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Philip Crotwell edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 7 revisions

Using Seisplotjs

Depending on what you are trying to do, there are two main ways to use seisplotjs. Users just adding seismic data to a web page probably will just make use of the released standalone javascript file. More complicated uses, either web sites or using seisplotjs as a dependency for more development will probably benefit from NPM.


Releases packaged as a standalone javascript library suitable for direct use in a browser can be found here: This file can either be linked directly from your html page or downloaded and hosted on your server.

<script type="module">
import * as sp from "./seisplotjs_3.1.1_standalone.mjs";

\\ your code here


More complicated uses should get seisplotjs via NPM. Create a NPM project, basically a directory with a package.json and then

npm install --save seisplotjs

NPM will handle pulling in seisplotjs along with the dependencies. See the NPM docs for more information.

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