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Version 1.0.1

CSS Crush is an extensible PHP based CSS preprocessor that aims to alleviate many of the hacks and workarounds necessary in modern CSS development.

This plugin is a wrapper for CSS Crush that allows you to use it in ExpressionEngine templates.


  • ExpressionEngine 2.x
  • PHP 5.3 or later
  • The PHP function parse_ini_file is sometimes disabled by web hosts in the php.ini file. CSS Crush requires this function to be enabled.


  1. Copy the crush folder to ./system/expressionengine/third_party/
  2. Create a folder 'cache' somewhere in your public webroot and make it writable by PHP
  3. Open your webroot index.php file, find the "CUSTOM CONFIG VALUES" section and add the following lines:

$assign_to_config['crush_output_dir'] = '/path/to/cache'; //no trailing slash

(if you're using a custom config bootstrap file, add the config items there instead)


This plugin supports all the CSS Crush methods as tags, with options passed as parameters. Example:



###{exp:crush:tag} Process host CSS file and return an HTML link tag with populated href

###{exp:crush:file} Process host CSS file and return a new compiled file

###{exp:crush:inline} Process host CSS file and return CSS as text wrapped in html style tags

###{exp:crush:string} Compile a raw string of CSS string and return it

###{exp:crush:stat} Retrieve statistics from the most recent compiled file. Requires the trace option to be set. Current available stats: selector_count, rule_count, compile_time and errors. Pass no argument to retrieve all available stats.


###filename="" Root relative or absolute path to the CSS file

###attributes="attr1=val1|attr2=val2" An array of html sttributes.

###minify="y|n" Enable or disable minification of the compiled CSS file.

###formatter="block|single-line|padded" Set the formatting mode for un-minified output. Only applies when minify option is set to false.

###newlines="use-platform|windows/win|unix" Set the output style of newlines.

###boilerplate="y|n|[filepath]" Prepend a boilerplate to the output file.

###versioning="y|n" Append a timestamped querystring to output filename.

###vars="my_var1=#333|my_var2=20px" An associative array of variables to pass to the CSS file at runtime.

###cache="y|n" Turn caching on or off.

###output_dir="" Specify an output directory for compiled files. Defaults to the same directory as the host file. Can also be overriden by adding a config item 'crush_output_dir'

###vendor_target="all|moz|webkit|..." Filter aliases to a specific vendor prefix.

###output_file="" Specify an output filename (suffix is added).

###rewrite_import_urls="y|n|absolute" Rewrite relative urls (and data-uris) inside inlined imported files.

###enable="plugin_1|plugin_2" An array of plugin names to enable.

###disable="plugin_1|plugin_2" An array of plugin names to disable.

###trace="y|n|option1=val1|option2=val2" Output SASS debug-info stubs

###stat_name="selector_count|rule_count|compile_time|errors" Retrieve statistics from the most recent compiled file

###context="" Context for importing resources from relative urls

###doc_root="" Specify an alternative server document root for situations where the CSS is being served behind an alias or url rewritten path.

###dir="" Specify a directory when clearing the cache


CSS Crush for ExpressionEngine






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