the Form parameters that should be sent.

Param Description Field
client_id API Key Default required
locale Desired language Optional
offset Number of message threads to offset in search Optional
items_per_page Number of message threads to display at once Optional
role Type of threads to retrieve. "guest", "host", or don't include this param for both Optional
ralert_types[] Could be reservation_request Optional

The following are the header parameters that should be sent.

Header Description Field
X-Airbnb-OAuth-Token Airbnb auth token (from auth-ing with login endpoints) Required










UNOFFICIAL Airbnb wrapper for GO Lang






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