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Planning Poker

alidarwiche edited this page Nov 18, 2016 · 1 revision

Planning Poker

Using planITpoker, our team evaluated 10 user stories. We then implemented the tasks that we thought we could complete and recorded how much time they actually took us in comparison to to our groups expected number of points. To learn more about Planning Poker, click here for a useful article on the technique.

###User Story #1

As a geography enthusiast, I would like to view the highest elevation in each state, to improve my knowledge.

Estimate : 3 Points

Actual: 1 hour

###User Story #2

I want to plan a trip to a state park in the same state as me, to take my family sightseeing

Estimate: 5 Points

Actual: 3 hours

###User Story #3

My friends and I want to plan an out of state camping trip so we can see a state that we have not been too before.

Estimate: 5 Points

Actual: 3 hours

###User Story #4

A group is wanting to go to a state park and they want to spend the night at a campground nearby, so they can explore for 2 days.

Estimate: 8 Points

Actual: 5 hours

###User Story #5

Some friends want to find a triathlon near where they live so they'll be able to look up events in their state.

Estimate: 5 Points

Actual: 10 hours

###User Story #6

My husband's sister's boyfriend's aunt wants to go kayaking, so she should be able to look at events on this site and find something that suits her.

Estimate: 3 Points

Actual: 5 hours

###User Story #7

Someone is looking for sports events near them, so they want to search for sporting events in their zipcode.

Estimate: 3 Points

Actual: 4 hours

###User Story #8

Somebody wants go sightseeing and wants to look up state parks in their state as well as neighboring states, so they can bring up a list of parks and sort it by state.

Estimate: 8 Points

Actual: 9 hours

###User Story #9

Somebody wants to see the what the 3 smallest states are, so they can pull up the states list and sort in increasing order.

Estimate: 1 Points

Actual: 1 hour

###User Story #10

As a biker, I want to be able to find biking trails, so that I can feel the rush of the wind.

Estimate: 5 Points

Actual: 9 hours

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