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Prepare to be initialized!

This repo builds on top of wavegan as of June 2018. Since then, they have made several changes and brought several improvements, so I recommend exploring a bit that repo first.

The simplest way to get started with GAN-init is to use the built-in SC09 dataset.

  1. Create moments file:
python moments <TRAIN_DIR> \
	--data_dir <DATA_DIR> \
	[--exclude_class <LABEL>] \
	--data_moments_fp <DATA_MOMENTS_FPS>

This computes mean and stddev for each frequency bin (feature) and saves them into pickle file. You have the option to exclude a label or not.

  1. Train a GAN on specific amount of data, for a specific number of epochs, excluding or not any label, and save output to a text file:
python ./ train <TRAIN_DIR>  \
	--data_dir <DATA_DIR> \	
	--data_moments_fp <DATA_MOMENTS_FPS> \
	[--exclude_class <LABEL> \]
	[--stop_at_global_step <NR_GLOBAL_STEPS> \]
	|& tee -a <LOG_FILE>

--exclude_class is an optional parameter. The values are numbers 0 to 9, case in which it will just ignore the data points with that specific label. Be sure to check the logs, the system prints out this piece of information in the beginning, in the loader. It can also take the value -1, to remove 10% of the training points uniformly.

Saving the output to a log file is also optional.

  1. Train a CNN that loads the weights from the GAN's discriminator:
python ./ \
	--gan_type <GAN_TYPE> \
	--data_moments_fp <DATA_MOMENTS_FPS> \
	--data_dir <DATA_DIR> \
	--train_dir <GAN_TRAIN_DIR> \	
	--discard_first_data_percentage <PERCENTAGE_TO_DROP> \
	[--predictions_pickles_directory <PICKLE_PREDICTIONS> \]
	|& tee -a <LOG_FILE>

This script loads the GAN model saved in GAN_TRAIN_DIR and performs hyperopt. It uses the training data in DATA_DIR, from which it discards the first PERCENTAGE_TO_DROP percentage. This is useful if you want to train your GAN on the first q% of the data and the CNN on the last (100-q)%, thus partitioning the data into two partitions.

Please also have a look at the descriptions of the other parameters here.

For example, you can also set --train_data_percentages to use only a percentage of the CNN data for training. Thus, the final number of data points will be train_data_percentages / 100 * (100-q) / 100. This is useful for getting the data for reproducing Fig. 4.6, where q = 60, (100-q) = 40 and train_data_percentages = 25,50,75,100.

You can also check out the checkpoint_iters variable. In case there are multiple GAN models checkpoints saved, you can specifiy which models you would like to load the weights from. Useful for creating the data for figure 4.2.

  1. In case you would also like the best resulted model from step 3 (after hyperopt), you can set perform_test_best_hyperopt = True here. This will cause after hyperopt to decode the optimized parameters and pass them to the test script. This test script trains a model with the given architecture and evaluates it against the given test set.

I strongly recommed using the LOG_FILE here. This log file contains general logs as well as the results. This makes the entire system less complicated to debug and to maintain. To extract the results, simple bash commands to parse the text file do the job.

cat <LOG_FILE> | grep Result > results.txt

Here, I used the word "Result" because it discriminates between the final results and rest of system logs.

  1. If you would like to use another dataset, please follow the Donahue's instructions below to create build the datasets in the .tfrecord format. It is a good practice to create one set of multiple shards for train, one for valid and one for test. Check the --name parameter. Also, make sure to set the data-constants appropriately.

For experimenting with WaveGAN, the procedures are the same, expect the moments file is not necessary anymore and GAN_TYPE is now wavegan instead of specgan.

Below this row is the original content of Donahue's wavegan repo.


Official TensorFlow implementation of WaveGAN (Donahue et al. 2018) (paper) (demo) (sound examples). WaveGAN is a GAN approach designed for operation on raw, time-domain audio samples. It is related to the DCGAN approach (Radford et al. 2016), a popular GAN model designed for image synthesis. WaveGAN uses one-dimensional transposed convolutions with longer filters and larger stride than DCGAN, as shown in the figure above.



# Will likely also work with newer versions of Tensorflow
pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.4.0
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib

Build datasets

You can download the datasets from our paper bundled as TFRecords ...

or build your own from directories of audio files:

python data/ \
	/my/audio/folder/trainset \
	./data/customdataset \
	--ext mp3 \
	--fs 16000 \
	--nshards 64 \
	--slice_len 1.5 \

Train WaveGAN

To begin (or resume) training

python train ./train \
	--data_dir ./data/customdataset

If your results are unsatisfactory, try adding a post-processing filter with --wavegan_genr_pp or removing phase shuffle with --wavegan_disc_phaseshuffle 0.

To run a script that will dump a preview of fixed latent vectors at each checkpoint on the CPU

python preview ./train

To run a (slow) script that will calculate inception score for the SC09 dataset at each checkpoint

python incept ./train

To back up checkpoints every hour (GAN training will occasionally collapse)

python ./train 60

Train SpecGAN

Compute dataset moments to use for normalization

python moments ./train \
	--data_dir ./data/customdataset \
	--data_moments_fp ./train/moments.pkl

To begin (or resume) training

python train ./train \
	--data_dir ./data/customdataset \
	--data_moments_fp ./train/moments.pkl

To run a script that will dump a preview of fixed latent vectors at each checkpoint on the CPU

python preview ./train \
	--data_moments_fp ./train/moments.pkl

To run a (slow) script that will calculate inception score for the SC09 dataset at each checkpoint

python incept ./train \
	--data_moments_fp ./train/moments.pkl

To back up checkpoints every hour (GAN training will occasionally collapse)

python ./train 60


The training scripts for both WaveGAN and SpecGAN create simple TensorFlow MetaGraphs for generating audio waveforms, located in the training directory. A simple usage is below; see this Colab notebook for additional features.

import tensorflow as tf
from IPython.display import display, Audio

# Load the graph
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('infer.meta')
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
saver.restore(sess, 'model.ckpt')

# Create 50 random latent vectors z
_z = (np.random.rand(50, 100) * 2.) - 1

# Synthesize G(z)
z = graph.get_tensor_by_name('z:0')
G_z = graph.get_tensor_by_name('G_z:0')
_G_z =, {z: _z})

# Play audio in notebook
display(Audio(_G_z[0], rate=16000))


Our paper uses Inception score to (roughly) measure model performance. If you would like to compare to our reported numbers directly, you may run this script on a directory of 50,000 WAV files with 16384 samples each.

python --audio_dir wavs

To reproduce our paper results (9.18 +- 0.04) for the SC09 (download) training dataset, run

python --audio_dir sc09/train  --fix_length --n 18620


If you use this code in your research, cite via the following BibTeX:

  title={Synthesizing Audio with Generative Adversarial Networks},
  author={Donahue, Chris and McAuley, Julian and Puckette, Miller},


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